Palm lines 2 - Episode 28

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Sharon's POV

I opened my eyes after the drugs had worn out. Suddenly I remembered how Tasha had hit Ade on the head.

"Ade!" I muttered and i heard Tasha chuckle. My hands and legs were tied to a chair so were Ade's.

"So sweet" 

I saw her bend towards Ade who was already awake.

"She even thinks of you when she sleeps." "Are you okay?"

We both asked in unison then we chuckled then he groaned probably in pain. "How's your head?"

"It's fine, how about you?" "I'm fine too" i answered, almost forgetting Tasha was there.

"See! I told you she'll be fine" she placed her hands over his face and he forcefully shoved them off . "You didn't have to be rude dear"

she answered now facing me. I observed the house for a moment, our phones were on the table along with knives of different size. There was a bag too, I wondered what was in the bag. "Hello Sharon" she smiled, "Screw you!" 

I snapped and she moved towards me. "Is that a nice way to say hi to a friend"

"I can't believe you just said that. You're not a friend and you don't deserve to be"

"Remember when I had that title

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. We were good friends Sharon, what happened?" She busted into tears, "Why did you have to ruin it?" She asked with all manner of seriousness then she busted into laughter. "Oh my God. Okay that was really funny." She cleaned her tears then she sat on a stool opposite us then she stopped laughing.

"We were never friends. Wait, was there ever a time I considered you as a friend?" She gave it a thought.

"Nah! I don't think so"

"You're sick!"

"Tell me something I don't know" she chuckled then she went back to the table raising a jug up. "You must be thirsty"

She added and I scoffed then she laughed.

"Sorry, that was inconsiderate of me; I mean drinking got you into this in first" she answered and I hissed.

"You were so gullible. You've always been gullible Sharon. May God deliver you from being naive. Amen" "Why do you have us tied up? This is a criminal offense, you're keeping us against our will"

Ade snapped, "And who's going to report it?" "People are going to find out we're missing and they'll come" "And how will they know?" "I told Mom" I answered and she scoffed. "No you didn't dear." "How are you sure?" "Cause I know you so well Sharon. I've spent years studying you and I know your every move, I know when you're lying too, and darling, you're lying."

She answered and I cussed my predictability. " I know how well to speak to you. I know the right buttons to press when I want something from you. Just like I knew reverse psychology would make you drink that juice. Stupid stupid Sharon" "I don't even know who you are any longer!"

"Sharon, you never knew who I was. I guess we need a reintroduction then. My name is Tasha the mind engineer. That's my superhero name" "Don't you mean super villain?" Ade retorted and she laughed. "No Ade. You don't get it, I'm not a villain, I'm a hero, I'm trying to save something" "Like the last shred of sanity you have?" He asked and she turned towards him.

"Are you trying to be saucy Ade? Cause I'm not really good when people are being rude to me" she picked up two medium sized knives. "Meet Agony" she looked at one of the knife, "And hell" she looked at the other then she laughed moving closer to him and I became scared. "Tasha" I called out to her and she ignored me.

"Don't force me to use this on you Ade" "You're bluffing" Ade snapped and she tore his arm through the top he wore and he groaned in pain and I cried out then i begged her to stop.


"It's not me. I warned him, see I'm a good person. I don't know why you guys want me to appear as the bad person. I'm a good person if you want me to be. I can be a super hero if you want and I can be a really bad supervillain too"

She slapped Ade's cheek with the knife then she went back to the stool.

"Where was I?" She looked up in thought,

"Oh, my superhero name. It's lovely right? I've had the name since I was a kid. I've always had plans and I make sure everything goes as planned. It has always been an obsession, these crazy psychologist termed it schizophrenia pychosis. I injured a girl during our scientist fair in junior high and ever since I've been on treatment and my mom hasn't made it easy for me. One thing she doesn't know is that it has always been her fault. The reason why I'm this way it's because of her, because she wanted me to be the best and that's what I've been doing"

"I know how that feels" Ade chipped in, "I had a step- father who wanted me to be the best" "And what did you do?"

"I broke out, I left his house" "Wrong move! He was trying to make you better. That was all mom wanted, she wanted me to win every time and I did. I've done all in my power to win, I'm proudly a winner"

"Your mom was wrong" "Enough talk about my mom, what brought you guys here?"

"Felix.Where's he?" I asked and she shrugged, "I don't know where he is" "I don't believe you. He was last seen two days ago and the last time we spoke, he was coming over to speak to you" Ade answered and she rolled her hair. "Now it's coming back to me. Yes, I saw him two days ago. I didn't even know he was speaking to you too" she turned towards Ade.

"Where is he? His mom is worried and sick" 

I asked and she knelt before me. "Oh Martha, I can picture her worried look. That stupid bitch! What did I ever do to her? I mean I've had it up to here with that bitch."

She rolled her eyes. "Argh!" She groaned then she breathe in.

"Calm down Tasha, calm down girl"

she muttered then she smiled at us. "Where was I? Yes! Felix. Yes I saw him"

"Where is he?" "Um..." She pointed at a door, it was definitely the room.

"Can I see him?" I asked and she shook her head. "He's not a good condition to speak"


"Let's say, I gutted him down" she answered and my eyes widened in shock.

"You killed him?"

"You can put it that way too" she answered and I screamed. She punched me on the lip and I groaned in pain, pain that the punch hurts and the pain of hearing that she killed Felix. "Don't!" Ade yelled and she held her knife against Ade's neck.

"I guess I didn't mention this from the beginning. I have one simple rule. No screaming, and no screaming for help or else your partner will take the fall for it. In order words if you scream, Ade gets it good, if Ade screams, you'll get punished too"

"You definitely get arrested. Tasha you can stop now while you have the chance to" "I can't stop now, what do I have to loose?"

"Do you wanna know why Felix died? He came with tickets to convince me to go back with him that he had plans for the two of us and he already broke up with you, deviating from my original plan" She paused and I wondered what her original plans were.

"You're probably wondering what the original plans were. After I heard he fixed a wedding date without my approval, I was so angry" she closed her eyes and I remembered her reaction after I revealed it to her.

"You weren't really aware" "I wasn't. I confronted him and I told him he'll only go through with the wedding if he leaves you standing on the aisle and he agreed. I never knew his plan was to have me taken back to that hell home"

she cried.

"I hate it when people don't play by my rules; I mean, It was sweet when he informed me that he left you and he wanted us to build a family in the states and trust me I was elated because finally I felt like maybe he did love me after all. I said yes to his fucking proposal it was so sweet and we kissed, while I was packing up, I saw a message come in from dad and I read every damn message and I realized it was all a f*cking trap. The fool still loved Sharon and was only pretending in order to trap me . I was so angry and I don't regret gutting him with the knife, he deserved to die" she laughed hysterically and I cried. "You're lying" "Wanna see him?" She asked and I shook my head. I didn't have the stomach to see it. I suddenly grew scared.

"Help!" I screamed, "Somebody help us, there's a crazy woman on the loose!" I added and she tore Ade by the arm again and he groaned in pain. "Please stop it"

"No, scream Sharon! I want you to scream" "I won't scream again. I promise, don't hurt him. Please" I cried and I saw Ade shut his eyes; he was definitely in pain. "Can you please stop the bleeding?" I asked and she laughed. "Do I look like a a f*cking nurse?" She asked and I cried even more. "Please" "There's no point Sharon, no one's getting out alive, besides it's just a scratch. We'll all die here"

"Okay great plan, so you had us tied down so you can have us killed. What's that super hero name again?" Ade asked sarcastically and I glared at him so he could keep quiet. "Yes I did. I got you guys right where I wanted and you two were so gullible" she laughed. "I mean, I've been out equipping myself for this day. It's amazing the things you get in this damn country with money, even guns. Do you wanna see the gun?" She asked and I shook my head.

"The issue is that I don't like guns, they make so much noise. I prefer knives" "Why do you want to have us killed? It doesn't make sense" Ade asked and she smiled. "Good question Ade, God I love this guy, I love your humor. I love you" she kissed him on the lips and I rolled my eyes. "Someone's jealous" she laughed, "He's someone else's boyfriend" she looked at me closely then she laughed.

"Unless you're both dating. Wait, are you cheating on your girlfriend " she looked back at Ade then she chuckled. "We're not cheating" I answered and she smiled. "Sharon always get the guys, she's so lovable and everyone sees me as a bitch."

"Wow, my aunt will always say when one person sees you as something, it might be based on bias judgement but if everyone sees you as that thing, they might not be wrong about it" "You're not wrong Ade, I am b*tch and I'm accepting it now, I'm not hiding it" "What was the point of pretending all those while?" He asked and she kept quiet. "I don't like when things don't fall according to my plan. This wasn't supposed to happen. I mean none of this would have happened if Sharon has just agreed to leave after the interview. It's your fault Sharon" "It wouldn't have stopped you from being crazy"

"It wouldn't but you would have been alive to have your children with your ex girlfriend what's her name again? Sheila" "Shirley"

"Oh. See! But instead you'll die with Sharon" she answered. "Why don't you see it this way as though Sharon saved your ass. If you had left, you could have been admitted back into the institution."

"I have to take bathroom break. Don't do anything funny, any funny move and i swear I'll kill someone. Aren't you enjoying the chit chat?" She dropped the knife then she walked away. "Are you okay?" I asked and Ade gently gave a nod.

"I'll be fine" "You're bleeding" "I'll be fine." He answered and I cried. "I feel so stupid for drinking that juice" "I feel stupider for making you drink it" he answered and I laughed amidst my tears. "She's right, It's my fault" "It's not. We both taken off guard" "Your head. You're supposed to have it checked out."

"I still remember who you are, no memory loss yet If that's what you're worried about" he answered and I laughed. "This is a serious issue, you can have concussion" "I'm fine. The concussion is the least of my worries now, I'm scared for you"

"You're the bleeding victim" "Your lips" he brought to my notice, I licked on it and my mouth suddenly tasted like blood. "It's not as worst as your arm. Tasha's really crazy. Please try not to get her angry" "I don't plan on keeping quiet Sharon"

"She'll kill you" "Maybe what we have to do is try to keep the conversation for long. Maybe if we can engage her in conversation we can buy time before she kills us" he answered then I saw him look at his phone on the table. "If eyes can move phones" he answered and I chuckled.

"I'm already dialing a number in my head right" "Whose number?"

"It's crazy but I'm dialing Erether's number" he answered and I laughed. "You're crazy"

"I'm not crazy, I'm hungry" he added and I laughed. "This isn't a good time to laugh" "There's nothing like a good time to laugh" He answered and then Tasha walked in.

"What were you two talking about?" She asked and I shrugged. "Don't make me feel bad. I'm dying to know" "We don't feel like sharing" "Okay...." She paused.

"Where did we stop again?" She asked, "Why do you want us dead?" Ade and she smiled. "Because of I don't want anyone of you having happy endings when I can't have one. I mean they'll definitely lock me up again and I'm not sure I can take it. I'd rather be dead than go through therapy again"

"It will be good for you"

"They want me to be who I'm not. They want me to stop being a planner, that's who I am and I can't let it go" "How come you're being let go every time even when you're not okay" "First of all, there's nothing wrong with me. I simply show them the part they want me to be and they assume I'm doing okay but I don't want to be normal. It doesn't suit me, they don't understand I have super powers"

"How did you know we'll be coming here, let me guess, your super powers?" Ade asked in a witty tone. "I knew Sharon would come" "There were three cups on the table, one that wasn't spike for you, and the rest two that you spike, almost as though you were expecting two persons."

"I saw you two walk into the gate. I knew it was RIP for the both of you. I expected your dad too or your Mom" "What would you have done if it was Mom?"

"I would have killed her. Trust me, I'll have had so much fun killing that woman cause she's such a kill joy. Ever since I came here, that woman has made me uncomfortable with everything." She tightened her fist. "I can't count the number of times I had to restrain myself from killing her. Your mom is annoying! Even when I tried to pretend she just really got under my skin."

"Can we not talk about my mom?" I snapped and she laughed. "Okay... So what do we talk about before we all die?" She asked and I scoffed. "You had everything all planned out right? What did I ever do to you? why do you hate me? Cause I've never done anything wrong to you. My worst mistake was trusting you" I asked and she laughed.

"I remember the first time I saw you Sharon, you reminded me of myself when I was in my first year; that raw talent," "What happened to you?" "My competitive drive made me spend more time in mental home than I did in class. They said it wasn't healthy" she laughed. "I was envious when I saw you and then I thought that moment, what if I had your life?" She asked and I raised my brow, in confusion. "What if I had your life? In the original sense it wasn't possible but mentally, I made it possible. I posed to be a senior colleague who was interested in making you grow and I did make your grow. I pushed you to the limits but you had weaknesses, your family and.." she moved closer to Ade.

"You. You were her biggest weakness, her love for you was drawing her back and when she almost suspended studies for you. It was so annoying, I had to convince her to let you go, that it was nothing but an obsession and I took her for therapy" she laughed. "BTW( by the way) , the therapy wasn't real. I paid to have him tell you what I wanted him to" she laughed again.

"She finally had her career Ade. If not for me, she'll be nothing, probably she would have gotten her pregnant maybe twice. I played the manager but i felt like I was living your life, cause everything came through me first. I became the god of over her life and then that stupid man's get together party came up and Mo suggested we show up as guest on her show and I accepted it.That was the only reason we came back" "I came back because I missed my family Tasha, I was going to go without your approval before you came up with the whole Mo interview! And that's the truth" I snapped. "The only reason I followed your advice all those years was because I thought you were a friend and I was really stupid. I look at you and I see my stupidity"

"You were really stupid, no doubt but making you stupid was part of my plan so... .

Read " The Picnic " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. Well I tried to matchmake Sharon with other guys but she was so stubborn. The only guy she found interest in was my own boyfriend so I decided to share. Felix couldn't keep the one deal I made with him not to fall in love with her that was why he had to go, well of course with the fact he tried betraying me" she pouted her lips still holding Ade's cheek. "He fell in love with her" "Why did you try to seduce?" Ade asked and she smiled taking her seat. "Because I thought you were hot and for a moment I was really into you."

"That's crazy, you said it yourself; you loved Felix" "And I also fell in love with your Dad Sharon. A girl can fall in love with whom she sees fit" she knelt before me. "Are you guys hungry? I cooked meat sauce with Felix's meat" she answered and I almost puked out if disgust and she laughed. "I was just kidding. It's late and you both must be hungry" "I'd rather starve" "Good then" she raise tape up. "I'm feeling sleepy already. Time to go back to sleep" "How long do you plan to do this? Just let us go" I answered and she taped my lips. 

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