Phoenix Reborn - Episode 24

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A few weeks later, Olivia is in her office when she gets a phone call.
"Miss Olivia, hi. It's Fred."
"Oh hello Mr Wanyama. How may I help you?"
"It's Fred please. It's actually about the test results. They just came out."
" what do they say?"
"They came back positive, Connor Abayomi is your biological father."
The phone slips from Olivia's hand. She'd spent the past few weeks hoping they were wrong . It had rattled her to think her father would do everything she'd been imagining. It even stopped her from finding out more about the Abayomi family. Now she was lost as to how to feel. She'd spent the past few weeks avoiding all their calls and visits because she didn't want to get attached to any of them. Why, she couldn't tell.
"Hello, miss Michaels, are you still there?" She had Fred speak out from the phone's receiver on the floor. She slowly got up, picked her bag and coat and left as if in a trance. She drove to the arboretum and walked to a secluded part of the beautiful garden then sat on a bench. Her brain had just stopped working. She kept the emotions at bay because she knew the consequences of making a rush decision

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. But that didn't stop all the questions from trying to surfaces just beneath her subconscious. After what seemed like forever, she got back into her car and drove to the outskirts of town. Their was a spot she loved from where you could see the entire city. It was breathtaking and serene. Luckily, no one else had ventured up there that day. It wasn't until she got out and actually looked at the sun that she realized it was sunset. Suddenly, the rage boiled to the surface and the tears started flowing. It wasn't even until her throat started aching that she realized she'd been screaming. She walked up to a nearby tree and punched it till her hand was raw. The flesh had pealed from the skin and she could have sworn she heard a sound similar to the breaking of a bone several times, but she didn't care, she couldn't feel the pain. She didn't want to. The wounds she had no doubt obtained were definitely not her worst, they would heal, like they always do. In a few days she wouldn't even have a scar so she didn't bother stopping until the tree broke off and fell to the ground. She then got into her car and drove to the hospital she'd been going to since she was young to get stitches before driving home.
Her doctor was now used to her injuries and since he was silently a supporter of the uprising and considering the oath Omar himself made him swear on his life and that of everyone he's interacted with his entire life that he would never disclose her true identity or her ties to the uprising, he never asked questions and her files always disappeared as soon as she left. He would always steal them and destroy them. Not even a mad man would risk incurring the wrath if either Omar or Haditya Idrisi.
Back at home, she walks in and sees Alex. He's playing a board game with the kids. He looks up and smiles upon seeing her. He stretches out his arms and says, "Surprise!"
The kids look up smiling as well. She's taken aback. What in heavens name has she gotten herself into. This was not the life meant for her and would undoubtedly be ripped away from her soon. A sharp pain ripple through her body suddenly and it's as if it's touched her soul. Her eyes go blank and she feels as if she's watching someone else control her body as she fakes a smile, hides her bandaged hands behind her back and tells him welcome. She then feigns exhaustion and excuses herself to go to her room, remembering to lock the door behind her should Alex decide to follow her.
Her phone rings, its Omar.
"The doctor called. What happened to you Haditya?" He says as soon as she picks up. She sighs, "Nothing father, I just lost my temper that's all. Before you ask, no it wasn't a person who bore the brunt of my outburst, and no, it wasn't close to other people."
"That's my girl. But you still haven't told me what this is all about. You are an excellent student who is always in control of your emotions. What changed?"
She sighs again, he was going to find out sooner or later once the Abayomis went to the press or those bloody hounds caught the story. It would be better for everyone if he heard it from her.
"My birth father resurfaced. Apparently old age has made him nostalgic."
Omar exhales. He'd always known Connor Michaels was a touchy subject for his daughter. Her hate for him is what fueled her murderous rages. So much so that even her feared her during such times though he would die before admitting it to anyone, least of all her.
"So what did he want my child," he asks out of concern for her. This was a part of him he always avoided showing but the situation called for it.
"I don't know. All my life, I've always wondered if my mom would be alive had he not left. Now I know the answer for sure. She would. And I don't know how to get past that."
"Then don't. Though try to feign friendliness, who knows, they might prove useful some day."
"I don't understand."
"You know that I would do anything to have Amin back, even for a day, right?"
"Yes. He was a great son, brother and human being. My dad..." She trails off.
"For you to heal and get refined, you need to pass through the inferno that man has lit in your life, not just skate around it. You'll be fine. Remember, I'm always here for you my child."
"Thanks dad," she tells him and waits on the line until he hungs up.
Say what you will about Omar Idrisi, but he could be the best dad when he chose to be. She smiled, went to the bathroom and took a steaming shower then laid on her bed and shut her eyes. She decided to think of her kids as they always mellowed down her negative emotions. Soon, she fell into blissful sleep.
Nine months later, she's gone back to her normal routine, she's celebrated her kids fourth birthday, it was a magical day, she's deployed soldiers to the oil belt to handle the riots but she is still avoiding the Abayomis. Though she's gotten a detective to gather information on them.
One morning she woke up feeling a little out of it so she chose not to go to work. Her kids were over the moon so they decided not to go to school either but instead stay home with their mom. They planned a fun filled day of games and site seeing. Unfortunately, they were forced to change their plans after breakfast when they received unexpected guests. A bus drove into the compound just as they were about entering the car.

Read " Phoenix Reborn: My True Brother " by the same author ( Sylvia Maleko )

. Olivia looks up with that trademark smile of hers which drops as soon as Connor Abayomi alights.
"Hi," he says as soon as he walks up to her, a smile on his face, "I've been looking forward to meeting you for quite a while now, you are a busy woman. He eyes narrow and she shoots daggers at him with them.
"What do you want Mr. Abayomi, I don't believe we have anything to talk about. And how did you find my house?"
"What should I answer first?" he says, still smiling. She turns to Alex, you and the kids should go ahead. I'll catch an uber later on and meet up with you.
"An uber? Why would you opt for public transportation when you could use your driver?"
"I don't feel like having a babysitter following me around today. Besides, I could get a private ride."
"So long as anyone who can afford it can get it, it's public."
She gently slaps her forehead and rolls her eyes.
"C'mon Alex, just go."
He straps the kids in their car seats and gets into the driver's seat, "We could wait you know," he says sticking out his head.
"Don't. I'm really not sure how long this will last."
"Cool," he replies and ignites the engine, "Can't blame a guy for offering to protect his woman."
She stifles a laugh, "Protection from what? Besides, I'm surrounded by an army, literally. Not that I need it."
He winks at her and properly settles into the car before driving off. She watches them till they clear the driveway and exist the compound. As soon as the gate closes, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath

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