My only addiction - Episode 33

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Arya's POV
Waking up and seeing the love of your life lying peaceful next you is priceless...

I couldn't help but stroke his cheek....Words are not enough to describe how handsome and attractive this man is...

I am sure when been created, God poured some sprinkles and everything pretty in his mud before molding him...He was perfectly carved for the human beings to admire....

I bent forward so that I could kiss him when he opened his eyes...
"Hey doll face???"
He pulled me against his chest and wrapped his arms around me...
"Why are you up so early???" He yawned...
"I wanted to admire you...."

"That's sweet of you..." He pressed his lips softly on my forehead that my face got heated...

I will never get used to this...I have fallen for you harder than a slip on black ice..

"What time is it???" He reached for his phone on the nightstand and cursed the moment he saw it was nine o'clock...

"Damn, I will be late for practice....I knew drinking so much yesterday was a bad idea...I feel like my head will explode soon..." He kissed the top of my head and got out of bed to get ready...
"I will prepare breakfast!!!" I said dryly and  he just nodded entering the bathroom...

I wish I would have for myself for only today but am not that lucky...Am I????

I was preparing scrambled eggs on the pan when he walked in looking all fresh...He had worn a pair of blue tattered jeans with a white turtle neck and in his hand he was holding his black leather jacket...

"Wow, it's smells sweet..." He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed  my cheek,"But I am afraid I can't eat..I am running late pretty doll..."

"Not even coffee...."
"I am sorry...." He turned me around and captured my lips into a kiss only to pull back when I tried to deepen the kiss...

"I am running late...See you later...."

"Will you come later????" I gripped the t-shirt I was wearing hard  and swallowed the panic threatening to climb my chest...
My chest felt tight just thinking about what happened to me, the last time I was in this apartment....

"I promise...."
"Okay..." I whispered with uncertainty in my voice...

"Hey???" His hand encircled mine  like he had sensed my fear,"I am coming back to you in the evening....Because it's only by your side I feel home..."
"I trust you...."

After he left, I took a bath,  cleaned his messy room, watched an episode of Game of thrones but boredom was killing me...The apartment felt cold and deserted without him here....

Girlfriend why don't you have a glass of wine and dance around like you own the place...My inner goddess whispered to me...

Or she can ransake around the house for any clues of Ethan's cheating??? She hasn't seen him in three weeks...My subconscious mind sneered...

No, thanks I will go with the latter...I rolled my eyes at the both of them..

I wish you would not have come to life b*tch...My subconscious mind groaned at my inner goddess.

It's a high time the bitch gets confident and naughtier...My inner goddess winked at me and I just shook my head...
I scrolled through my music playlist and just found the perfect song to listen on repeat...
House on fire by Sia..

Baby, I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
Boy, I'm going up in flames
And you're to blame
Yeah, you're to blame
Baby, I'm a house on fire
And I want to keep burning
I wanna keep burning
I wanna keep burning
I wanna keep burning
Baby, I'm a house on fire
I wanna keep burning
I wanna keep burning
I wanna keep burning
Baby, I'm a house on fire

I danced in the kitchen like an incompetent freak with a wine glass in my hand...

Love me, to the beat of a drum, to the beat of a drum, yeah
Love me, till the walls give in, yeah
Love me, to the beat of a drum, to the beat of a drum, yeah
Love me, I don't wanna say, babe

Babe, oh I want to drink you in
Like oxygen, like oxygen

It was like I was radiating from inside out....I was up in flames because of Ethan...
I was like a house on fire which wanted to keep burning...

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I don't know if I freaked out or it was my defensive mechanism doing his job overtime...

The glass flew out of my hand and wine splattered all over him...
I stared at his wine t-shirt in horror unable to formulate any words as I looked at Troy Marcias..

This month's cover of Forbes magazine..He was number three on the list of top businessmen under 30 in Africa...

You probably wondering how I know...I have been stalking the Marcias family for the longest time now...I need to know everything about Ethan....

Come on mouth, even if it's gibberish....
He was about to speak when his phone started blaring with music...
"I am sorry...." I mouthed as he began speaking on the phone...
"It's okay..." He mouthed back....

He was captivatingly attractive...Perfect nose and beautiful lips...He looked more of a pin up centrefold model placed on each to disrupt normal functioning of female bodies....

He sounded like a commanding, responsible and Hella s*xy businessman as he talked on the phone..
His voice was steady, authoritative and steady....

"Make sure everything is perfect before the conference meeting tomorrow..."
"Don't forget to cancel my meetings this whole afternoon..."
"I hope you have already given Jordan the audit reports for the Yala condominiums project..."

"Hey, you must be Arya...." He said in more of a question and placed his phone in the counter...
"And you must be Troy Marcias...."
"Wow!!!I didn't know I was famous..Am I???" He outstretched his arm for a handshake....
"Let's say if I was on the cover of this month's Forbes magazine then yes I am famous..." I shook his hand and sweet heavens it was soft....

"So where is this bad boy???"
"He is at practice probably until evening...."
"Is that 'House on fire' by Sia??? Trust me, it's one of my favourites.."
"Wow that's great...I think you should change before you catch a cold..." I beamed...
"Yeah sure...."

He came back in the kitchen wearing a white v-neck shirt and jumped on the counter beside me...
"So what do we do??? The day is still young...." He picked an apple from the bowl...
"Any ideas???"
"Ethan told me you  bake and your cakes are to die for. Maybe you can teach me bake...Whatever needed just tell me and it will be delivered asap..."

He was so different from Ethan..He was so collected, more mature and accomodating....
"He did???" I was surprised that Ethan even talks about me with his brother...
"He always does...."
I am sure my eyes twinkled....
"Let's see what it's available then we can use that..."

"Good news Troy...There is white sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, flour,baking powder,milk,apples and definitely salt...This is enough to have us a cake..."

I placed them on the counter and threw Troy an apron,"Are you ready???"
"It's sounds like hell of an interview..."
"If we even make a slight mistake, the cake won't taste as good..."
"We wouldn't want that, right???"
"Yes...." I chuckled....

Troy began to cream the sugar and butter together as I beat the eggs and stirred it with vanilla..

"I am all done boss...What's next????"
" We will combine the flour and baking powder and add to our creamed mixture..Ps

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. we should mix well..."
"Is this the part you remind me if we make even a slight mistake, the cake won't taste as good???"

I dipped my finger into the bowl and covered it with batter...
"Little fun doesn't hurt..." I smeared it on his nose
"No it doesn't..." He takes a fistful of batter, smears it on my cheeks and We both writhed in laughter...

"Ethan is lucky to have you in his life..I already like you..."
"He has Ivy, I am just I don't know what to him..." I replied in a sad tone.
"Trust me, their relationship might look perfect but it's not based on love...They are just together for the sake..."

At least that lit up my spirit a bit...There is some hopes of them breaking up....
"Okay..." I whispered unable to hide my smile...

After I had stirred milk until the batter smoothened...Troy tossed the pieces of peeled apples in flour and handed them to me so as I could gently incorporate them into the batter...
"Why are we tossing them in flour???" He asked...
"To keep the apples from sinking at the bottom of the bowl..."
"That's creative..." He shook his head in amusement....
"'s even written in books..." I winked at him and he just smiled....

After I had placed the cakepan on the oven, we walked to the living room and slumped on the sofa...
"That was fun...."
"Yeah...Do you care for some wine???" I asked and he nodded wordlessly...

There was this weird silence between us as we sipped our wine, our eyes glued on the television screen...We were watching the last episode of GOT...
"I prefer Vikings to GOT...." He commented....
"Me too..."
"So who is your favourite actor in Vikings????"
"Ragnar Lothbrok and you????"
"Ivar the boneless...."
"Don't tell me you pity him because he is a cripple????"
"He is a strategist...He doesn't see his cripplity as a weakness but strength...And the fact that he is unpredictable makes him the life of Vikings after Ragnar's death..."

"What about Bjorn????"
"He is just like his father....He is the little version of Ragnar..." He pointed out dryly...
"There is a new episode, we can watch it as we have some cake???" I  wiggled my eyebrows at him...
"Now we talking...."

After the cake had cooled off, I placed four  slices on a plate and returned to the living room ready to watch the afternoon away....

"Wow this apple cake is amazing...." Troy licked his fingers after the first bite...
"We did a good job..."
I sat on the sofa comfortably with the a slice of cake on my hand ready to watch Vikings when I was overwhelmed with uneasiness....

Reality began to hit me...I am in his apartment, on his sofa, wearing his t-shirt, eating from his plate and I still don't know the spot I occupy in his life...

"What the f*ck Arya????" Troy cried out when I switched off the TV....
"I need to ask you something....."

I placed the cake on my hand on the plate and turned to face him...
"Okay..." He stammered....
"You are Ethan's brother....I want you to be honest with me..."
"What about Arya????"
"Will we ever be together???? Like does he even like me or I am just his amusement...."

"I don't know Arya...That's his decision...."

"But you are his brother...You two are so close and if he talks about me then you know where I stand in his life..." I stuttered....

"Hey," He took my hands into his,"Calm down okay...All I know is that you are special...I have never seen him as happy as when he talks about you...."

I could feel my stomach knotting up with excitement...Is it true that am special to Ethan??? Does he love me like the way I do???

But then if I am special then why is he still with Ivy???? My subconscious mind asked...

Why do you always have to ruin the moment...My inner goddess rolled her eyes at her...

"Why is he still together with Ivy if I am as special as you claim????I just need answers..I am done going round in circles..." I breathed out, tears dripping from my eyes...

"Arya the limelight is complicated....Ivy and Ethan are a power couple...They are like the half of each other...They have both played a role in each other's life to be where they are and it's hard to just throw it away like it's trash...."

"I don't want to be sitting on this couch waiting for me hoping he will chose me...I need him to need me back...I want him to love me back Troy...That's all I need from Ethan..."

"Why don't you ask him Arya??? Ethan is a complicated being...At times he needs to be explained to even the obvious detail...He is never that keen...Tell him how you feel and then from there you can know if you will wait or leave...."

"What if it's a No???? I am not sure I will handle it...."
"Life is never fair Arya...If he says No then maybe you two weren't meant to be together in this Life..."

"I am still not sure...Since I found a girl in his apartment with a bedsheet wrapped around her, I don't know what to think...What if anything I have been reading it's true??? What if I am just lying to myself..." I bite my lip hard to stop my tears from flowing...

He reached out for his handkerchief in his left plant's pocket and gave it to me....
"Don't worry it's clean...So that girl you saw her name is Sophie...I am in love with her but she is obsessed with Ethan..." He sighed....

How sad???? I am here crying to him about my problems whereas he is going through the same torment as me ..

"I am sorry, do you need a hug????"
"Yes please..." He beamed and pulled me into his warm embrace....
"It must be hard for you...I am so sorry..." I rubbed his back soothingly and he just nodded wordlessly....

When I finally pulled back, I saw his blue eyes teary....
"Arya I of all people know what you are going through...Loving someone who you aren't sure will ever love you back or even feel anything for you is the worst torture one could ever make you go through..."

"If only we knew how to control what we feel or had the power to chose who to fall for..."
"But what's the fun in that????"
"We won't be sulking on this couch right now..."
"That's right..." He chuckled...

"For the record, what Ethan told you is true...Nothing happened between them. Ethan would never betray me, he loves me that much..."

That was a relief but everything still felt like jumbled set of puzzle...I haven't gotten the answers am seeking yet...

"So why can't you forget this Sophie girl??? She seems like bad news???"
"The same reason you can't stop seeing Ethan even thou you know he is still with Ivy..Love is complicated..."

The bitter true pill that's hard to swallow but needed to be swallowed anyway....

"One day, we will figure everything out..." I whispered...
"Yeah...Finally can we watch that new episode of Vikings now???"

After we watched the new episode of Vikings, we started playing poker  Troy narrating to me some of their memorable childhood moments that we didn't realise it was getting dark...

"Damn, It's already getting dark...What time is it???"
"It's seven o'clock...." Troy checked the time on his watch...
"Ethan will be very hungry when he comes and dinner is not ready...We got so lost in ourselves that we forgot about Ethan...."

I stood from the sofa and ran to the kitchen....I ransaked the refrigerator and there was only chicken and some vegetables...

"Ugali, chicken and greens(Kales and spinach) will do...I hope it will be ready by the time he gets home..." I said to myself...

"Not now Troy, I need to cook for my love....It's wrong for a man to come home and not find food on the table..."

"Arya???" Troy turned me around to face him,"Ethan is not your husband..Stop beating yourself up. I will cook the ugali and you can prepare the rest..."
"Will he prefer grilled chicken, fried or just stew????"
"Arya just cook what you want...."

Just when we finished cooking, Ethan walked into the kitchen...He came back...

"Ethan..." I jogged to him and threw my arms around him...And hugged me..
"You kept your promise..."

"Yeah...And what do you have  on your face??? Is it flour???" I even forgot about the dried batter on my cheek...

"Yeah..Me and Troy might have baked an apple cake..."

"I am glad you two had fun..." His face hovered an inch Infront of me before he kissed me...

Again when I wanted to deepen the kiss, he pulled back...

"Let me freshen up first...."
"Okay..We will set the table, we cooked dinner just for you..."
"Wow that's sweet of you..." He kissed me on the cheek and walked away to his room...

"You really love him....The glow on your face and that smile from ear to ear tells it all..." Troy commented behind me...
"As you said love is complicated..."
"And we will figure everything out soon.."

"Do you need a female bestfriend???" I asked him curiously....
"Why???" He raised his brows at me...
"We have a lot of things in common...We prefer Vikings to GOT, we have complicated love issues and we understand each other...Imagine if we get to be each other's strengths when things don't go right with us??? Imagine someone having our backs apart from our brothers??? It's awesome right...."
"Where do I sign???"
"So you are in...Like in in...."
"I thought you would never ask," He snaked his arm around my shoulder and pinched my nose,"Let's set the table...You don't want your Ethan to cry of hunger..."
"Are you mocking me????"
"Am I????"
"Anyway tonight is the right time to ask him about where you stand in his life..." He added...
"Okay, cross your fingers for me..."

If things don't go well at least something good will come out of this...
Troy Marcias friendship....Who doesn't want a mature, sensible, attractive and rich bestfriend???Not me....

A/N Hey smile squad...So which series do you prefer Vikings or GOT????
Coffee or tea???
Whisky or Vodka????

. .

Read " Innocent Obsession " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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  • Busola Bolaji picture
    Busola Bolaji
    I love this episode like something else ,pls next episode pls ,Troy will be a good friend to her
  • Busola Bolaji picture
    Busola Bolaji
    I love this episode like something else ,pls next episode pls ,Troy will be a good friend to her
  • Busola Bolaji picture
    Busola Bolaji
    I love this episode like something else ,pls next episode pls ,Troy will be a good friend to her
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Busola since you are the first to comment, I will post an episode tonight just for you
  • Favour Onyekachi picture
    Favour Onyekachi
    sorry my sweetheart fidew mwangi am just reading it now not quite long please darling please help me and post more please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Love this episode.
  • Esther Lamsing picture
    Esther Lamsing
    Troy and Arya's, I love the flow....
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Favour I am posting another one
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Lohwor thank you
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Esther me too
  • Favour Onyekachi picture
    Favour Onyekachi
    thank you my love
  • Moreen Nyaga picture
    Moreen Nyaga
    Awesome baby girl... Vikings for life
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Fide you are great another episode will just make my day love Troy
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    hmmm nice one
  • Favour Onyekachi picture
    Favour Onyekachi
    Sweetie what happened you have not posted episode 34 35 you know you are a darling please my love post it @fideh mwangi thank you for hearing me
  • Modupe Gbolagun-Bello picture
    Modupe Gbolagun-Bello
    Fideh ds episode is sweeting me oh. But Arya n Troy? I hope dey wont switch o
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Fife we are missing you new episode please
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    I hope Troy won't end up falling for Arya...!
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    GOT season 8
  • Uche Aghanwa picture
    Uche Aghanwa
    this kenyan lady is talented
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Uche thanks
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    Pure me some whiskey please as I wait for the next episode. Lol
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