From The Eyes Of A Spinster - Episode 10

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Sakinah stepped out of the hospital with a heavy heart. Sorrow and sadness filled her heart. What will she do if she lost her mom now? She has lost Mama Rabi the past four months, and now her mom, Hajiya siyamah is lying there in the hospital with no guarantee if she's going to make it or not. This is something she can't bear at all. The lost of two mothers the same time.

She sat under the shade that was available outside the hospital . Her head buried in between her legs. She can't break down, no she can't. She heaved a sigh and wiped away the stubborn tear that slipped from her right eye. Why is she going through things like this? Why? Just why? She wants to be a happy girl, but will that ever happen? When? How will that even be possible?

She swiped through her phone quickly and dialed Nafisah's number, who by now might be on her to the hospital.

"Sis. How far?" Nafisah chirped in as soon as she picked the call.

"Where are you?" Sakinah.

"Coming right away sis, was caught up with something but am currently on my way coming over"

"Okay. where's Safinah?"

"Home. Preparing to go to school. Hey! You know it's not cool talking on phone while driving right? I'll See you soon" with that she hanged up the call.

Sakinah heaved a sigh as she remembered the doctor's words a week back

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. She felt her world crashing right before her eyes, Even thou to her, her world has already crumbled.

"She's already in the last stage. No promises sir, but I can't say for sure if she can make it or not" The doctor had said to Alhaji Bello who was then sitting in the doctor's office with Sakinah.

"You mean to tell us we are also going to loose her doc?" Sakinah asked.

"No miss. I don't have the power to give nor take life, you know, I'm only saying this professionally. Allah knows best and to him we always lay our problems. For now, we are going to administer her some drugs and see how she responds"

Sakinah, now, heaved a sigh again and looked around, only to spot Nafisah parking the car and storming out.

"Hey sis. How are you?" Nafisah asked, immediately she walked to Sakinah

"Fine. Give me the car keys please. I don't wanna go back in. Amirah is inside with mom" Sakinah replied, taking the key from Nafisah.

"Alright, Drive safe and take care" Nafisah called out.

                ***   ***   ***

Today was saturday, and the girls were at home resting before visiting their mother in the hospital later in the day.

Seated in the living room were the triplets and Habeeb. Nafisah was in deep thoughts thinking of a way to make dawoud understands she's in love with him. It was now two months to their graduation and there's no way she's going to stay for another one year without getting married. She can't and won't even try it. Even if dawoud is not willing to marry her, then it's better to look for someone else before it's too late.

Sakinah on the other hand was going through a book she bought yesterday, Titled, "Sands of Time" by Sidney Sheldon. While Habeeb and Safinah were having a chit chat as she kept tapping on her phone. From All indications, she's chatting.

"You know what Yaya? just dump the girl and look for another one. You're handsome and also rich, I see no reason why you should waste your time on just one single girl for goodness sake!"

"Safinah, I love the girl. I'm not obsessed with her, I love her genuinely. And all this while she has been playing with my feelings and giving me a hard time. I don't know what to do sis, I just don't know" Habeeb said, sadly.

"Give me her contact then. I'll talk to her In Shaa Allah (God's Willing)" Safinah replied.

"Whooa! Aren't you the best and sweetest sister in the world? Thanks dear. Some only bear the name "sister" but are nothing other than piece of garbages" Habeeb said, focusing his gaze on Sakinah.

Sakinah knowing fully well that he was referring to her gave him a pointed look and then smiled before saying, "And some only bear the name "Brothers" but are nothing closed to that. They are dogs who snoop around from one butts to the other. Allah hummah ajirni fii brothers like that (i.e praying for protection against such brothers). If you'll please excuse me sisters, sitting around beings like that disgusts me" Sakinah said as she stood up. She looked at Habeeb straight in the eyes, and he could feel the hatred right from his head to his toes. She hissed and then walked off.

What! Where did she get that confidence from? How did she do it? As soon as she was out of sight, Sakinah ran to her room and locked herself inside. She rested her back to the door with her right hand on her chest as she heaved a sigh. Damn! That was so close. What if he had followed her and dealt with her?

Back in the living room, the sisters looked at each other with so much shock. Nafisah shifted on her seat and looked at Habeeb.

"Yaya, what's between you and Kis Kis? I don't understand. Ever since we were kids you guys never got along with each other. What exactly is the problem, please tell us?"

"I don't know Nafisah. The only thing I know is that she hates me, but now I think I know the reason behind this hatred" Habeeb said slowly, feigning a sad and hurt face.

"Why? Tell us please Yaya. This has to stop for goodness sake. You are our elder brother not junior brother. Maybe I should tell dad about it before its escalate to something else" Safinah said.

"Promise me you won't say a word about what am going to tell you girls. Not even to her nor to Dad" Habeeb replied looking from Safinah to Nafisa.

"We promise" they murmured together.

"Okay. Two years back, I noticed Sakinah's feelings towards me. She tries all her possible best to show me she loves me but I ignored it because I don't love her. I think that's what triggered the hatred towards me"

"Whaat!" Nafisah was shocked, "Sakinah loves you? How? Is that the reason why she hates men?"

"I guess. I just don't know how to make her understand me. I love her as a sister not the other way round. But please, none of you should say a word about this, I know how to take care of things"

"Allah Ya kyauta (Lord Have Mercy)!" Safinah said still not believing what Habeeb just said. Sakinah in love? And how comes they never knew? She has a firm belief that Sakinah has a genuine reason for hating men not what Habeeb just said. She was so deep in thought when her phone rang. She looked at its screen and hissed loudly.

"I'm tired with this coward, already!"

If you were to go through Safinah's contact list, then I bet you'll laugh and laugh for so long without been able to control it. Most of her contacts were saved as "Kato1, Kato2, Gara1, Gara2, Basamude, Wawa, Dan Wahala and so on" 

"Madam just answer the call and stop disturbing us!" Nafisah snapped.

Safinah hissed again before receiving the call.

"Hello" she chirped in curtly.

"Wify, how are you?" Replied the deep voice.

"Fine. And can you please stop calling me wify?"

He smiled through the phone before replying.

"Mother of my kids kenan. I'll endure it all, the hatred and even the abuses. I love you fii sabilillah (for God's Sake), and nothing more. If only you could give me a chance, then I'll show you just how much I love you and how am going to take good care of you"

Chai! Zunurayn and his stubbornness.

"You know what I want. Posses them all and I'll think of giving you a chance.

Read " My Mistake " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. For now, you have nothing so goodbye!" And with that she ended the call.

"Kut! Kina wulaqanci fa (you're wicked). I'm here looking for someone to call mine while you're busy chasing away those you have. You are not growing any younger miss! May God deliver you" Nafisah said angrily and left the living room.

"See me see trouble. What is your own toh? Yaya keep gisting me please"

              ***   ***   ***

Sakinah tossed on her bed from one side to the other. Its been six months since the death of Mama Rabi, and Hajiya Siyamah has also been discharged from the hospital a month back. Now, the only thing left was for her to move on.

Is she, now, willing to do that? Is she ready for the therapy now? She remembered her last visit to her therapist.

"Why are you back miss Sakinah?" Doctor Faysal had asked slowly.

"I'm willing to undergo the therapy now" came her slow reply without looking at him or meeting his intense gaze.

"Why?" He had asked again.

"Because Mama Rabi wants me to" she had answered him already irritated by his questions.

"You are not ready then, Miss Sakinah. Come back when you are wiling to do it for yourself, come back when your heart is telling you to, come back when you think it's high time you move on and face your fears. Only then, will you be ready"

And now, as she looked at the wall clock tickling, she made up her mind to go for the therapy.

For herself. Because she wants to. Because she needs to. Because it's high time she moves
 on with her life!

Therapy, here we come!

•Murjanat Alkali.

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  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Nice one.. See how Habeeb is still committing more sins against Sakinah
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Why did Mama Rabi have to die without treating Habeeb's f**kup....R.I.P mama Rabi......sakinah I'm for u ooooo
  • Nyamusi Noreen picture
    Nyamusi Noreen
    Oooh so moving. But mama Rabi didn't deserve to die before dealing with Habib
  • Equya Serwaa picture
    Equya Serwaa
    Pls let mama Rabi come back oo Let her death be a dream
  • Pacuto Tuape picture
    Pacuto Tuape
    Sakinah.....move on
  • Georgina Bestway picture
    Georgina Bestway
    the devil is out there enjoying his life. if u dnt move on, u wnt be able to carry out ur revenge. the first payback is moving on, being happy. that wud hurt him bad.
  • Victoria Obio picture
    Victoria Obio
    Nice one ma
  • Kehinde Temitope Odunukan Adeboye picture
    Kehinde Temitope Odunukan Adeboye
    Sekinah dont worry you will laugh last and laugh best youve gone tru a lot and as for that chimpanzee called Habeeb shai he will suffer and beg for mercy but it will be too late.....seriously praying for a brutal payback for him from God
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