Unattainable Perfection - Episode 29

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After my little speech, there was a long stretch of uncomfortable silence as I waited for Alexa to say something.


But I got none.

She wasn't even looking at me.

I sigh.

I've said everything I could literally think of and now I'm out of words.

"Alexa. Say something"

I say softly reaching to hook my fingers under her chin to raise her head.

Our eyes meet.

Her eyes were bloodshot red, lips trembling.



she wraps her arms around me, attacking me into a fierce hug.

I hug her back with just as much intensity and proceed to rub her back soothingly, allowing her to sob to her hearts content.

If there's something I've come to realise, it's the fact that I hate seeing tears in her eyes.

But I also know that some times it's better to let it out.

By the time she pulled away, my shirt was wet with tears.

I cup her face, wiping her tearstained face with my thumb.

"Now that's enough tears my pretty little witch"

I tease and she chuckles..

"Come,let's get you cleaned up"

I pick her shirt from the floor and help her wear it.


she says in a small voice.


she makes to move but then she winces.

"You okay?"

She sniffs

"Y..yes. . Umm.

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/unattainable-perfection

. My legs, they feel numb"

"That's because you've been on the treadmill for hours. Your body's not used to it. By morning, your legs will hurt. Hold on to me yeah, I'll carry you"

I tell her and she bites her lips, looking unsure.

"Give me your hand Alexa"

I hold out on my hand, waiting.

She takes my hand and I throw it around my neck, bending to pick her up bridal style.

She squeals, grabbing my collar tightly.

I smirk at her and she blushes.

Now that's the Alexa I'd like to see everyday.

The blushing one. Shaking my head, I carry her back into the house and take her into her room.

"Go take your bath. I'll make you something to eat"

"If you'd like me join you in the bathroom too I'd be glad"

I wink teasingly and her cheeks heat up again.

She pushes me out and shuts the door in my face.


I hear her mutter behind the door and I chuckle as I make my way to the kitchen. Grabbing a few vegetables, ham and two slices of bread, I begin to make some sandwich.

"Is she okay?"

Sh*t! I almost drop the knife at the voice. I turn to find Mr Dante, leaning against the fridge cooly drinking a glass of milk. 

This man.

So damn creepy.

"You startled me"

"Yh sorry about that. I thought you'd sense my presence"

I roll my eyes at his remark and continue making the sandwich.

"Like I asked, is she okay?"

He repeats.

"Yes. She's taking her bath, I just came to prepare her something"

I reply without glancing at him.


was all he could reply.

Hmm? Is that all he managed to say.

I swear I can feel him smirking and so I turn.

And lo and hehold, he was indeed smirking at me,albeit mischievously.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Why are you smirking?".

"Oh nothing, nothing. I'm just admiring your..friendship. She's in good hands"

Is he taunting me?

"Ugh... I guess"

I shrug


he smirks again.

"I guess you'll be spending the night here"

"Yep. And oh don't worry. I'll leave early tomorrow morning so you can have all the time in the world to yourselves"

Before I could decipher what he meant, he was out the door.

Okay, what's with this man?.

Shaking my head, I go back to my sandwich and realise I've spebt twenty minutes on a single sandwich.. Alexa must have finished bathing now right? Setting everything on a plate and pouring a glass of orange juice, I make my way towards her room.

Stopping in front of her door, I knock.

"Come in" Grabbing the door knob, I push the door open and saunter inside to find Alexa seated on the bed with her back against the headboard.

Her lower body was rendered invisible under the duvet and her scarf was back on her head, pushed further down to cover her forehead.

Sighing, I walk towards the bed and sit at the edge.

"Here. Something healthy for you. Eat up"

I tell her.

She was reluctant at first but then upon hearing the loud rumbling of her stomach, I pushed the tray onto her lap. 


It was an order not a request.

Nodding slowly,she picks up the sandwich and begins to eat.

During the course of her eating, I reach out and pull the scarf away from her face throwing it somewhere in the room.

With her mouth full of food,she gasps looking down instantly avoiding my gaze.

Oh no she won't.

"Look at me Alexa. Look into my eyes"

I say and she reluctantly does so.

Her blue eyes wide.

"Don't you ever hide yourself from me okay?"

She nods and goes back to eating.

With an empty plate now in her hand, she looks up at me drinking the last droplets of juice.

I smile satisfactorily.


I take the tray from her and spot her medicines on a small table beside the bed lamp.

Picking them up, I hand it to her.

"Take your pills"

Without another word, she grabs the bottle of water on the table and swallows her pills.

Satisfied I get up.

"Now get some sleep. You need it"

I turn to leave when her soft fingers enclose against my hand.

I turn again to stare at her.

"I'm sorry William. For saying all those things to you and hitting you. I'm sorry.. I.."

"You didn't mean it."

I cut her off

"You were going through a rough time and it's completely okay by me. Now have some sleep, we'll talk more tomorrow"



"Stay with me tonight. Please. Please stay"

she pleads

"Alexa I don't think..."

"Just for tonight. Can you not hate me tonight? Please just be kind to me for tonight. Please stay with me, please"

Sighing, I drop the tray and get into bed with her as she shifts to give me more space.

"Come here"

I pat the spot beside me and she scoots closer.

I wrap my arms around her as she lays her head on my chest.

"You okay?"

I ask stroking her hair.


she mumbles into my chest.

"Thank you"

she adds after a while and I nod.



"It's only six pm. Do I have to sleep now?"

"Yes you do. You need it"

she opens her mouth to speak but I beat her to it

"Don't even try to cone up with an excuse young woman"

Pouting she drops her head back onto my chest.

A comfortable silence fills the room as I continue stroking her hair and just when I thought she was asleep, she speaks up

"I'm sorry you had to see me in my most vulnerable state. T..the picture triggered it all"



She lifts herself up to look at me.

I cup her face.

"Everyone becomes vulnerable at one point or another in their lives. It's perfectly normal but please do not shut me out. You don't have to go through this alone. I'll always be here for you,you hear me?"

She nods. I kiss her forehead, allowing my lips to linger a minute longer.

She sighs contentedly.

When I pulled away, she was blushing.

I chuckle.

"You blush a damn lot Alexa. So cute"

I pinch her cheeks and she slaps it away.

"It's not my fault you keep doing and saying things that cut me off guard"

she fidgets with the fingers.

"I cut you off guard huh?"

I smirk

"And you say vulgar things too"

she adds.

"Oh. Like what? Like how I never told you how much of a good kisser you were?"

I tease further.

Her eyes widen, cheeks heating up.

"Ah there it is again. My favourite blush. I think I should call you queen of blush henceforth don't you think?"

She glares at me and then buries her face in my chest.

I laugh at her embarrassment.

Oh Alexa, you're gonna be the death of me.

The things you do to me. I sigh.

"Go to sleep now"


An hour later, after Alexa had fallen asleep, William slowly pried her body off him, adjusting her sleeping form on the bed.

Placing one more kiss on her forehead, he climbs down and grabs the tray heading out of the room towards the kitchen.

After placing the plate and used glass into the sink, his phone rang.

Fishing it out of his pocket he answers without looking at the caller ID.


"Well hello to you too"

the deep voice answers. Immediately, William pulls the phone away from his ears to stare at the caller before placing it back to his ears.


"The one and only"

the voice replies smugly and William goes silent.

He knew.

He had been dreading this day.

He knew David will call him out someday to ask about their plan to revenge.

He just didn't think it will be so soon.

How was he supposed to tell David he was beginning to doubt himself.

That he was beginning to doubt the fact that Alexa had tried to murder him in jail. He was even beginning to doubt that she had hit his mother and run.

Hell, he was even beginning to develop feeling for her.

Feelings that were developing at an incredibly fast pace.

"I sense your retreat William. You're backing out of the plan aren't you?"

David replied cooly.

The exact definition of the calm before the storm.

"Listen David.... This revenge thing... I was blinded...by rage, anger and a whole lot of enotions.. Having the feeling for revenge is a while lot different from actually carrying out the plan. And listen Alexa is not...."

"Okay hold it right there William. Hold it. I had a feeling you were going to back out after you told me you were moving with Alexa elsewhere for safety purposes. But I didn't think you'll change your mind so soon.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. It's been what, two weeks? You're already falling for the girl aren't you? She's got you titalky whipped. Well guess what Will, I don't give a flying f*ck, you wanna back out? Fine. But I'll have you know one thing, I'm going to continue from where you stopped and I'll definitely finish it also. Go ahead and have your fun but I'll go ahead with mine"

"Listen David, I don't care what you do but do not lay a damn finger on Alexa. Do not hurt her in anyway else..."

"Oh you defending her already ain't it?"

He cuts William off laughing slightly.

"Well guess what, I do not care who I have to hurt to get to my goal and I'm warning you William, do not get in my way. You decided to back out of the plan, cool, your loss but do not interfere. I know you're at a certain beach house. Remember you told me that the day you were moving? You were so damn angry and calling her a b*tch... And true, she's a real b*tch for..."

William suddenly flares up

"Do not f*cking call her that David!"

"Defending your little girl huh? I just called to tell you I'm going to complete what you were too weak to do. And hey,you want me to say hi to her for you? She's such a beauty when she's asleep"

Before William could understand what David meant by that, there was a sudden loud scream coming from Alexa's room.


Alexa screams as the dark shadow hovers over her,advancing towards her as she backs away.

A hand suddenly clamps down on her mouth,preventing her from making a sound. "Hello Alexandra, remember me?"

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  • lydy mbuh picture
    lydy mbuh
    problems over problems, all this is for a short while, kudos Eliza
  • Kadosh Wa Wambua picture
    Kadosh Wa Wambua
    Action time....
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    When will Alexa have any peace
  • eliza picture
    thanks lydy
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ kadosh
  • eliza picture
    soon @ Destiny
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    uh uh...David,leave Alexa out of dis ur revenge ooo...wetin sef,,,the poor girl hz gone through a lot ....nice episode sweetie, expecting more
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Why should she pay for her dads sins, such an innocent child. Hmm! Kudos dear
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    alexa suffering because of her dad wickedness.dis is just 2much.kudos elliz
  • Mary Eyo picture
    Mary Eyo
    David shouldn't involve Alexa in his revenge, she's innocent. hope Alexa get through all problems one day. nice one eliza
  • eliza picture
    lol confy. tell him for me... I'll post it soon
  • eliza picture
    thanks Bennie love
  • eliza picture
    thanks Bella
  • eliza picture
    I hope so too..thanks Mary
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Revenge isnt d best anytime Alexa keep suffering for Dad's misdeed, I hope Henry comes out of hiding to defend his beloved daughter. Kudos Eliza
  • eliza picture
    i hope he comes out soon enough too. thanks Adeoti
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Somebody please get that animal(David) back to zoo.....
  • eliza picture
    lol Pamela
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Poor Alexa, hatred fro left, right, centre. I pity her.
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