Unattainable Perfection - Episode 30

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**** With his heart on his sleeves and the breath of fear leaving his nostrils, William sprinted towards Alexa's room throwing his cell phone somewhere on the tiled floor.

Halfway, he met Mr Dante who was also running out of his room, alarmed, eyes wide with panic.

William could swear his expression mirrored his.

Without another word to each other,they push the door open to find Alexa seated on the bed,panting heavily.

William looks around and notices the glass window was open.


He cusses and runs towards Alexa, jumps onto the bed and gathers her into his arms.

"Someone was here. There are mud footsteps in the room and the window is open as well . You stay here with her, I'll be back"

Mr Dante dashes out through the same window as he pulls out a gun from his back pocket.

"Alexa look at me please, you've got to breath. Focus on me, please"

William speaks frantically as he rubs her back soothingly.

"Breaths for me, come on"

After words upon words of encouragement, her breathing finally returned to normal.

"Did you see his face?"

William finally ask and she shakes her head, unable to get the words out.

Feeling drained and tired,she buried her face into his chest, his manly yet intoxicating scent calming her nerves.

"I'm so sorry I left you. I just went to the kitchen for a while and this happens

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/unattainable-perfection

. I'm sorry" 

He apologises, guilt eating him up.

"I trusted you'll come to help me. And you're here now"

she mumbles sleepily, the sleeping pills kicking in again.

"Sleep. I'll be here to hold you"

he assures her and immediately she relaxes in his arms, falling into a fitful sleep.

This wasn't good. Knowing David's temper, he was going to stop at nothing until he got what he wanted.

Without having to see his face, he knew without a doubt it was David.

He could have easily taken Alexa away but he didn't.

This meant one thing.

He was proving to William what he was capable of and he wasn't going to take any chances.


Mr Dante returned several minutes later, panting,beads of sweat rolling down the sides of his face and disappearing into his shirt.

"Whoever he was,he was too swift. He escaped before I could catch up with him. This place isn't safe anymore,we need to leave"

William nods in agreement.

"I concur but we aren't going to any of Alexa's fathers houses. I'm taking her somewhere safer, completely low key and out of human sight."

"You sure about this?"

"Trust me"

"I do."


William pries Alexa off him.

Slowly and eases her onto the bed.

He moves to where her two suitcases were and drags them out, zipping them open.

Opening her wardrobe, he begins to throw all her clothes, including her underwears and bras haphazardly into the suitcases.

He could swear Alexa would bite his head off when she realises how he had packed her belongings.

Done, he goes into the bathroom to get her other stuff.. He came back out later with numerous things.

Dropping them, he stares at them.

Toothbrush, mouthwash, toothpaste, spongebag, bathing soap, bathing oil, exfoliating soap,shampoo, conditioner and the list went on and on.. He groans.

"How does one woman use all these to bath. Damn!"

Mr Dante chuckles beside him.

"Typical woman she is. At least you're lucky she doesn't have a full set of make up"

"Oh yeah. It would have been a disaster to pack them too"

he bites his lips, bending to zip the bags.

He goes into his room and packs his clothing as well.. Done, he drags all bags outside.

"Here. You'll be using these phones from now on. They are untraceable. I'll destroy your old phones. Your contacts have been copied onto the new one"

Mr Dante steps away from the car, handing him the phones..

"You always come prepared don't you?"

"Remember what you said during the interview, working for a powerful family has it risks. So I come prepared"

William nods,massaging his moustache.

Since Mr Dante had come to the beach house, he had to put on his disguise.

"I'll go get Alexa"

he disappears into the house and returns with a sleeping Alexa in his arms and places her in the backseat.

Mr Dante watched his every move smirking knowingly.

"I know what that smirk on your face means Mr Dante and I can assure you it's not what you think"

William tells him.

"Oh sure,sure."

He rolls his eyes.

"Drive safe. Call me when you arrive"

he calls after them as they drive off.


It was past twelve am when they finally arrived at their destination.

Driving the car further into the bush, William alights and grabs everything including the food stuffs he had bought on the night market on the way into the brick house.

Done,he wakes her up.

"Alexa? Wake up"

he nudges her softly until she sits up groggily yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Is it morning already?"


he reaches into the car abd carries her into the house.. Now wide awake, Alexa stares at the brick house in awe,marvelling the more as they entered.

William sets her down.

"Where are we?"

"Mr Dante suggested the beach house was no longer safe so I decided to bring you here to my brick house. Well it's not technically mine since it belongs to my brothers and I but still. You'll be safe here. We are back in town but this part is totally secluded"

he tells her and she nods..


he takes her hand and leads her outside.

"This place is beautiful"

she Marvels taking in the sight of the lake a little farther away with lilies floating on the surface.

Thick and tall trees surrounded them, totally enclosing them in a small world of their own.

The tiny brick house stood in the middle, fresh green grass serving as carpet on the ground.

"I know. Three years ago after my mother's accident, my dad left us. We were devastated so we set out. Walking and walking until we realised we were far from home. We came across this spot. It served as our personal place where we came for piece of mind. So we saved our monies together and built this house"

he explains.


she intertwines their fingers.

He looks at her.

"I didn't hit your mother. I swear it. I..."

"I believe you"

he cuts her off.

"You do?"


he answers before she attacked him into a hug.

"Thank you for believeing me"

"Now come. Wanna see the lake? We could catch a few fishes. That's if you aren't sleepy"

Alexa nods excitedly

"Really? Pfft! Me sleepy? Where's the hook and line?"

She squeals making him chuckle.

"Easy there tiger. Wait here"

he disappears into the small house and returns with a hook and line.

They walked towards the lake and sat the edge.

William went to dig a mushy area where the found worms and caught them with the hook.


Alexa wrinkles her nose.

"Pfft! Eww all you want. The fishes will come towards the worm and the hook will trap them."

He rolls his eyes at her before dipping the hook into the water while she watched earnestly.

Twenty minutes later, he felt heaviness around the hook and he quickly applied pressure.

Pulling it out, he grins when he saw two fishes dangling.

Alexa squeals with joy.

"You caught some! Oh. Is that tilapia? Can we eat it will pls?"

William laughs at her giddiness.

"Take this. I'll go fetch some wood for fire"

he hands her the fishes and sets out for wood.

He returned later and they both walked back to the brick house and sat in the grass in front.

Alexa watched in fascination as William washed the fishes, scraped the scales off with a knife,removed the insides, washed again and then spiced them up.

"Now we need to make a fire"

he tells her

"But we have no match"

"Oh you rich people."

he mutters and grabs two stones.

"Here. Hit the edge of these two stones together until they become hot. Keep doing it and we'll soon have fire"

Alexa stares at him like he had grown two horns but then shrugs as she moves near the heap of dry grass William collected.. She begins to hit the stones together continuously until there was a spark.

Then another until the grass was set blaze.

"Did you see that? Wow William! I just lit a fire without a match!"

She squeals again, clapping making him laugh.

William grabs sticks and begins to make a bonfire.

Done, he pierces the fishes with two small sticks and hands one to Alexa.

"Now, hold the fish over the fire. Not directly on it else it'll burn. We just need the heat to grill it. Turn it occasionally so every part of the fish gets equal heat until it's cooked hmm?"

He explains and she nods eagerly.

"Good. Now let's grill some fish the traditional way"

he smirks and she giggles.

Comfortable silence falls between then as they were engrossed in grilling their fish.

Soon, the fish was done and Alexa quickly grabs a plate William had brought and begins to eat.

The hot fish burns her tongue but she continued to eat nevertheless, occasionally blowing air on it.

"Hmm. This is good. So good. Can we catch some more?"

She m*ans in delight. He laughs

"maybe by morning"

Nodding, she goes back to eating until her plate was empty.

"Will? Can I have yours?"

She asks,biting her lips.

This was the very first time she had willingly asked for food, so why on earth will he refuse?


he hands her his own.

She eagerly takes it and eats.

All the while William watched her, fascinated at how she shut her eyes, chewing slowly and savoring the taste.

He watched as a smile crept up her face,revealing dimples.

And she thinks she isn't beautiful? She was the most beautiful, in fact.

"Hmm.. This Is heaven. I like this!"

"And I like you more"

he whispers thinking she didn't hear.

Read " Two Faced Lover " by the same author ( eliza )

. But she did. And she smiled.


MEANWHILE... It had rained heavily in that part of town.

It was wet.

It was cold.

She was cold.

Laying on the bare cold cemented floor in the cell,she shivered like a dry leaf.

Her lips were dry and almost cracking.

One minute, she was tied up in a certain room and then the next, she was in a cell.

She was hungry and thirsty.

She blinks.

"Anybody there?"

For the thousand time, Lydia was ignored again.

"Please help"

she croaks out.


"I'll d..do anything but p..please help me"

Suddenly she heard footsteps.


The police officer asks.

"Y..yes... I'm hungry and thirsty.. Please"

"Uh uh.. Confession first,food second."

He wags his finger in front of her.

Lydia sighs feeling tired.


"Now tell me what your deal with Alexandra Wallace is. Why did you breach her privacy by posting her nude photos online? Who's this contact you saved as 'A'? I've read most of your chats and they're quite dark. You gonna talk or not?"

"I'll tell you.. Umm.. Her name is Alice, wife of Henry Wallace and stepmother to Alexandra. And I've been working under her orders"

"The same Alice Wallace wanted by the police?"


"Wow girl, you sure roll with high class criminals huh? Do you know where she's hiding?"

"Y.Yes...I do.."

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  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    Good now she is talking
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Am happy she confessed at least they can get where Alice is hiding but that woman is smart anyway may God help them
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Alice get ready for ur nemesis is near. William thanks for taking care of Alexa. Eliza bravo
  • eliza picture
    lol. Maame konadu
  • eliza picture
    she sure is smart @ Destiny. let's hope she doesn't get away
  • eliza picture
    thanks Adeoti
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    It's good Lydia is talking now, nka )b3te bobolibobo lol...i just hope Alexa's new found happiness isn't cut short. Kudos girrrllll
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Perfect elliz am glad she confessed but i hope she will stick 2 it 2 d end.kisses darl
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Yaaaay...this is the best news ever ,I can't wait to reveal it to Alexa and Will....Alice,ur end is near(kikikikikihihihihshaha)....nice episode love
  • eliza picture
    lol Benedicta. my favourite song of the year hehe
  • eliza picture
    kisses to you too Bella
  • eliza picture
    thanks confy
  • Jay Mwesh picture
    Jay Mwesh
    Great episode.. Still following... It is surprising how our best friends could be our worst enemies
  • Excel Christophers picture
    Excel Christophers
    great make her spill out those dirty secrets
  • eliza picture
    very surprising @ Jay. thanks for following
  • eliza picture
    we hope she does @ Excel
  • Mary Eyo picture
    Mary Eyo
    wow..... good news. Lydia Better confess everything you know. Alexa you will soon have your peace. thanks eliza
  • eliza picture
    thanks Mary
  • Taiwo Lekan-Ajayi picture
    Taiwo Lekan-Ajayi
    Good ride from the onset. Kudos
  • eliza picture
    thanks Taiwo
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    That's music to my ears.....she finally cracked....I'm a bit worried since Alice she changed her look.
  • eliza picture
    don't worry Pamela. you know I've got you
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    I know hun,u never let down @lizzie....*putting on my best smile*
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
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