My only addiction - Episode 34

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Ethan's POV
This earth hold many beauties, treasures beyond my imagination but nothing compares to her...

I thought I loved Ivy but I guess I felt indebted for all she has done for me....I can swear on my life that what I feel for Arya seems like that thing called Love...

Troy said when in love you can't stop thinking about her..She even takes over your dreams and every second you just want to be close to her..I never thought I would be a victim of love..
Does that mean I will start sobbing and acting all broken and vulnerable every time Arya and I are not cool???? Arrrrggh!!!Being in love sucks...

"You are all dismissed....Practice is over...." Coach Weiner shouted and we all screamed excitedly....
Since we are so close to the new season, our coaches have been a little bit hard on us...But I don't blame them, I blame the pressure that comes from the football federation.....

"I can't feel my legs....Coach Nick has been more strict today???" Jack complained as we headed out of the changing room...
"Me too....I can't wait to get home and set my eyes on my Arya...After that I know I will feel better..."

"She came back...Wait, how did she forgive you????"
"It just happened...."
"Tell me your secret dude...What do you do that they can't leave???"
"I am a charmer dude..."
"But I am glad she is back...For once after three weeks your face is radiating and you smiling like you won some damn lottery..."

"Was I that vulnerable????" I asked unbelievingly...
"Yeah...You only talked when talked too...You were always angry and temperamental...You even came up a boring routine home practice practice home...That's the effect she has on you...I told you, you would fall for her. The question is what are you going to do????"

"I don't know....All I know is I want to be with her..."

I was attracted to her with the kind of heady trance that brings a butterfly to a nectar...She is the right blend of shy and sweet...Just what Ethan Marcias needs...

"What about Ivy????"
"I don't know, if only it was that easy to leave her then I would...Off late all she does is drive me crazy...She is turning to be more of a liability than an asset..."

"How hard can it be????The paparazzis will be on your case for a while and then they will start going after another poor soul

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. If you think you want to spend your whole life with her then she is worth the sacrifice..."

"The issue is I am not sure if I am ready to chose yet...I don't wanna lose both of them...Ivy is my routine and Arya is my amusement...They both are important to me..."

"You dude, are so complicated..." Jack squeezed my shoulder,"Do you care for a drink???"
"No...All I need is my Arya right now..."

I want to run home, home to you my love..For I am never more calm, more whole, more complete than when you are my side..

My insides are in chaos...I don't know how to deal with these new feelings I have...

On one hand is Ivy my IT girl and on the other is Arya who makes me feel complete...I can't live like this all my life, I need to chose one. But what????

When I got back to the kitchen, Arya and Troy were laughing about something...
"Did I miss something????" I arched a perfect eyebrow at them.
"No honey....The table is set, let's have dinner now..I know you are starving..." Arya beamed and walked towards me...

"Come and let's eat...." She dragged me to the dining  table....
"Wow, it smells delicious....It's been long since I had some ugali, chicken stew and greens. What would I do without you????" I took her right hand, brought it to my lips and kissed it...

Ethan what's there to think about...Ivy is your IT girl but she drives you crazy whereas Arya seems to be the peace you need in your chaotic life..Arya is what you need...

Imagine coming home to this....Dinner, a loving wife and lots of peace and happiness....Which sane man wouldn't want this????

But what about my other world??? What if Arya can't put up with my other world???She is too soft for the limelight...

Arya and Ivy with their different personalities are important to me..

There was a comfortable silence as we all dug into our food...
"You two should rinse your faces..You look like clowns especially you Arya..." I stated...
"I will, I even forgot..." Arya chuckled...
"Thanks Arya, I really had fun..."Troy beamed at Arya and she nodded smiling...
"I am jealous I missed on our little family reunion..."
"There is always next time, right bff????" Arya wiggled her eyebrows at Troy who nodded at me...

" You are bffs now...That was fast..."

How could Troy not want to be her Bff???She brings calmness and peace whenever she goes...

"Yeah....But this is the best decision I have ever made..." Troy commented and the table was filled with silence again...

After we finished eating, Arya cleared table and went to the kitchen...Eating together felt like a scene from a family sitcom which made me realise Its time to settle down...

"What have you decided Ethan???" Troy asked after he downed a glass of water..
"I am still in a dilemma...."

"Arya is a good girl and doesn't deserve to be the other woman...She deserves better...."

"You think I don't know that????" I asked in almost a loud voice...
"She is an amazing woman...You don't deserve her..She genuinely loves you and you would be a fool not to see that..."

"Troy it's not that easy....I wish it was as easy as it sounds...I will be putting my career at stake, am I really up for the challenge???I am not sure.."

"Just don't drag her along....Just tell her upfront..I won't let you use her Ethan???" There was a warning edge in his voice.
"I thought you were on my side????"
"Not when feelings of a innocent girl are involved...I wish I was you, I would trade even my life to be with her...Too bad, her eyes only see you..Her heart only beats for you...Lucky you Ethan Marcias you are loved with such an amazing woman and unlucky you if it's her you toss aside...."

Before I could answer him, Arya joined us at the table...
"Guys, do you care for some apple cake????"
"No, it's getting late...I will just clean my nose and leave..."
"Can't you sleep here tonight????" Arya asked in a pleading tone...
"Sorry BFF I have an important meeting with board of directors tomorrow....."Troy replied..

They both stood up and hugged each other as Troy whispered something to her...
Damn God knows how much I wanted to hear what he was telling her...

As I walked him to the door I was filled with curiosity to know what he was whispering to Arya...
"What were you telling Arya bro???"
"Just a bff code...See you later..." He gave me a small smile and left....

Arya was seated at the edge of the bed, busy on her phone...
"Yes???" She looked up at me and placed her phone beside her...
"Thank you....Dinner was delicious..."
"I am glad you loved it...I will rinse my face and join you in a while..."

She stood from the bed and when she was about to walk past me, I held her hand....
"Is everything okay????" She stammered...
I paused  and silently stared into my favourite pair of eyes...
"You are so beautiful..." I whispered..
"And you are handsome too...Is everything okay????"

"One day I will love you so right that you will forget what it feels like to get hurt by me...I will do better, I will try and be better for you..."

"It's okay...." She pressed her lips on my cheeks and left for the bathroom...

Troy was right, I am so lucky to have Arya in my life. I need to be a better man for her. I need to be deserving of her.Dear God, show me a way to solve this????

When she walked out of the bathroom, I noticed her eyes were a bit swollen and red like ripe tomatoes....What happened now???

"Arya what's wrong?????" I walked up to her, slowly pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around her...
"Talk to me pretty doll...."
"I just want to know what place I occupy in your life...I feel like your whore and it's killing me...."

Hearing her calling herself a whore slashed my heart with savage intensity....

"You are not my whore...." I squeezed her a little bit tighter...
"Then who am I to you????"
"You are special....You are the peace I require in my chaotic life..."

She pulled away from my embrace and took a step back,"Then why can't we be together????"

"It's so complicated Arya...I am complicated, my life is complicated...." I raked my fingers through my messy hair...

"I want to be part of your complication...I do want to be in the sidelines anymore because I love you....I love you and it's killing me that you are with Ivy..." Once that first year broke free, the rest followed in a broken stream...

The agony inside her was visible on her face...
No!!!No!!!! I didn't want her to say those stupid three words....I am not ready for all of this right now...It's hitting me so hard...I am not sure I can be there for her like she wants me too...

"What do you want from me Ethan Marcias???"
"I want to be with you...." I cried out in desperation....

"Then leave her!!!!!" She said like more of a command...
"It's not that easy Arya....She is very cunning and knows to be on the media's good side... I don't know even how to start breaking up with her..."

"Then leave me!!!!!I looked myself in the mirror and I can't recognise the girl I am becoming...So needy and desperate..."She sobbed...

"I also need you....You can't leave me Arya, you mean the world to you...."
"No I don't...." She yelled at me...
"I feel like an option and I hate it...I don't want to waste my life away waiting for you Ethan..." She added...

"But you aren't....."
"I am Ethan....I am because you want to be with the both of us and there is where you are getting it all wrong...You need only one of us and I am afraid it's not me..." She briskly wiped the tears from her eyes...
"I will sleep in the other room tonight..."

Before she could touch the door knob,I caught her arm and pulled her against my chest wrapping my arms around her...
She can't leave me again.I would die...

"Please don't leave me....I will do better...I will find a solution to this..."
"And when will that be????"

I pulled her back and held her by the shoulders,"I am scared of what will happen to my career...I want to start a life with you but I am not sure you can handle the pressure that comes from been on the limelight..."

"For you Ethan, I would go against the world...You mean that much to me...."

"It's so hard....I don't want you to be tangled in drama and bullshit...."

"Just guide me on how to act and behave....Teach me how to be immune to this madness and I will be perfect like you want me to be..."

"I am sorry  that I am messed up...Please don't leave me not tonight...I need you so close wrapped inside my arms..."

"I will never leave if you don't want me too..." She lifted her hand and caressed my cheek..
"All you need to do is choose me..."

I closed my eyes and exhaled, leaning my face into her touch...
"You are only mine Arya...." I snarled, emphasizing each word...
"And I yours forever Ethan...."
"Just give me time to fix everything....." My lips trembled, my shoulders heaved with emotions....

Her beautiful eyes had been encased inside of small glass marble begging me to chose her making me feel way worse than I do....

I pulled her back to me, hard and fast kissing her like my life depends on it...
"I want you forever Arya...." I pulled from the kiss panting....
"I am all your Ethan...." She breathed out....

"Don't ever leave me okay????"
"If you want me to stay then I will..."
"Thank you Arya...."

"I need you tonight...I need every ounce of you...."Her eyes were luminous with desire...
"Your wish is my command pretty doll.."

I lifted her off the floor and she wrapped her legs around my waist....
"Where were we???" She snaked her arms around my neck....
"I will fuck you so hard...."

Arya's POV
After delivering the cakes to Mrs Joy Weiner's office, my next destination was Raina advertising and marketing company....

I had worn a black pencil skirt, a white turtle neck and a black leather jacket...The look wouldn't be complete without a pair of nude stilettos and a touch of simple natural makeup look..

After a ten minutes walk, I was greatly relieved that I was not late for my interview...

When I walked into the building, an attractive , groomed young woman  who was at the reception smiled pleasantly at me..
"Hello madam,What can I do for you????"
"I am here to see Sir Malcolm Raina...."
"And you are???"
"Miss Arya Almasi....."

"Please sign here....."She requested after getting a confirmation I have an appointment..
As I signed in, she handed me a security pass that had 'visitor' very firmly stamped on it...
"His office is on the tenth floor...."

After thanking her, I walked over the bank of elevators when my phone began blaring  music...
I reached for it in the depths of my handbag earning a weird look from the smartly dressed security officers....
"Hey Ethan???" I beamed...
"Hey pretty doll, I just wanted to wish you all the best in your interview today...You got this, just be confident..."
"Thanks Captain...."
"Anytime doll face....Later or else your brother will be on my case...." He hanged up....

After talking to Ethan, I felt easiness all around me....He is just want I needed to believe in myself...

After being whisked at an intensity velocity to the tenth floor...The doors slide open and I was in another lobby with modern and elegant furnishing...One more look at myself and I was good to go...

I was again confronted with a young beautiful dressed woman...
"Kindly have a seat, Mr Malcolm will be out of his meeting soon..." She explained and pointed to a seated area with black leather chairs...

Before I could ask for a glass of water, she got back to her desk and continued minding her business....

I waited for what seems like forever when another beautiful lady walked to me after talking to the girl from earlier..

"Mr Malcolm will see you soon, I will walk you to his office..."
" Okay...." I stood up and followed her...

As I sat on the couch waiting for him, I couldn't help but look around....Black executive desk, leather upholstered chairs,  floating shelves filled with books and awards, a huge portrait of a dark handsome man on the wall behind the desk , sleek wood-panelled walls and floor to ceiling windows....

I stood up curiously and walked to the window..I was momentarily paralysed by the view...Nairobi looked beautiful from up there..

"Hello there????"

I turned around to look at him and my jaw dropped on the floor...His voice was warm and deep...He was more handsome in person than on the portrait...

I thought tall, dark and handsome men only existed in novels until I meet Malcolm Raina...

Tall, muscular dressed in a fine black suit, white shirt and yellow tie...
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting..."
"No sir...." I replied, walking towards him....

"I am Malcolm Raina..." He extended his perfectly manicured hand to me...
"I am Arya Almasi...."I shook his hand as his steady gaze heated me up....
Finally he freed my hand and I withdrew it hastily embarrassed..

"Tea, coffee or juice????"
"A glass of water will do..."
"Linda, kindly bring miss Arya a glass of water...Cold or warm???" He asked, turning his attention back to me..
"You heard her...."

I sat self consciously on the couch, his gaze penetrating really made me uncomfortable...
"I am surprised that my dad finally found my kind of woman..." He groaned and sank gracefully onto the couch beside me...

Excuse me what's happening..My inner goddess spat out the wine in her mouth..
I am surprised as you are b*tch...My subconscious mind sneered. 

"I don't know what you are talking about Sir..."
"He didn't rant about his bachelor son who is reluctant to get married and that you would be the perfect match for him...Trust me that's the line he uses on every girl he comes around and thinks is my type...Surprisingly this time he got it right..."

"I guess there is some sort of mistake...I am here for a job interview, he gave me your card and requested I get in touch with you..."

"I am so sorry....He had mentioned about it too..."He gave me a small smile....
"It's okay Sir. Here is my CV and everything you need..." I handed him a brown envelope and he placed it on the coffee table...He didn't bother to even open it...

How rude!!!! My inner goddess rolled her eyes at him.

"So what's your expertise????" His voice was steady and confident....
"I graduated with first class honours in bachelor of commerce and finance but I have been unfortunate not to get a job anywhere..."

"So where do you see yourself in five years???" He asked with a straight face...
"Probably owning a small cafeteria where I will be selling coffee , cakes and pastries.."
"What did you do the first time you weren't called back after an interview????"

"I was angry and disappointed but life moves on...Bills ain't gonna pay themselves. So my bestfriend and I started our own bakery shop.."

"Do you want to be feared or respected????"
"I want to be respected...."
"What's your weakness?????"

Jeez what does this question have to do with the job???
"Excuse me sir, I can't see how that is related to the job..." I pointed out dryly...
"Just a question miss Almasi...." He flashed me a weak apologetic smile...
"And a personal one...."

He cocked his head on one side and smiled at me," Describe yourself in two words????"
"Ambitious and self driven."

"Good news is you got the job but you have to start next month...There will be a job opening of an assistant internal auditor but till then you can work as an intern. We have excellent internship program here..."

"Thank you so much Sir....If you don't mind, can I start next week????"

" Sure and that's all Miss Almasi.....The interview is over...."

Why can't he just get his warm beautiful eyes off me just for even a nanosecond so as I can even my breaths....I am even self consciously breathing...

"Are you dating, married or single????" He ask in a soft voice...I could sense the easiness and warmth  from earlier was back...
"I am single...." I whispered since that Linda girl was approaching us with  my glass of water.

There a comfortable silence as Linda placed the glass on the table and left...

"Where were we????" He handed me the glass of water...
"The part you ask a personal question...."

"Oooh yeah!!!!So I don't understand why you are single????You are beautiful, smart and by the look of it you are confident..."

"Let's just say Love has never been my thing...Can I go now????"

As I rose, he stood up and held out his hand...
"Thank you for coming Miss Almasi..."I shook his hand and he walked me to the door...

"Do you have a car????" He asked and I shook my head wordlessly....
"My driver will take you home...."
"We wouldn't want my intern having sunburns...The sun is unbearably scorching today.."

He opened the door wide for me and I was surprised he walked me out...Even his PA whose desk was outside his office  also widened her eyes in shock...

"See you next week Miss Almasi and take care...."
"Thank you...."

I walked gracefully into the elevator still feeling his gaze on me...Please heavens don't let me trip or fall on this heels...It would be embarrassing...

Finally when the elevator's doors slid close, I sighed with relief...Damn that was awkward, I felt like my heart was in my throat the whole time...

Hey smile squad, it's been a minute....I hope your weekend was awesome...
What do you think of the handsome CEO???
Do you think there will be something between Arya and him???

. .

Read " Binded by friendship " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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  • Views (20234)
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  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    @fideh dont let bring another drama into this o unless you want Ethan to kill some one
  • Cecilia wangeci picture
    Cecilia wangeci
    I hope this brings Ethan to his senses... Drama beginning... Thank fideh
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Oke I hope he may learn to treat her right
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Cecilia anytime dear let's see what happens
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    Ethan is in for wahala
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    I like the drama but Ethan has decided to change let see how it goes Fide you are good more episodes
    At least Ethan will have a competitor that will bring him to his senses.
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Life does not always end the way we hope it would and this may be Arya compensation for being faithful let Ethan hold on to his career and limelight.
  • Favour Onyekachi picture
    Favour Onyekachi
    I love this episode at list Ethan will now have a reason to marry Arya thank you fideh mwangi more please please please please please please please please please please please
  • Esther Lamsing picture
    Esther Lamsing
    What ever drama that will happen between them both pls fideh keep Arya for Ethan
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    There's something already lol
  • Joycelyn Juliet picture
    Joycelyn Juliet
    I can't fit talk ooh, lol
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    Hmm, Some men will always be men when it comes to seeing a beautiful lady like Arya and I don't think she will fall for him because she's got Ephan in her heart.
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    I love this???
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