Redemption - Episode 34

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  I couldn't get out of there soon enough. Benedicta almost lost her life because of Luis. Luis almost died too. There's something I don't know and I feel like crap for trying to take revenge on Benedicta at first. I need to get all my answers straight. I pull my car out of the road and kill the engine. I should have done this a long time ago but I have been careful about hurting his feelings ever since the incident . Right now, I have to do this.
  I dial Luis's number and wait for him to pick up with bated breath.
"Lucas?" When was the last time I heard his voice?
"Luis." I breathe out. There's silence for a few seconds before I speak.
"Long time no see, brother."
"Yea. Totally my fault." He says without explanation but I know talking with me might bring up memories of that day and I am afraid to ask what I called for.
"How's mom?" He asks and I sigh. I still haven't talked to her because I know she will definitely try to beg me to meet with my father.
"She's fine. Haven't talked to her much these days."
"How about the old man? Still sick?" He asks without sympathy and I can't blame him.
"He is. I didn't call to catch up Luis." I finally say and this time, it is his turn to sigh deeply.
"I thought as much

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. What is it?"
"Umm about Benedicta."
"Come on brother, you know that's a sore topic for me. Hell, that's the reason I don't want to come back home." I can just hear the sadness in his voice.
"I shouldn't have asked. I am sorry."
"Do you know how it feels like to know you could have done things differently but didn't? To live with the fact that you killed your own__ your own__F*ck! what am I even saying? I gotta go Lucas." Luis says and end the call, leaving me more confused than I was when I called.


  I grip my phone harshly as I try to keep the tears at bay. Why did Lucas even call to remind me of something I have been trying so desperately to forget? I lose the battle to my tears as they fall freely down my face. I nearly killed the love of my life. I killed my baby. Just because of my infatuation. I could just blame it on my bipolar disorder but deep down, I loved the highs it gave me. If I didn't, maybe I would have gotten help soon enough. I would still be with my Benedicta by now. We could have been a happy family with little kids who look just like her.
  I can still remember her beautiful face. Her voice. Her smiles. Her laughter. Which I stole from her. I snap the rubber band against my wrist continuously to contain my rage at myself just like my therapist advised. Yes, I got help for myself. I wanted to improve myself so I can be with her some day.
  I walk over to my bar which is stocked with only bottled water and smile wanly. I haven't had an episode in four Years since I started therapy and treatment. My psychiatrist did say I am as good as can be but I have still been living in fear of losing it again.
   This could be a sign. Maybe it's high time I went back home and get my life back. Get back my family. My love.
  I have been dreading this for months now. Since the idea to get my family back was planted. I take in deep steadying breaths and pick up my phone. It's time to go home.

"Who wants banana bread?!" I ask both excited kids as we alight the taxi which I hired to pick them up from school.
"Me! Me! Me! Me!" They both chant. Even Jason can't resist this. I had gone to pick my brother from the airport and drop him off at the house Cheryl and I share. Cheryl wasn't home and she also wasn't picking up her phone. She will probably get the shock of her life when she comes home to meet Philip. I hope she takes it well.
"Come on then. Let's get you cleaned up. Then we can all have the delicious treats my brother gave me." I tell them.
"First to get upstairs gets the bigger share." Jason says and speed off into the house.
"Hey! You cheat!" Daisy squeals as she tries to outrun her brother. I pay the taxi driver the fare before facing the house.
"You only said you had a little crush. You will be okay. Few more weeks and you will be hundreds of naira rich. Then you can walk away and continue with your life." I tell myself. I take slow steps towards the house while looking around to make sure Lucas isn't in.
"I can face him. No big deal. I am a mother and we can do anything for our__"
"Talking to yourself, Bennie?" My words are cut off as I startle.
"What the__" I spin around to see James grinning.
"You scared me!" I whisper yell as I slap his bicep.
"Shhhhh. Stop yelling!" I shush him.
"I have to go to the kids upstairs" I say as I continue tiptoeing towards the stairs.
"Why are you guys whispering?"
"Well, I don't want your grumble boss to see me yet." I whisper without looking back. I am totally distracted with looking around to make sure Lucas isn't in sight. James continue chuckling loudly and I turn back to scold him only to come eye to eye with Lucas. I gasp in shock and he grins that grin that made me foolishly crush on him but not anymore.
"Sir." I say silently.
"Do you know how long I have been looking for you?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I'm sorry sir. You were busy with your girlfriend and the kids were at school so I took the free time to pick my brother up from the airport. I should have taken permission. It won't happen again Sir." I say in one breath.
"You should have. I was so worried. You just ran off and I thought you were going to do something stupid. You know I agreed to what talina said because of the press right?" He asks while searching my eyes. I won't let him see that I am hurt. It isn't my place to be. After all, he can't possibly like a nanny.
"Why would I do something stupid? Sir, you hired me to take care of your kids. Whatever you and your girlfriend do in front of the press or anywhere isn't my business. Now if you will excuse me. I have to get back to my job." I say stiffly and run up the stairs to the kids.



She hates me. It's obvious. She doesn't even want to look at me right now as we all eat at the dining room. She has been silent while the children chatter about their day at school. I try to make eye contact but she just keeps avoiding my eyes. I sigh dejectedly before reaching for the bowl of rice. Benedicta also reaches for the same bowl and my hands brush hers slightly and I swear I heard her gasp. Our eyes meet for the briefest second before she pull her eyes away and stand up.
"I don't feel well. I beg to take my leave." She says before hurriedly leaving.
"What's wrong with aunt Bennie?" Jason asks.
"I think I saw her crying earlier but she said she just got something in her eyes." Daisy puts in and I can't take it anymore.
"Fuck this!" I growl as she shoot out of my chair and run after Benedicta.
"Hey! Wait!" I yell as I see her back heading towards the staff's quarters.

Read " A woman's dilemma " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. Sje doesn't stop though. She actually picks up her pace.
I am not letting her run away from me. I pick up my own pace and race after her. My long legs carry me faster towards her but not fast enough as she quickly run into her room and slam the door just as I get to it, nearly removing my nose.
"Bennie! Come on Bee. Open the door. We need to talk." I say while banging my fist against the door.
"Please go away. What do you want?" She says and I can tell she is crying.
"I am not leaving this place until you open this door and talk to me." I say but get no answer.
"Please. You need to know the truth. Today wasn't exactly how it seemed." I say again but still get no answer. I rest my back on the door and slide down to the floor, completely dejected.
"I can't have you hate me. I have waited too long for this to have it end even before it starts." I say silently.

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