My Past My Future - Episode 11

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When my eyes steadied, I recognized him
I just turned and faced him

"Why don't you understand and let me be" I muttered drunkenly trying to sound brave

He shifted nearer, filled two glasses with wine and gave me one

I stupidly collected

I guess am now addicted to alcohol

"I will leave but first let's celebrate your birthday in peace" cheers

We clicked our glasses together and he wished me Happy birthday

We chatted away with no particular topic of discussion.

He kept me company since Lizzy is nowhere to be found.

He made me comfortable just like Tony did

"Mmmm, thinking about him again when am with another guy, how I wish I can see him again"

"Wait, what's the name of this guy" I thought to myself

I faced him to ask him but he beat me to it by bringing up another discussion.

"Can you tell me a little about yourself" he asks collecting the glass of wine from me.

"Why will he want to know me" I thought to myself

"I have nothing to say, am just me" I answered half whispering 

I might be drunk but i can still control what i say especially anything about me to this stranger and the excess alcohol isn't helping matters, its making me sober.

He stood up immediately when he sighted Lizzy coming towards us

Another good timing cus I almost burst out to tears in front of the stranger

"This is my card, call me"

I stretched out my hands and collected the card stuffing it inside my bag

He winked at me and left almost bumping into Lizzy.

Lizzy did her electrifying cat walking towards me

I know I am drunk but my bestie still stands out in front of me

She picked up my glass and finished my drink

She dragged me up from the chair and carried my bag

"Hey girl, you are so drunk. Come let's go home party is over"

Sorry for keeping you waiting

I nod

She could barely walk with me to the car in my drunken state

He called some guys to help her carry me to the car.


I woke up with a banging headache

I swear, I will never drink again

I rolled over to touch Lizzy but the bed was empty and cold

I called out her name but gat no response

I searched for my phone, opened it and saw four missed call

I wanted to check who called and another call came in

It's an unknown number

I picked the phone wondering who will call me this early morning with an unknown number

I heard a husky voice from the other end

"Hello pumpkin, Happy birthday"

"Thanks, I hesitated but please who am I speaking with"

I asks sitting up very well and used my blanket to wrap myself because of excess cold

"It's Austin"


"I can't remember meeting anybody by name Austin"

"Okay, I am the guy you met last night

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Your birthday eve"

"Oh my God"

Now fully awake

"How did you get my number cus I can remember vividly that I have not called you"

He laughed heartily

"Do you think that I will meet an angel like you and leave without collecting your number"

"I would have been the most stupidest #lol#  man on earth if I did not do so.

I cracked my brain trying to remember how he really collected my number but last night memory was foggy.

I gave up trying

"Now Mr. Austin, how may I help you and who are you"

Visibly angry as if he can see me

"That will be for another day but can we meet by 4pm"

I wanted to ask for an explanation but he beat me to that

"So that we can conclude your birthday celebration and get to know each other"
"I will text you the address later"

I made to reject the offer but Lizzy appeared from nowhere giving me middle finger and muttered

"You are dead if you reject that"

I frowned at her for disappearing and appearing besides how did she got to know what I am discussing on the phone

"Don't keep me waiting pumpkin, it's not nice to keep a gentle man waiting over the phone"

I chuckled at the thought of gentle man and I know he chuckled too

"Okay, 4pm then" I answered and gave Lizzy middle finger 

She smiled giving me thumbs up

"Wow, thanks pumpkin. I will be waiting" and he ended the call

I removed the phone from my ear and faced Lizzy

"What is wrong with you, you disappeared last night and appeared right now that i am answering call and made me to accept an invitation"

"Even last night when I was drunk, you disappeared again"

She jumped on me tickling me which made me to laugh out loudly.

"Am really sorry okay, you were drunk with just little sip of alcohol and I wanted to have some fun"

"And that gave you the right to leave me there vulnerable, I thought the party was for me but its obvious you went there to enjoy yourself"

I said with the message I read last night flashing in my mind

She jumped down from the bed and faced me

"Now tell me, didn't I give you the opportunity to meet that handsome dude you were on the phone with now'

"Now, be a good child and tell mama about him"

I scratched my head trying to remember his face and smiled at his sweetness in remembering to call me and wish me a happy birthday

"You are smiling, which means he is a good catch and a nice start"

"What's his name, is he handsome" she questioned further

I smiled avoiding Lizzy's eyes so that she won't see me blush

It has been long a guy made me feel like this after Tony.

"He said his name is Austin and yea he is very handsome"

"But not as Tony" I thought to myself

"Austin??? She asked wide eyed

"Austin who?? She asks again looking terrified

"I don't know, he gave me his card. Let me get it"

I left to search for his card in my bag with Lizzy looking at me with worried face

"Why is her face so pale and scared" I wondered

"Is there anything she is not telling me"

. .

Read " Incomplete " by the same author ( Celestina Oranye )

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  • carmen picture
    This suspense is killing, not knowing who is who. I don't trust all dis ppl coming close 2 Chioma including Lizzy
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    How much do you know your friend Lizzy? I think you don't really know her, nice one
  • victor martin picture
    victor martin
    hmmm, Lizzy is becoming another thing oo..... even if that Austin of a guy is a good guy ,is very bad of Lizzy setting her Beastie up like that....
  • victor martin picture
    victor martin
    but to be sincere ooo, my dear Tony Cruz..really shamed d poor chioma oh lolz ....girls can be funny sometimes
  • victor martin picture
    victor martin
    thumbs up my dear celebrity #nice job#
  • picture
    [email protected]
    so confused right now
  • smart-uc picture
    I even thought it was Sam,chioma should always be carefully with lizy
  • smart-uc picture
    This remind me of a saying which says "Tell me who your friend is and I will tel lyou who you are,my dear friends we have to be careful in chosing who will be our friend"
  • Ola Hormolar picture
    Ola Hormolar
    Pls i nid touchlight cos i nid to find light to dis matter, ppl are not plane hear o, who is to trust now...weldone celestine
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    We will knw soon @ Carmen
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Tnx dear @ Favour
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Lol, chamber boy @ Vicky
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Lol, plz don't be dear @ daragoldy
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    She will dear, tnx @ Smart
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Lol, its delivered already at ur doorstep cus me too I need it @ Ola
  • Mandy-princess picture
    Now I'm concerned... Why is Lizzy worried at the mention of Austin?
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    @ Mandy, Maybe we shld check the next episode
  • Hay square picture
    Hay square
    i tink lizzy will neva betraye her bcus she wnt best for her
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Yea, bestie goals @ Hay Square
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