Tears Of Summayah - Episode 33

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Jamiu returned to the hospital and the doctor informed him that he could go see his mum, since she had regained consciousness. He mustered up some courage and went straight in to see her, bursting into tears immediately he set eyes on her. 
“Jamiu please stop crying. I am perfectly fine”. 

“I am so sorry for yelling at you. I won't forgive myself if something had happened to you today.”

“Shh, stop crying my son . Allah protected me, and I am fine now.” Mrs Aminat searched Jamiu’s face. “What happened? You seem so sad and broken.”

Fresh tears began to fall as Jamiu recalled Sumayyah’s betrayal. “Mom, she has ruined me finally.”

“I don’t understand you.”

“Sumayyah has ruined my life. I caught her in bed with another man. She didn’t even care that you are in the hospital.” 

“I told you son, but you refused to hear me out. She is set to kill us both.”

“Mother, she will pay for everything she has done to you. And for all the pains inflicted on us both.”

“Please just take it easy with her.” Mrs Aminat pleaded.

“She doesn't deserve your sympathy, mum. I am going to deal with her and I assure you that she will regret it.” Jamiu was fuming

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. “I don't care but she needs to get rid of her pregnancy. Even if I have to drag her to the hospital to do it”

“Yes, but before you do let her confess to you who the father is.”

“She’s had countless guys mum. In spite of the fact that I always respected her wishes and stayed away. Did you know that Sumayyah doesn't like it when I hold her hands” Jamiu burst into tears. “Sumayyah has broken my heart”

“I know she has but we have to get home to sort everything out.”

“Mum, there is no need for you to worry. I will take care of Sumayyah myself. Take your medications and rest because you need to get better.”

“Thank you my son.” 

When Jamiu left Mrs Aminat was so pleased that she had won Jamiu over to her side. Meanwhile, the stranger had informed Jennifer of the success of the mission. He also informed her that Jamiu was still in the hospital, so she decided to take the opportunity to peddle more lies about Sumayyah. 
“Jamiu, what happened? Why are you crying? Is mum alright?” Jennifer fired these questions at Jamiu when she spotted him. 

“She betrayed me.”

“Who? I don’t understand you Jamiu” 

“Sumayyah!” His raised voice drew some attention to them.

“Calm down please”

“How do you expect me to calm down.?”

“Let’s get out of here and talk in a relaxed area.”
Jennifer took Jamiu’s hand and led him to a clubhouse. Jamiu wanted to leave the noisy place but Jennifer told him it would help relieve his stress. He obliged, and Jennifer got drinks for them both.

“So tell me what made you cry.”

Jamiu sighed and stared into space. “She is cheating on me.” 

“Wow, I would never believe that girl could do something like that. Go on, take a sip of your drink”
Jamiu shook his head vehemently. “I don't want a drink.”

“It will relieve your stress. Come on, try it.”

He gulped the contents of the glass and Jennifer continued to refill his cup until he became drunk.

Sumayyah was worried sick about Jamiu. He hadn’t returned since he left, and she had been trying to call to no avail. At exactly 12midnoght she heard something that sounded like someone being dragged across the floor. She also heard Jamiu’s voice and she immediately thought the worst had happened. The images of Jamiu involved in an accident propelled Sumayyah to the front door but what she saw surprised her: a drunk Jamiu being dragged inside by Jennifer.

“What happened?” Sumayyah asked Jennifer as she stepped out of Jamiu’s room.

“As you can see he is drunk.” 

Sumayyah was crushed. “I know this is your doing. Jamiu was never like this. What kind of a person are you, Jennifer?!” 

“Don’t blame me for your misfortune Sumayyah. You know he got drunk because of you. You turned him into a beast… how could you cheat on him?”. 

“You are the architect of our misfortune, Jennifer.” 

Jennifer laughed. A loud shrieking sound that sent shivers up Sumayyah’s spine. “You blame me? Iron out your issues with him. It's none of my business.”

Jennifer left and Sumayyah broke down in tears. Her husband had started to sin and it was all her fault. She remembered a hadith of the prophet that said:


Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

"Once a delegation of 'Abdul Qais came to Allah's Messenger (ï·º) and said, "We belong to such and such branch of the tribe of Rab'a [??] and we can only come to you in the sacred months. Order us to do something good so that we may (carry out) take it from you and also invite to it our people whom we have left behind (at home)." The Prophet (ï·º) said, " I order you to do four things and forbid you from four things. (The first four are as follows): -1. To believe in Allah. (And then he: explained it to them i.e.) to testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and (Muhammad) am Allah's Messenger (ï·º) -2. To offer prayers perfectly (at the stated times): -3. To pay Zakat (obligatory charity) -4. To give me Khumus (The other four things which are forbidden are as follows): -1. Dubba -2. Hantam -3. Muqaiyat [??] -4. Naqir (all these are utensils used for the preparation of alcoholic drinks).

Sahih al-Bukhari 523 Book 9, Hadith 2 
USC-MSA web (English) : Vol. 1, Book 10, Hadith 501  (deprecated)

Sumayyah blamed herself for what Jamiu had turned into. She had been a bad wife to him and was also careless. How could I have allowed a stranger into our house? She thought. At that moment, Sumayyah decided that self-pity would get her nowhere, so she went straight to Jamiu’s room to check on him. 

“Jamiu, drinking alcohol is haram, you know that. Don't let shaytan take over your soul. Please punish me for everything.”

Jamiu sat up in bed. He had obviously heard every word she said, even though she was drunk. “So, you want me to punish you for everything right?” 

Sumayyah nodded. “Yes”

He pulled her hijab off her head and pulled her hair roughly. “You don’t need to tell me that. I will punish you.” 

The strong smell of alcohol coming from Jamiu made her sick, so she rushed straight to the bathroom and vomited. When she came out, she met Jamiu standing by the door. “I am sorry, I didn’t know you were here”.

“Sumayyah, you are going to abort that bastard in your womb. I don't care whose baby it is.” Jamiu bit out angrily.

The force of his words hit her hard and Sumayyah stepped back in shock. How could Jamiu ask her to kill an innocent child? What if she herself died in the process, would Allah (S.W.T) forgive her for murdering a child growing in her womb? And would Jamiu believe her if she did as he wished? He wouldn't, she knew, because he had already labelled her as the unfaithful wife, so killing the child would be useless. Sumayyah remembered another hadith that said:

Allah's Apostle gave the judgment that a male or female slave should be given in Qisas for an abortion case of a woman from the tribe of Bani Lihyan (as blood money for the foetus) but the lady on whom the penalty had been imposed died, so the Prophet ordered that her property be inherited by her offspring and her husband and that the penalty be paid by her Asaba.
(Hadith— Sahih al-Bukhari 8.732, Narrated Abu Hurairah.)

Jamiu’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Didn’t you hear me? You must abort that child.”
“I won’t so don’t think you can force me to. Allah knows best how and why I got pregnant, but I won't commit a grave sin and murder a child that He has given me. What if I lose my life in the process? Sorry, but I will not endanger my life because of you, Jamiu.”

Jamiu clapped his hands. “Wow, I never knew you were this smart. You want to give birth to a child that you have no clue who the father is. I remember the guy this morning said something about ‘many guys’ ” He eyed her in disdain. “No wonder you have no idea who impregnated you.”

“How could you think so low about me?”

Jamiu pulled Sumayyah to himself and began to caress her roughly. “How much do they give you for a night, tell me. I may not be very rich but trust me I can pay for tonight. Tell me, are they more handsome than I am that you choose to sleep around with them.?”

“Let go of me.”

“Why are you lying to me Sumayyah, oops I mean pr-stitute.” He tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away and tried to run. Jamiu pursued and caught up with her and then dragged her into his room. This time he made sure to lock the door.

“So Mrs, where do they touch you hmm? Tell me, I will pay you.” He pushed her atop the bed. 

“You are not in your right senses, Jamiu.” Sumayyah tried to push him off her.

“I am asking: how do you dress for them? I am sure it is not something like what you are wearing now.  I have some in my wardrobe that I got for you before our marriage. I thought you wouldn’t like them but now I don't care. You will wear them for me tonight!” Jamiu picked some clothes from his wardrobe and flung them at her.

“I am not a pr-stitute and I won't wear those shameless clothes.”

“As your husband, I order you to go into that bathroom, take a bath, put these clothes on and use some perfume. I will be waiting for you”. 

“I won't.”

“I guess I would have to help you take off your clothes and bathe you.” He tried to unzip her dress, but she stopped him. 

“I will do it myself.” She collected the clothes and headed straight for the bathroom. She returned fully dressed.

“Wow, this is nice Sumayyah. I will freshen up as well.” He looked back at the door of the bathroom. “Don’t even think about leaving this room.”
Jamiu came out of the bathroom while Sumayyah was already asleep on his bed.

“What a beauty! By Allah, I will fulfil my desires tonight.”

 “Jamiu, please…”

“Wow, baby. You are so s-xy. Your skin is so soft.” 

“Sumayyah pushed him with all her might. “Let me go.” 

Jamiu hit her across the face. “I won't let you go. You are in my bed and I will perform my duty as a husband. It’s been a long time coming, believe me.” 

“Please, I beg you.” “Sumayyah cried out as she felt a sharp pain surge through her stomach. “Urghh... my stomach” 

“Don’t play tricks with me Sumayyah. I know what you are trying to do and I won't fall for it.” 

“I am not joking.” Sumayyah doubled over in pain. 

“You will always experience pain all your life Sumayyah, that I can assure you” 

“I am on the path of the truth and I know Allah will ease my pain and vindicate me!”
 Her words were useless because Jamiu rap-d her that night.

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  • Adekunle Elizabeth picture
    Adekunle Elizabeth
    OMG, so careless of you Summayah..... Next please, I hope God interneve quick
  • chijay picture
    What a life ? , More episodes please.
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    OH, it really hurts. I feel for dear summuyah. jamiu how will u fill wen u find out d truth? nice one Timi. keep d episodes rolling.
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    Nice 1.. My Question Is, Can A Husband Rape His Wife..Having Sex With His Wife, Cn It Be Seen As Rape?. Timi Weldon
  • Timi picture
    @ Blessed Daniel Off course it will seen as rape, she didnt give her consent to be slept it. He forced her into doing it, there should be permission for that.
  • Abigail Edos picture
    Abigail Edos
    Blessed there is "marital rape ". When ones husband forcefully have his way with his wife it is labeled as marital rape and in a developed country it is a punishable offense.
  • eliza picture
    Even if whatever she's been accused of is true,she still doesn't deserve to be raped by her husband.. two wrongs don't make a right.. what stops him from divorcing her and letting her go instead of treating her like that.
  • Timi picture
    @ eliza Thank you for that comment, sometimes, guys dont think straight when they are cheated especially if they are married. I
  • chijay picture
    @ Blessed, go to ur dictionary n get d definition of 'rape' to balance other answers given .
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    2nd sexual violation in how many weeks,hmmmmm....how much can one person suffer in a short while, but really what's d role of dt Abuja witch, I really can't wait & I hope Summayah's biological mother will surface oo......
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    Gasping!!! It's Ok. Thank U All..
  • Happy Godfirst picture
    Happy Godfirst
    Summayah you brought all this upon yourself cos you're too soft
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    See what her silly mistake co used her
  • Maryam Ali picture
    Maryam Ali
    So much suffering,??i can definitely feel her pain,such a tender age and she has experienced a lot
  • Special sparkle picture
    Special sparkle
    Timi that was harsh
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