Sister's Love - Episode 16

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I walked towards and Lucy immediately jerked her hand from Sam and I swore I saw her frown and turned her back on us. Sam looked at me and I realised she also noticed the change . He motioned me to go out with him and I agreed. 

I don't understand your sister anymore. Did you notice the sudden change of behaviour?  He asked taking my hand in his. Don't worry yourself Sam you know she's pregnant and I hear pregnant women change moods in just a twinkle of an eye . In fact I love it when we don't discuss anyone else but ourselves. 

I honestly appreciate everything you're doing for Lucy . Ever since she came back it has been my first time to see her smile.  You're the best Sam and I mean it . Thank you for being there for her. I know am an incompetent sister but...

Enough Maggie I think you said earlier that you don't want to discuss anyone else and perhaps I will do anything just to make you happy.  Sam said pulling me into a tight hug. I have something to tell you but I will tell it to you tomorrow.  I have to now goodnight my love.

He said pecking me on the forehead. At first I resisted and begged him to tell me at that time but God I can't resist him so I let him go. I couldn't sleep that all I could think of was him

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. I thought about a lot of things he could possibly tell me but at the end I had to just wait.

The next day he came around evening time and the best part of it was that David Collins was in the hospital.  He asked him to take care of Lucy and asked me to go somewhere with me. I didn't even give it second thoughts I just grabbed his hands and went with him. 

Oh my goodness his indeed a perfect gentleman because he opened the car door for me and also pulled out a chair for me when we reached our destination.  The place was decorated so beautiful with blue and white balloons and flowers hanging at the poles. I have never seen a place as beautiful as this one . In the background /wall there were words "Sam loves Maggie "  he presented flowers to me which had a very nice scent that I couldn't take them off my nose. This was the first time I recieved flowers . 

He ordered for only my favourite food and fresh fruit juice . We talked about different things while enjoying our meal. It's was a perfect place and John legend song,"all of me was playing in the background " .

He moved besides me after eating and started caressing my hand. I felt my whole body burning up and as I looked up to speak to him our eyes met and our lips were just inches . We locked eyes for what seemed like forever and he leaned forward. I could hear his breath and his heart beat as well. I closed my eyes and just then my phone rang. Oh God who the hell is ruining my perfect moment I said to my self . I pulled away from him quickly and searched for my phone in my bag . David was the one on the line and he said Lucy wants to see me right away. 

I rushed to Lucy's ward as soon as we reached the hospital praying silently that she's okay. Sam came after me because he had to look for a good parking spot before. Thank God all is well with Lucy she just wanted to see me or so that's what she told me.

It's been seven days now ever since she was brought back . Today Sam said he will be travelling for two days so he won't be in position to come by but he promised to call often. It was around 1:30pm when Lucy started having her labour pains. She was rushed into the labour room and I quickly informed the Collins and Sam though I knew he wouldn't be able to come by. Mrs Collins has been nothing bit good to us. She has been more of a mother and always encouraged us not forgetting cooking for us often as well. The Collins arrived two hours later I think its because they were busy. 

It has been twenty-five hours now and Lucy is still in Labour  . We are allnervous and so worried about lucy . Mrs Collins keeps pacing and this makes me feel so bad. I kept praying silently.

Read " In Search For My Twin " by the same author ( fatumah sulait )

.  Later the doctors decided to operate on her after staying for two full days and nights in Labour with the consent of mrs collins . She was helped by the doctors to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. The baby was so weak and tired that she had to be put on life supporting machines right away. Four days lster the bsby died that she wasn't taken care of during the pregnancy. 

I kept feeling guilty for I had prayed that if God has to taken anyone let it at least be the bsby and not Lucy . Sam came on the day Lucy was operated.  He was busy that his trip lasted for four days and not two as he had planned. It's a very difficult time for Lucy . She is moaning her child however to me I can't really say am sad because the baby died. I know its an innocent soul but who are we to question God's choices. 

David seems to have a thing for Lucy or n aybe he just sympathize with her. He takes a lot of good care of her and his really trying to cheer her up however it seems to be a very difficult task for him. Lucy seems to be so sad and Moody but we all can understand her pain.


Happy eid celebrations to all my Muslim readers am sorry I didn't invite you to share with me but bare in mind my love for you can never be measured.

see you soon

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