Deciet - Episode 31


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Jack's p.o.v
My eyes went open at the sight before me standing before me was no other but Mercy. The bitch had come to ruin my life again. She wore a very skimpy dress that showed all her cleavages in as much as I want to push her out,I can't. I'm but human. "What do you want?"I ask through gritted teeth. She sits crossing her leg which showed more flesh and I'm tempted to tell her to sit well . She sits so freely as she brings out a pack of cigarette and lights it looking into my eyes. "Come on Jack .... you can't be possibly.... angry you were the same one screaming more..... more"she said with a smirk. Yes she's having that same effect that I really want to avoid. "Mercy please leave... my life was better without you"Did I just blurt out those words."Jack..."She said and again her dress was down. I wonder where she learnt that trick from. "I love you can't you see...."She said holding my hands. "I love you too..."Did i just blurt out those words what is wrong with me today..... She groaned as she started dancing,I've had enough temptation as I pushed her to the bed. "Jack"She called,I looked at her eyes"Huh?"I ask. "Please don't leave me"She said screaming pleasurably...

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I just know I'm going to regret it.

Kiki's p.o.v
I looked at the car park as tears blinded my sight. Jack didn't really care ... he couldn't even stop me... and it hurts. This is the reason why I've never given men a chance. Heart wrenching throbs run through me,my breathing rapidly becoming faster.
I looked at Kroger as he picked up the letter I put in the locker. He looked at me, I smiled shyly when he was reading the letter and he tucked it into his bag. "Isoken.... I've done it..... I've finally told K how I feel...."I screamed excitedly. Her looks dissapionted me"Kiki what is wrong with you? You must have looked very you are going to go to him and say that letter was a misunderstanding"She said dragging me when I protested. I finally got to Kroger's class. "I can't knock I'm nervous"I said. "You are very stupid"Isoken was about opening the door when we heard laughter. "You mean.... she sent you a letter..."Came one of the voices. "You bet...she told me how she thought I was her prince charming and infact let me show you...."Kroger's voice was heard as we heard rustle of papers and general laughter. "Soo...."Another voice came. "so...I will throw her letter in the dustbin.... I'll choose Lucifer over her.... have you seen her Boobs she's as flat as they come"Krogen chuckled. I had taken too much as I ran off crying followed by Isoken.
I thought I and Jack had something special but guess I was wrong. I guess I have to get home first things first and tell mom of my whereabouts. She must be dead worried. I entered the road and was about stopping a car when I saw a familiar face. "I'd never thought I'd say this but I'm so glad to see you PETER.........."I said as I entered the back seat and he drove off.

Alaine's p.o.v
I woke up screaming.... it was a nightmare.... I never have nightmares so something bad is about to happen. I picked up my cross and held it against my chest saying"Save me oh God...." When I heard a loud rumble. Is that the thunder? I picked up my lamp which was already flicking out and stared at Dolapo... who was still snoring loudly. She's such a heavy sleeper. The whole house could burn for all she cares and she'll still be sleeping. I'm scared of  thunder so I quietly crept out of the the room. I don't know what I was looking for but an invisible force sent me out of the room and I kept walking till I was at the end of the house. What am I doing here? Now I'm really scared suddenly my light flickered out. "No!"I screamed as I searched desperately for a door, found the handle and opened it and I stared at what I saw in horror.

Dolapo's p.o.v
"Ahh!"I yawned as I faced the other side of the bed. I yawned again and it was confirmed I'm thirsty or hungry. I got up scratching my head as I saw rain droplets outside and immediately closed the door because  the cold was too much. "Isi"I wispered, no reply. Getting up i tried to open the door and saw it was unlocked. Where will Isi go to at this time? Then it dawned on me that maybe she had gone to the forbidden room.

Read " Fell In Love With A Bad Boy " by the same author ( Lo is )

. With my heart in my mouth,my steps faltering I walked briskly hoping Isi was not there ....

Amaka's p.o.v (You didn't forget about me did you?)
I've been watching the house for days and no movement. "It's hopeless.... Anderson there's no one coming out of this house it's like everyone suddenly dissapeared into thin air...."I bit my manicured nails. "No need to be worried.... we'll initiate plan b...."He said. I smiled in understanding.... because this ride Is about to get bumpy...


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