From The Eyes Of A Spinster - Episode 9

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She parked the car at the parking lot and ran inside the house in tears. This will be the last time she visits that doctor. Mama Rabi or whosoever can't force her to go for therapy again. 

She has said it, she knows it that all guys are the same and nothing will change that fact. They are all the same, bully and stupid. They are nothing but bunch of garbages and stupid fools . In fact, they are the worst creation she has ever met.

She ran past Mama Rabi who was teaching Masoud his home work. She was now bewildered. She glanced at Sakinah and shook her head. Whatever it is, she'll find out later. But isn't now the right time to do so?

Sakinah sat on her bed with a thud and buried her head with her hands. Why? Why is life unfair to her? She thought Mama Rabi was right when she told her the doctor is different and is only going to help her, but after today's incidence... she never wants to see him again.

She saw it with her own eyes, she saw how he was trying so hard to hug the poor girl even thou she was crying and pushing him aside and telling him to let her go, just like she begged Yaya Habeeb... But the doctor never listened. He held her tightly in his arms and let her cry on his shoulder. That sight broke her heart and she felt like helping the girl

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. But is she powerful enough to push him and maybe break his nose? And their eyes suddenly met. She could swear he was shocked when he saw her, well, he ought to be shocked Imbecile.

She whipped her tears and turned on her heels without listening to him or answering any of his calls. Today will be the last day she's gonna visit that hospital!

                ***   ***   ***

"Rise and shine sister" Nafisah said, tapping Sakinah by her shoulder. "Get up miss, we are travelling to kano today!" She added.

Sakinah woke up with a jolt at the mention of kano. Habeeb has been in kano for the last two days and she was happy not to be seeing him, why then are they going to kano today?

"Kano? Why?" Sakinah asked, puzzled.

"To see Baba Sa'eed of course, Miss. We'll sleep over and comeback tomorrow"

"I don't want to go and am not going" Sakinah said with an air of finality.

"Oh yes you are going miss" Hajiya Siyyamah said as she walked into the room. "Get up right now and dress. We are leaving in the next one hour. Don't keep us waiting!"

"But I don't want to go, Mom" Sakinah whined.

"I don't care. You are going to kano whether you like it or not. So, get up!"

Sakinah was angry but there's nothing she can do about it. She stood up and walked to her bathroom, took a quick shower and came out only to find Mama Rabi in her room. She has been avoiding Mama Rabi ever since she saw doctor Faysal and the girl. She believed that Mama Rabi knows the type of man he is but still sent her to him, claiming he's going to help her overcome her phobia. How stupid!

"Sakinah come and sit down, we need to talk" Mama Rabi said tapping the space beside her for Sakinah to sit down. Sakinah humped and walk over to her closet saying...

"I don't want to talk right now Mama, as you can see I'm very busy"

Mama Rabi was quiet. What is wrong with Sakinah? Why is she so cold and aloof since the past few days? She stood up and walked over to her, she tapped her shoulder and Sakinah quickly moved away from her hold. That hurts Mama Rabi beyond words.

"What's wrong with you Sakinah? Why are you avoiding me? Why aren't you going for your therapy again?"

Sakinah turned angrily looking at her face, "Oh yes! Ask me why when infact you perfectly know the answer. I don't know why I was so dumb and stupid to have trusted you. I forgot the saying that a co-wife is never a sister nor a mother to her step children. I was ignorant and very stupid and even told you my worst secret. You knew who that doctor was, you knew he was a womanizer yet you sent me to him and told me he's going to help. You wanted him to destroy my life completely and make my mom cry. Well, I figured it out too soon Mama, and I'm glad your game didn't work on me. Now, if you'll please excuse me as you can see I'm very busy now!"

Mama Rabi was stunned and hurt. She never knew Sakinah would ever think of her that way. But why? She has always been there for her, Always helping her, but here she is judging her for something she has zero knowledge of.

"Sakinah" She called her angrily, turning her to face her. "I know I didn't gave birth to you, neither did I carry you in my tummy for nine months or breast feed you. But I love you all the same even thou I can't compare my love for you with that of your mother, but believe me when I say I only want the best for you and nothing more" She was already crying so hard by now, how could Sakinah think of her that way?

"That woman you saw him hugging was his wife. He called and told me what happened. I waited for you to talk about it but you didn't that's why I talked to you. You don't want to do it anymore right? Then I won't force you, Sakinah. Take care" And with that, she left Sakinah's room with a heavy heart!

             ***   ***   ***

They arrived at Kano around 2pm, rested for a while in baba Sa'eed's house before they took off to Yaya Fatee's house where Inna Saude was. Inna Saude has been in fatee's house for two days now because she gave birth to a baby girl. And Inna Saude being her grandma took it upon herself to take care of her.

"Oyoyoo, My sweetheart" Nafisah yelled, Hugging Inna Saude.

"Kai kai kai! So kike ki karyamun kashi? (Do you want to break my bones?)"

"I missed you so much that's why. How you doing?" Nafisah asked sitting beside her.

"Don't you know the road to Kano if you missed me? you are only here to see your sister and not because you missed me" Inna Saude said.

"Miss pouty!" Sakinah said sitting opposite her, "since we are already here, enough of the drama please!"

"Keep quiet yar tselen uwa (stupid girl)! Am I talking to you? You're always grumpy and don't like smiling, while I am the opposite that's why we don't blend" Inna Saude said rolling her eyes.

Sakinah was about to reply her when Yaya Fatee came out holding her baby. Sakinah quickly stood up and collected the baby before greeting Yaya Fatee.

"The baby is so cute" She said in what seemed like a whisper, looking at the baby so closely. "I love her already. Please name her after me" She added.

"And why is that? Yaya Fatee name the baby after me please" Safinah pleaded.

"They are going to name her Saude! Now spare us the naming competition!" Inna Saude snapped.

Sakinah rolled her eyes at Inna Saude and sighed.

Just then, three of Yaya Fatee's friends bounced in, and after exchanging pleasantries with Inna Saude, she left the living room for them.

"Munayah, how far with your Marriage issue?" Yaya Fatee asked one of her friends.

Munayah sighed before replying, "I don't think I can marry him again. Why will I marry him when he only has two cars? I thought he has four to five all these while ashe it's only two. My sister, am not in with poor guys"

Safinah was amused seeing someone with the same view as hers. She smiled and adjusted her sitting position before replying, "Thank you my sister. What is there to gain from a poor man? Just a rich man kawai (that's all!)" 

"My only problem now is that I want to get married nikam!" Nafisah said sadly, "I just want to have my own family and a house called mine. Nothing more".

Both her sisters and her cousin sister looked at her baffled.

"You want to get married?" Yaya Fatee asked surprised, "That's the best news I've heard so far this week!" She added.

Nafisah looked at her and smiled sadly. If only she knew what she's going through, then she wouldn't have been happy. Had it been her dad had agreed to it, only then will it be a good news. But he objected it. Her only problem now is that she has already gotten addicted to masturb-ting herself. Sometimes three to four times daily. Will she get someone who can make it up to her intimacy level? "I guess I have to wait till I'm a graduate" she blurted.

"Why? I thought you are ready to get Married?" Safinah asked.

"Yes, but dad said I have to graduate first"

"I have a boyfriend who is married. He's loving and caring. But I love him the most because he tells me everything about his wife. I know her weakness" A lady nearby said proudly.

"And you think that's a good sign? Do you know that guys like that never change? What if a time comes when he's willing to take in a new wife, do you know that he'll tell her every single thing about you too? Men like that are not worthy of our precious time" Yaya Fatee said.

"Exactly. Why will he tell you something about her? And you're here happy about it right? When your own time comes then I'll wait for a feedback from you" Munayah said.

The lady, whose name happens to be Aysha was now shocked. What they said is nothing but the truth. What if he did the same thing to her? Will she be able to endure it?.

"Thanks, girls. I appreciate the love"

"All men are bipolar breaches, ruthless monsters, possessive freaks, obsessive lovers or even lustful predators who look around for preys to satisfy their lust. Men are nothing but cheap ignorant fools. I see no reason why you all seat here and talk about those animals. Am out of here" Sakinah said all that in a breath and left the living room.

The girls looked at each other puzzled with different thoughts in their heads. What the hell is wrong with Sakinah? They wondered.

They ignored what she said and kept on talking about different things until the phone call came in... The phone call which's going to change their lives.

"Safinah, you girls should get down here to Murtala Muhammad Hospital! Mama Rabi had an accident, and is now hospitalized" Alhaji Sa'eed said through the phone. They rushed out after telling Sakinah what happened.

Initially, the plan was for all of them to come to Kano together, but then, the parents decided that the girls should go instead. Mama Rabi eventually changed her mind and decided to come see the baby, And along the way she got involved in an accident...

                 ***   ***   ***

"Doctor, how is she please?" Alhaji Bello asked as soon as the doctor came out of the emergency ward. He has flown down to Kano the moment he received the call.

"I can't say for sure. But I doubt if she's going to make it. She has already lost lots of blood and I can't guarantee you all her recovery.

Sakinah's heart crashed at the doctor's words. She needs to see Mama Rabi. She needs to see her!

"Can we see her?" She asked eagerly.

"Only one of you can see her" The doctor answered.

"Let me see her please dad. I need to see her, you need to let me see her!" Sakinah pleaded in tears.

"Go... go ahead" Alhaji Bello stuttered in tears. And with that, Sakinah ran into Mama Rabi's room only to see her in bandages.

She sat beside her crying her eyes out. "You can't leave me Mama, you have to stay with me forever, Mama. You can't leave!" She cried hugging Mama Rabi so tight.

Mama Rabi opened her eyes a little and looked at Sakinah, she tried smiling at her but couldn't. She tried speaking too but couldn't.

Read " Trapped In a Jungle " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. She only looked at Sakinah with tears in her eyes. She is surely leaving her Sakinah behind this cruel world.

Her eyes felt heavy. She tried so hard to keep them open but couldn't. She tried and tried but the eyes seemed more powerful. She later gave up after looking at Sakinah one last time.

She died in Sakinah's hands. And Sakinah was ignorant of the fact that she's gone even after hearing the sound made by the machine beside her. All she knew is that Mama Rabi is alive and would make it.

"Excuse me Miss, you need to go out. The patient is not breathing" the doctor appeared suddenly.

Sakinah was stubborn and didn't want to leave the ward. The doctor having no other choice ignored her and checked Mama Rabi's pulse.

She is dead!

He looked at Sakinah and couldn't bring himself to tell her. He took the blanket and covered Mama Rabi's face. That was when Sakinah grabbed the idea of what was happening.

Mama Rabi is dead!

•Murjanat Alkali.

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  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Oh my God! Mama Rabi Is dead ?
  • Amma picture
    like seriously?? I hope Habeeb doesn't have a hand in it oo
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