Redemption - Episode 33

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  I am still rooted to the same spot as I watch Lucas kiss talina. My chest feels weird as I watch them. I feel one lone tear fall down my face and I catch it with the pad of my thumb. I am crying. For a man. Again. I said I won't ever let this happen again. Who was I kidding? He's a rich and good looking guy. Famous too . It's logical that he will be dating a woman like talina and not his nanny. I thought he brought me here to cheer me up but turns out we came here to surprise his girlfriend.
"Are you ok?" My head snaps up to meet a young guy. The camera in his hand tells me he's one of the reporters. I quickly wipe my tears off and smile.
"Oh. I am fine. I guess the romantic gesture just got me teary. You know women." I say with a weak smile.
"I think they are both scams." He says.
"What? Look at them. They look great together." I say as I watch Lucas grab talina's hand and kiss her fingers. Okay, I can't watch anymore.
"I think something is fishy. You are working for Lucas right?" I nod and he fish for something in his pocket.
"Here. My card. I want you to inform me if you find anything off with them." He hands me his card.
"Umm I don't think I can do that. I am sorry." I start backing away when he grabs my wrist.
"I heard you are an upcoming artiste

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. I can help you get fame but you have to help me too." He pushes the card into my palm and walks away.
"Hey! Sir! I said I can't__" My ringing phone cuts me off and I quickly fish it out of my pocket. It's Philip.
"Philip." I say as greeting.
"Hey, baby girl. How are you?"
"Well, I am peachy."
"Peachy? Oh Bennie, you still haven't dropped your habit of forming your own words?" He teases and I smile.
"Why did you call?" I ask
"Oh, yea. Umm I am at the airport. Come pick me up?"
"What?! But you said_ I mean, I haven't even informed Cheryl of the arrangement." Cheryl is going to freak.
"I can't be seen in an hotel right now, I would have just stayed in one till you inform her. Please Bennie." He pleads and I sigh deeply.
"Fine. I'll text her that we are on our way. See you at the airport." I say and end the call.
  I should take permission from Lucas. I push through the reporters who are firing questions at the couple. Lucas has a weird look on his face and I wonder if that reporter was unto something when he said they were scams.
"Lucas, you did seem cozy with that Nanny. I would have sworn there was something going on between the both of you. Was I wrong?" I hear one reporter say to Lucas at the same time my eyes meet with Lucas's. I really want to hear the answer from him.
"Lucas?" The reporter calls when Lucas remains silent.
"What do you mean? Lucas wouldn't stoop that low to like a Nanny. Right honey?" Talina grabs Lucas's face and turn his eyes away from me.
"Am I right, Lucas?" She asks again and my heart breaks as Lucas nods. I feel myself stumble back.
"Are you okay?" Someone grabs my hand to keep me from falling. I nod slowly and when I see Lucas's eyes on me, I run off like the hounds of hell were after me. I can't let him see my tears.



"Am I right, Lucas?" This woman just know how to make low blows. I had no choice but to nod. This is for you Benedicta. I keep telling myself but when I see her run away, I can't keep still anymore.
"Okay, that's enough. Let's go" I grab talina's hand harshly and pull her away from the press towards my car. As soon as we are inside the car, I press on the accelerator and zoom out of there.
"Where's your car?" I ask talina behind clenched teeth.
"My car is back there at the ice cream depot. You can just drive me home sweetie" She says and caress my right hand which is on the console. I whip my head to look at her disgustingly pretty face.
"This is also to your advantage, Lucas. Your fan base just increased." She continues and the hold I have on my anger is snapping with every word out of her mouth.
"I mean, who wouldn't want to be known as the man of talina?" Her nails scrape my bicep and I pull my hand away and throw her a dirty look.
"Gosh! Don't tell me all this attitude is because of that stupid Nanny." This particular statement just made me lose it. I press on the brake suddenly and talina is pushed forward in her seat.
"What the heck! Do you want to kill me?" She spits out but I don't answer. I just push open my door and walk to her side of the car and pull open her door.
"Get out." I grind out and she looks at me like I have lost it.
"I said get out!" I yell in her face.
"But_I mean, this is a public place. You want me to get mauled or kidnapped?" She asks but I don't care one bit. I grab her wrist and pull her out of the car. One of her heels fall off inside the car but I don't bother picking it up for her. I slam the door shut and hurry over to my side of the car and settle in my seat after shutting the door.
"What are you doing? Lucas! Don't you dare start this car! My shoe is in there!" Talina yells as she slam her fist against the window. I smirk at her before I step on the accelerator and zoom off. I grab her shoe from the passenger's seat and throw it out the window. I see her in my rearview mirror screaming but I don't hear her.
I need to speak to Benedicta. She would understand that I had to do that for her once I explain myself to her. She should be at home. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial James's number. James picks up after the fourth ring.
"Where's Benedicta?" I ask without preamble.
"Didn't the both of you go out together?"
"Of course we did. But she just left because of that bitch, talina. You still don't have anything I can use against her? I want to strangle her, I swear."
"Calm down boss. I have something you would like. Just come home so I can brief you." He says and I nod.
"Okay, got to go." I end the call and throw my phone on the passenger's seat.
Where could Benedicta be? Maybe she went back to that Larry guy. Damn it! I slam my fist against the steering wheel as I pull off to the side road, heading to the house I took her the last time.

  Fifteen minutes later, I am parked in front of the gate of the huge house. I alight and walk up to the gate. Is she even here? I peek in through the tiny hole in the gate but I can't see anything. Should I knock? What if that guy is really Benedicta's boyfriend or worse, husband. What am I even doing? I should just go home. I turn to leave when I hear the gate open and I come eye to eye with that guy from that night.
"And you are?" He asks and I bite on my lip ring.
"Umm Benedicta's boss. I am Lucas." I say and bring my hand out for an handshake. He eyes me down without shaking my hand.
"Funny because the last time I checked, Benedicta is currently jobless." He says coldly.
"Who is out there Favour?" I hear a lady ask before I see her. She's wearing a black jumpsuit and it's obvious she is rich.
"He says he is Benedicta's boss." The man says coldly.
"Wait a minute! Lucas?! You are Lucas right?" She squeal and I smile. At least someone here likes me.
"Don't mind my husband.

Read " The fill-in wife " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. Come on in." She push past her husband and grab my hand, pulling me inside the compound. So this guy isn't Benedicta's boyfriend? I see the guy give me the evil eye as I pass him.
The woman who I now know as Prudence hands me a glass of red wine as she sits beside me on the couch. Her husband already stormed upstairs.
"Don't mind my husband. He is just protective of his sister. The last time she got tangled with a guy, she almost lost her life. That's the reason he's hostile to any man who comes close to his sister." She says.
"Really? What happened?"I can't help but ask.
"That's her story to tell. I just told you that bit so you know how to handle my friend. You like her right?" She asks and I fidget in my seat.
"It's really not like that. Umm"
"No need to deny it. You came all the way here just because she's your nanny? I call bullshit." She says and I grin.
"I just needed to speak with her but I got to go now." I say and stand.
"Oh. Okay, if she comes here, I'll tell her you came." The kind woman assures me and I nod my thanks.

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