Beyond captivating - Episode 56

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Lucas POV:

I still couldn't believe Silvia wasn't saying anything through out the whole drive,
She neither bother asking again on where I was taking her or anything to know about Matilda ...

Gosh this woman, the next
She rather stay soft spoken and even tempered and in the next she was this terror hard woman with that kungfu skills of hers ..
I didn't expect this, she has too much vivacity and intelligence to be silent
Was she still angry I contributed to Nigel's health, cause with in me I knew I was about to go crazy, but having her by my side now felt as if I had pulled off some of the burden  ..

She dazed me with a smile when I stare at her again and it just felt as if my throat is gonna rip out of my lungs ..

Was I blushing, damn I have never wanted anyone as much as I wanted this woman ...
A fantasy of doing what quickly flashed into my mind got me adjusting my hands on the steering wheel ...

Lucas behave ...

I pulled into the packing lot and twisted the keys on the ignition...the fact was
She was the first lady I have ever brought to my personal apartment ...

I was expecting her to bombard me with questions like most ladies does, but she didn't ...instead she followed quietly the moment I wrap my hands with hers ...
What kind of a woman is she?
She kept amazing me with her uniqueness,

I locked the door behind me leaving her to glance at the surroundings while I made my inside to arrange my stuffs..

When I came back she was seated on the sofa, I knew she was tired we both were...

"Silvia this is my apartment"

"Really, its beautiful, everywhere Is sparkling, exactly your taste .."

I smiled and moved closer to her ...

"Believe me, I bought this place not long so you are the first lady that has ever step foot in here and i assure you would be the last"

" I understand Lucas, you don't need to explain any thing"

I took her hand and lifted her up to her feet

"Since you wouldn't ask guess I need to explain, its necessary to"

She nodded and smile and for a moment I could only stare at her, not really knowing what next to say ..

"let me feel the length Lucas" I cleared my tone almost nervously when I remembered those word
Damn it Silvia, I don't wanna do this

"emm yes shower, come with me please....this .... This way" 

She moved towards the direction I gestured, the moment my gaze lingered down her butt, I shifted my stare,

"Lucas behave yourself"
I bit my lips and led her further into my room,
With the expression on her face I knew she really loved the settings of things but the fact that she wasn't saying anything was definitely driving me  crazy..

"I need your help with this Lucas, I think the button is stuck," she called from the bathroom

At the sound of that my heart skipped, what what what??
What did she just say ?

"Lucas come help me with this" she called again

Silvia don't do this ...please

I stare down at my arousal and quickly adjusted my short, of course I was out out of my trousers already preparing to go in after she's done...

Shit I hope its not that obvious...
I swallowed and gently drag my legs towards the bathroom ...
I took a deep breath in and out before building up the courage to open the door only to see her softly cursed her unsuccessful efforts in unbuttoning her shirt...

It seemed like an eternity of heart stopping silence that i stared at her, holding on to the door knob just staring and drinking in her natural  beauty
Gosh i have never known the joy i felt now at the mere sight of her ...apart from those strength ... she was a woman dammit ..a beautiful, sensual, and sexy woman
God I love her ..I love her, I love her

"Silvia you called me" I managed to say

She was still fumbling on the button when she turn ,the sight of her exposed boobs made my eyes go wide..
Don't do this Lucas, run

she wasn't looking up at me when she answered

"Yes, I don't wanna force it, the button seems stuck"

I gasped silently
The fact was what i felt now, as i looked at her was something deep and compelling, Something far from clash was like being hypnotized,

This time when she look up at me, we both didn't try to look away
It was very much exactly like what i had felt yesterday at the athletic pool
when i had looked up to find her
watching me from afar.. It was
almost something like a magnet pulling me closer to her
Slowly I  took her hand and lowered it to her side...

"Let me see"

I was fumbling on the botton when my hand brushed the softness of her boobs , I swallowed, the truth was, I couldn't communicate anymore, I couldn't hide my arousal, I couldn't do anything now that her gaze was lingered on it ...

"Lucas, why haven't you showered yet,"

I was glad she brought up something to say...

"Emm actually, I haven't set up the other two rooms in here, this is the only comfortable one, hope you wont mind, we'll share ...just for this night"

She nodded without speaking and I started to wonder what she was thinking about, hope she is okay with it ...when i noticed her gaze was on me just looking at my face without saying a word my throat inched

Mine was on the button as I twist my hand on it, am finished what is she staring at ...

"Silvia, is something on my face" I manage to say in a voice that doesn't sound as half as mine ..
She looked down at the button I was fumbling on and smile shyly ...
Wait!! did she blushed just now ...

"Despite your plastered face, I can't believe you could still look so good"

I smile on the compliment and sighed at the successful button charade...

"There, it is done"

"Thanks" she said softly
I watched as she slide the  blouse off her shoulder and down to her arm, my heart was pounding all the while  but sighed out when she caught it against her chest ....

"And how is your shoulder" I asked


"alright Emm i think I should go " I rushed out before I could think of doing anything crazy...

My heart was hammering like never before the moment I closed the door behind me ...
I became unsettled, I couldn't rest anymore ...I was hungry, not for food but for her, I really wanted her now as in now ...
Seconds passed by, up to a minute and two, and three
Here I was still pacing everywhere with my hand racking through my hair...
....Lucas behave....
I stare down at my short, the stupid thing wouldn't even go down ...dammit
Just take a deep breath and out lucas

I was trying to steady my breath when i heard her voice 

"You can go in now, am through"  at the sound of that, my eyes went huge, my back was facing her though, but if she is the type that studies a lot she would have noticed the sound of my loud breath....

My legs were stuck on the floor, while I keep battling with emotions
Lucas close your eyes don't look at her..
Don't,don't, don't, don't..

but the voice went unheeded just when I did look at her, I was forced to pick up a race into the bathroom...

"Christ" I gasped and hurriedly put a lock on the door...

"Oops" I licked my lower as goosebumps battered my entire being...
Unable to stand straight anymore.   I lean on the door and hit my head softly on it repeatedly, a blue towel customized with my name and picture was wrapped around her...she was looking so clean and wet with a yet another small towel customised with my picture around her hair...gosh
Despite the battalions of towels in here ,, why choose that ,
Why choose to wrap me around her ,,

Her thighs, her thighs, heaven am finished...
Almost hurriedly I filled the tub with cold icy water before finally socking my nakedness in...

I stayed there for almost like an eternity until i heard a soft knock on the door

"Lucas are you okay"

At the sound of that, heaven knows I nearly fainted, its 1.0clock in the morning why is she not asleep yet..

Am finished

Silvia POV:

Oh Lucas!.
I knew he was really trying his best to avoid making love to me,
But every part of him says he wants to
And to me his kiss today had done more than high intoxication to me....

it had brought an unbelievable ecstasy in which all i did was soared so high
Imagining different stuff like how his love making is gonna be like, how hot he is really gonna be..

His bathroom was heaven, every thing was all set in place, beautiful, sparkling with warm lighting ...
The warm bath was a medicine., I felt relaxed and chilled ...
Although it took a while to locate his towels but the moment i located it
I almost jumped in joy at the one his handsome face and name was beautifully printed on it ...
I took it with trembling hands,...

"Oh gosh look at him"

the smell of him on it was enough to build up more sensation between my legs...  Gosh I wish I could be with him until forever with nothing hindering us,
Oh Lucas,...I glance at door, actually I had purposely left it unlocked hoping he might come in..I waited a minute more when he didn't, I wrap the towel around me and the other to wrap my hair before making my way out ...
I peeped, he was actually pacing helter shelter, with his hand racking on his hair,

"What is wrong with him"

The moment my gaze lingered down to his short, I knew that was it, he could have easily come in, I smile when I remember this was the new Lucas, guess I never expected he could  change so much to the extent of resistance...

What should I say ,, lord..
I cracked my tone silently

"You can go in now, am through" I  said

I was trying to adjust to my slippery legs ,,when he raced by ...

Wait why did he do that???

My throat tightened when I realised he did that probably cause of my exposed shoulder and thighs...
Oh Lucas how long are you gonna keep resisting me...just stop this torture already ..
Am sure I needed you, there's nothing stopping us from making love already ..
After taking care of my stuff, I went through his closet and end up wearing one of his shirt which was long enough to cover part of my thighs,

"Perfect" I smile in front of the mirror before making my way out of his room and towards His refrigerator,
I made a fast food, after eating mine I arranged his on the tray and went back in...i was surprised he wasn't out yet..

Wait it's been an hour now

What is he doing,??
I put down the tray and clutched the shirt to myself, I was already feeling alone and vulnerable wondering what exactly he was doing to spend a whole hour in the bathroom..
I paced, sat, stood, c*ressed my hair, still he wasn't coming out
What exactly is wrong with him....I hope he is okay??

Finally walking up to the closed door ,, I raised my hand and knocked on the door

"Lucas are you okay"

No replies...


I gave a breathed sigh when he answered ...

"Yes I am Silvia, I will be out in a minute"

Hastily I adjusted the shirt on my body and went ahead to seat quietly on the bed eyes flew up when he opened the door and heaven know I nearly fainted at the sight of his bare chest, His biceps,
Oh my

I felt my cheek go warm and was as disconcerted by the reaction it bought....

Of course I had been alone with nate, as in under the same room, in my room, in his room but never have I felt as disrupted as I had felt now with this man...

He wasn't looking at me when he spoke though but I felt him ,, the smell of him...the water sliding down his body, every thing about him was beyond...this guy is really a kill...

"Am sorry, I slept off inside the tub, today was really tiring you know.." He said

"I see"

I took a deep breath that rifle with the scent of him when he passed by to take a bite of what I had prepared ,,

"You prepared this mmm, it taste nice"

The thudding of my heart was coming more rapidly when I steal a level glance at him once more , his hulk figure got my mouth open, he was very very hot ,, heaven he is hot

I fan myself with my breath and keep staring at his charade, I glance away and stare again, I hadn't even noticed when he finished his meal ...cause the next I realised was his back facing me ...

He stood there for almost like a minute without moving ...

"Lucas are you okay???

Was surprised when he suddenly turned back to me with a
low growled. "Damn it, Silvia"

"Why do you keep doing that" he said again

"Do what?" I shuddered, at the sight of his short

"you keep Looking at me with that very open invitation written all over your face. Heaven knows I've fought to control myself for your sake. I can't hold it in anymore ...I want you Silvia  . . ."


He closed his eyes and walked a little towards me

"its been this way because of you silvia, please can i...make love to you? I swear, I won't hurt you,"

Shocked my Heart began to
pound in  last minute fear as i
Stare at the emotions on his beautiful face ....isn't it what I wanted ,, then why was I scared

May be because i had sworn to myself that this would never happen again.
That all men are devil, how I would forever feel hatred for them ,,,but Lucas ...

Every part of me have denied the hatred I felt for men ever since I set my eyes on him
Now i was going to let him make love to me.
there was no decision to be made i was sure i want him

"yes" i whispered ...

He took my hand to his and inched me so close to him

"Silvia, Are you sure? I won't have you hating me after this " he said searching my eye

"I'm sure Lucas, very sure"

I loved him and needed
him. That was all that mattered
He smile slowly and reached for the top button on my shirt, i could only watch as he loosened it,

"You don't have be shy silvia mmm"

The fact was I was indeed very shy cause this was gonna be like my first,

Lucas pov:

What could I have asked for, I have  everything, and this special woman that completes the dreams of a man ,, I can't believe this was happening,
Am actually about to make love to a woman of steel ...
Silvia ...unbelievable..

Slowly with my hands still loosening the button of her shirt I took her lips into mine, I felt her tremble and stopped to reassure her again

"I won't hurt you Silvia, I swear"

And then i kissed her again, repeating
with my lips what my words had mearnt..

i felt the peak of her b**bs ,, and battled with more growing excitement threatening to over took me   ..

I couldn't help but stepped back to stare at her as the shirt fall from her shoulder...amazement battled my form as my gaze lingered on every part of her

"Wao You are beautiful",

The fact that she is isn't wearing anything underneath nearly got me crazy gaze met hers and the raw hunger in her eyes send a fiery trail of need through me

"oh Silvia "

I lifted her into my arms and carried her towards the bed, I felt her flesh burned against mine which almost sent me to the edge ...

Gosh Very gently, i laid her
down, pulling the blankets back so that she could rest on the cool sheets. Then i stood back and drank in her nakedness once more It was as though she was the first am seeing ...

She was extremely female,, light skin and beautiful..

I dragged myself away from the bed and pull down my shorts only to see her eyes go wide

"Lucas" her breath accelerated


She closed her eyes as I lowered my head to feel the taste of her

Silvia POV

As he came down to me on the bed, I heard him murmured soft words of encouragement in my
ear, then began a sensual attack with his lips and tongue
and his fingers, finding my secret pleasure places and making them his,

I knew he was preparing me for
him as i had never been readied before...
When i could stand no more of the sweet pleasures,
I grabbed his face to mine  and
drugged my lips with his, it was a long and deep kiss with excitement and love,

I moved to his touches
his hands keep lifting me above the realm of reality, stoking and sending fires within that only he could quench . My body became an
instrument of rapture beneath his skilled fingers,
Did i say skilled , of course he was, he wasn't an amateur....I was amazed that
he allow no thought in my mind but that of the ecst*sy toward which he was leading me.

"Oh Lucas" I m*aned softly as he traced his lips down to my b**bs .

He feast on them for almost an eternity before tracing his kisses down ,and finally leaving me with no choice than to scream out his name repeatedly,

But yet he wouldn't stop,
He is gonna eat me alive!!

he stayed feasting on it for several minutes before he finally look up to gaze at me,
I was already drugged by his touches
I just wanted him and nothing more ..

He moved up to me
One last time, he kissed me, long and deep, then left me with no time to fear,

He was in full control now so I left him to do whatever he wanted with my body, my world was his, my entire being was his now ,

already throbbing with the need of him, to my surprise I felt no single pain the moment he pushed forward was as though my body was expecting him...
My cry of ecst*sy filled his lips as he moist it with wet kisses
I stroked the flexing muscles of his

"Oh please Lucas"

I cry out his name again and again, until, at last, the explosion, the summit, the final goal was reached.
Slowly, very slowly, we relaxed against one another as our breathing steadied.
I have never in my life felt anything as intense and beautiful as Lucas Tyson's life force filling me ...

there were no words to express what i had felt. I could only savor the deep beat of his heart, the dampness of his body as it was now stretched to full length by my side, the weight of his hand as it rested heavily on the warmth of my stomach.

I stare at him and smile softly..

"I love you silvia" he said as he drew me closer to wrap my nakedness to his ...

"I love you too Lucas"

I cleared the tears of happiness on my face then snuggled deeper into his bigger form

My final thought before we both give up to sleep was if a baby came, then it would be the most precious gift ever..


Chai..... Lucas ehn ......

What would happen now ??

This is serious ooo....

Now here comes the truth!!!

Don't forget to like rate and comments guys ...

Thanks lots of love. .

Seat and enjoy the remaining episodes of beyond captivating ...

My silent readers ...

Ya gal dey Holla ooo...

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  • Latifah Habib picture
    Latifah Habib
    NYC one dear...tanx 4 de update... Wish dis moment can last buh de truth will spoil evrytin...hope love conquers all
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Nice Episode. I hope Silvia will be able to forgive Lucas since he has truly changed.
  • lydy mbuh picture
    lydy mbuh
    their love is sealed, they gonna conquer it no matter how heart breaking it is thumbs up Op
  • Rifkatu Halilu picture
    Rifkatu Halilu
    Oh, I feel for both Lucas and Silvia when the truth finally pup's out Kudos Op Amina
  • Toyyibah Ajiboye picture
    Toyyibah Ajiboye
    Ooops! i hope wen d truth is out silvia wil b able 2 4giv lucas,love u die, AMINA.
  • Cynthiah Bismarck picture
    Cynthiah Bismarck
    Eagerly Waiting
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Can't wait! Silvia mum is there to calm the storm
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    An just scared of Sylvia's next action when d truth is out
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    However the truth will come, Sylvia and Lucas still deserve each other and with Jamie they will make a perfect family. Here we awaits d truth, drama and more drama
  • Vivian Chime picture
    Vivian Chime
    Hope love conquers at the end when the truth comes out...... Nice one Amina.....
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    I hope she loves him still after the truth is revealed...Thanks for the update dear,more grace...
  • Stephanie picture
    I hope Silvia get pregnant again... Thanks dear but your upload is taking too long. I'm expecting more
  • Ohemah picture
    I hope the truth will not break them apart. Nice one
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    pls dont let the truth break them apart o,i hope syliva will forgive him o
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    baby number two on the way....things are gonna get ugly but I believe they'll get through this.
  • Mawuena Nina picture
    Mawuena Nina
    This episode is interesting. Thanks to Silvia, Lucas now controls his feeling
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    The suspense is killing me
  • festus wisdom picture
    festus wisdom
    she will forgive him when the truth is out..all that is one of his past
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Waiting For The Big Truth
  • Cynthiah Bismarck picture
    Cynthiah Bismarck
    The Suspense Is Too Long Now Nah,,do Smethng
  • Mery Ezinne Okoro picture
    Mery Ezinne Okoro
    Can't wait ooo... Thumbs up gal, keep going
  • miss~kbest picture
    Waiting please
  • Cynthiah Bismarck picture
    Cynthiah Bismarck
    Amina Beby,,wat Happened??Pls Do Smethng,,the Break U Gave Us Is Enough Sweetheart
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Love you all guys ,, am sorry please ,,work always got me busy and tired during the week ,, I appreciate you all for the comments and remembrance ... Another episode is out ,, Am gonna work so hard to release more and more this week end you all ...and thanks.. God bless...
  • Cynthiah Bismarck picture
    Cynthiah Bismarck
    Am Extpecting It Tonight Girlfriend,,welcme Back
  • Alexander Alexandra picture
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