H.Y.B.R.I.D (Sequel to The Forgotten Wolf) - Episode 15

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Previously on Hybrid:

They disappeared right there.


That same night.

"The girls are no longer in their rooms". One of the guards sent to call Rala and Rava reported his findings to Prince Philip and Lucian. They had wanted to discuss something important with their daughters.

The guards had cross checked and even checked around the palace to see if he could find them but to no avail.


"What?" Prince Philip and Lucian both said at the same time expresses shocked.

"Have you combed around the palace to verify what you are saying?" Prince Philip asked the guard.

"Yes your majesty, we've searched everywhere for them but we couldn't find them". The second guard responded.

"If you have checked around like you said, then where did they go to at this time of the night?"

No one could answer Prince Philip question.


That same night:

"I know why you're here Philip" . Arizona began softly as Philip came to her chambers that night alongside with Lucan.

"Then where did they go?" Lucian asked immediately before the high priestess finished speaking.

"To the hybrid kingdom to save their mothers. They will succeed in their mission, don't worry too much about them rather worry about this kingdom"

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/h-y-b-r-i-d-sequel-to-the-forgotten-wolf

. Arizona told them.

"We will soon discuss about Rala and Rava but for now what did you mean by that?" Prince Philip asked.

"The fire wolf king, Levi, and his people are getting ready for war". Arizona said.

"War for what? Who are they up against?" Lucian questioned.

"Crescent Kingdom- this kingdom. Rava and Rala might have known about this thus leaving for the hybrid kingdom and allowing you stay back to protect the kingdom. If you all March to the Hybrid kingdom, you are leaving Crescent Kingdom at the mercy of the Fire Wolf. This was revealed to me Philip. Start preparing your armies because the Fire Wolf king would attack any moment from now. Let's take them by surprise". Arizona explained to them.

"I shall announced to the whole kingdom when they have assembly at the courtyard tomorrow that we are at war with the hidden kingdom". Prince Philip said.

"That will be good. Delay is dangerous, you know the Fire Wolf kingdom is a very strong kingdom that hasn't been defeated since the beginning of time so your chance against them are lime unless you have another alternative to defeat the Hidden Kingdom". Arizona told them in a warning tone.

"I see, very well then, we shall get prepared for the battle ahead". Prince Philip said.

"If you said Rava and Rala are right in going after the hybrid king then I am ready for the great battle ahead". Lucian said still worried about the girls.

"You worry too much my friend. Don't underestimate the girls, they know what they are doing more than you think. Be rest assured they will succeed in their quest". Arizona assured them.

Thanking her wholeheartedly they left for their different chambers, each thinking about the battle against the Fire Wolf. Sleep finally took over them eventually.


"You mean the Fire Wolf wants to go to war against us?" The moon goddess asked for the umpteen time as she stare disbelieve at Philip and Lucian. Reed was with them.

"That was what Arizona told us".

"Yeah she told me also". Reed answered.

"But you all know the Fire Wolf kingdom has never lose to any war they had before. I am afraid we don't have a chance against them". The moon goddess said

"But we have the Ice Sliver sword with us, that would give us a chance against them". Lucian told the goddess.

"True, but this is Levi we are talking about. Even if he had needed the sword a long time ago or even now that hasn't stopped him from conquering any kingdom. The sword might give us a chance against him but he might have others plans". The moon goddess explained. "You don't know or seen what Levi could do against a kingdom he wishes to destroy. The hidden kingdom is one of its kind, Levi made sure of that. When his father had created that powerful sword he wanted the sword for himself but his father couldn't and that was how his hatred for his father grew. He vowed to take the sword by all means but he couldn't succeed and now the same sword is in our hands so imagine his livid". The moon goddess explained.

"I now understand you, without any further delay I beg to take my leave, I want to see what the sword can do". Prince Philip said and left the moon goddess accompanied by Lucian.


They appeared at the outskirts of the kingdom, at the back of the castle precisely.

They got down from the wolves back and turned to face the three wolves.

"This is where we stop the rest of the plans are now in your hands". The black wolf said.

Nodding their heads they said together "Thank you".

"We are with you all the way, you are not alone". The red wolf said and the three of them disappeared as usual.

Rava checked to see if their disguise was still intact then proceeding with checking their hidden scent. Their disguise made them looked so dirty and haggard that you wouldn't be able to recognize them. Just like what Odin had done before, Rava made them look older than their age.

"Well that went well. Without wasting any more time let us go in". Rava announced to Rala and they both went in.

Seeing a well tall build body guard station to guard the palace oak door they greeted the guard.

"Yes, how can I help you ladies?" He asked.

"We are here to seek the attention of his majesty". Rala answered.

"What for?"

"We came to see if he is in need of servants, we are from a very distant land and we seek refuge in his kingdom, allow us an audience with the king". Rava spoke this time.

"Are you here to spy on us? To get information about us to your king....".

He was cut off by the voice of Ara at the rooftop.

"Don't worry about them Desmond, let them in".

The guard now know as Desmond opened the large Oak door for Rava and Rala which they gladly entered without hesitation.

"Be on guard Rala should in case we are attacked". Rava whispered to her sister as they move along the tall corridor that would lead them to the Hybrid's throne room.


"Your majesty, Crescent palace have gotten wings of you attacking their kingdom from their high priestess, Sire". A guard who came rushing in told Levi as he knelt down before the king.

"I see", Levi mused to himself. "Well, that's get better. I want to test the strength of Crescent Kingdom to see if they will defeat me. It is better as they know, at least they won't say I attacked them surprisingly, am I not right?". Levi added.

"Of course Sire, you are much right. We shall crush the living day light out of them all". The guard said as he was left in no other option than to support the king, failure to do so would result his head.

"And most importantly get the Ice Sliver sword those brats took away from my gates of hell. I know they will seek out for help when they realize that I am the only one who could activate the sword and that's where our victory lays". Levi said with much cruelly laced in his voice.


"Why isn't the sword alive? I thought as we had joined the half together it would automatically activate the sword but right now look at what it is doing". Prince Philip complained to the moon goddess and Arizona. Reed, Ben, Zeus, Eric and Erica where there as they listened.

He stood up to demonstrate what he was saying. He took the sword from Lucian hands, waved it through the air and use it to strike a piece of wood in front of them. The sword bounced back. The wood still remained intact and didn't show any sign of cutting.

"This is what I am talking about. I and Lucian have almost spent the entire sharply the sword but it's still remained like this. The sword couldn't penetrate anything it touches. Why is it like that?" Prince Philip finally asked after giving out his explanation.

"That's because the sword was created from Levi's blood but his greatest weapon denies him. Just like you, once it is activated in his hand he can't move that hand no matter how much he tried. Even Ly tried but the sword couldn't. The only time the sword was activated and used was by their father. We could have checked if Rala and Rava could be able to activate the sword but they are not here right now". Arizona explained.

"So what are we going to do now that the sword is useless with us, I believe the Fire Wolf would be laughing at us by now". Lucian asked.

"We fight them to death". Eric spoke.

"With the way the situation is going, I will have no other option than to send for my mother". The moon goddess told them.

"Your mother? You have a mother?" Prince Philip asked the question everyone wanted to ask suddenly.

Nodding her head briefly. "Yeah, it is a long story but let's pray she answers my call".

"And why won't your mother answer your call?" Reed questioned.

"Because, she fell in love with me and her mother was against it. That happened a long time ago and we left them". Zeus responded as he drew the moon goddess to his side to give her the comfort that she needs and also to let her know that he was in support of her decision. "Do what is right". He added quietly.

"My mother is in another dimension and I won't if she will even regard my message. I have to try". The moon goddess said as she stretch forth her hands in the open and started whispering. A very rare blue raven appeared in her hands and she lifted up her hands.

"Go and tell her my message".

Read " The Forgotten Wolf " by the same author ( Ifeoma Isabella Okeke )

. It flew out of her hands towards the sky. A portal opened, closing after the Raven bird had entered.

"Now we wait for her message". She said.


The door to the throne room which the Nine king and queen were opened with much force, halting all of them as they turned to see a guard, the oldest guard in Crescent, approaching them.

"Yes, what can we do for you?" Diana asked. Whatever that had made the guard to barge in the way he did surely means something.

"A message from Judith". The guard responded.

At the mention of Judith, Diana gasped out in surprise and so was a lady sitting beside the High king of the Nine kingdoms.

"A message you said that came from Judith, are you sure?" Diana asked to be sure.

"I am sure, you remembered you gave her the blue raven bird as her birthday gift?". Nodding her head, he proceeded. "It is the same one hanging outside the court yard now". He explained.

"If you will excuse me and Selena we would love to see the bird". She left the meeting together with the guard and Selena.

"It is true". Selena said.

"Then it signify that she need our help. Selena inform Grace and Erica about the newest development while I inform Lucas about Judith sudden appearance".

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  • Tadenikawo picture
    Nice one. I just pray they help the Cresent Kingdom. And Rava and Rala were not caught
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