Two Faced Lover - Episode 63

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"Unless I speak to my wife. This match isn't happening until I speak to my wife"

I say immediately and without waiting for confirmation, I proceed towards Skylar. The guards behind me pull out their guns as soon as I move, alert. I roll my eyes, turning to glare at Park. He chuckles, waving to the guards.

"It's fine . Let him have a word with her. It's important to say your goodbyes with your loved ones before you die you know. It's quite understandable"

My jaw clenches. One chance. Just one f*cking chance to smash his head In. I've never hated anyone like I do him. I kneel on one knee, lift my hands up and pull the cloth out of her mouth. She blinks at me once and then the she breaks into loud sobs. My insides clench as I gather her in my arms and cradle her.

"I'm sorry Cameron.. I should have heed to your advice. I should have obeyed Julian.. I just.. When I saw your name as the caller ID, I couldn't think.. I just wanted to talk to you.. To see if you were fine.. And.. You called me princess when I answered the phone so I thought it was...oh God.. I'm so stupid, forgive me please"

I sigh, planting a kiss to her forehead, pushing her wet hair out of her face. That explains why my cell phone was no where to be found

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Someone had it and used it to lure Skylar here.

"I'm sorry Cam Forgive me... I..I'm so stupid..."

I cut her off, shaking my head.

"Don't ever call yourself stupid ever again okay princess?... Just tell me what you remember"

She looks up at me with swollen eyes.

"I...I don't know..all I remember is opening the door and then I..I was hit on the head. When I woke up, we were in a car and before I could react they were dragging us here..."

"We? You mean you, Marie and Sean were brought here? But.."

I look around. No.

"Where's Sean?"

Skylar blinks once, eyes slowly widening as if she was just realising it.

"Sean?... I..he was sleeping and...I...he... Sean.."

"Where is Sean? Where he?!"

I cut Skylar's ranting off, growling at Park. He rolls his eyes disinterestedly.

"I'm not heartless you know. The poor little boy was sleeping peacefully. Who am I to take that privilege away from him? Let's just say he's sleeping lke a log now. He's gonna be asleep for a pretty long time"

Anger surges through me.

"You sedated my son? You gave him a f*cking sedative?!"

"Relax pretty boy. It was just a little something to make him sleep much longer. Or would you prefer he be here and witness his mama and papa get killed? If you would prefer that, then I'll gladly ask my boys to bring him here"

"I swear to God park. Pray, pray to every God and diety you know so I don't come out of this alive. Because if I do, I promise you I'll rip you to shreds and throw your body to the vultures. Pray Park"

He laughs. The bastard laughs. He can laugh all he wants. Maybe he thinks I'm just calling my bluff. The more reason I have to come out of this alive and kill him. Personally. I wont let any police officer take him to jail. No. I turn to Skylar, caressing her cheeks.

"Look at me babe".

She does.

"it's gonna be alight. It will" 

I say as calmy as I can but hell. God knows I'm screaming fire and brimstone internally..

"You trust me dont you?"

"I do"

"Then trust me when I say by tomorrow, you and I will be on our way home, safe and sound yh?" She nods vigorously.

"Come back to me Cam. Please don't die. Come back to me"

she sobs, letting her head fall back on my chest.

"I will baby. I'll come back to you. That's a promise"

"Okay okay. Enough of this stupid sh*t. I'm getting sleepy already"

Park cuts in with a loud yawn. I ignore him.

"Don't look Skylar. No matter what you do, don't look. Close your eyes, look away, anything but don't look. Things might get pretty bloody and I don't want you seeing any of it. Promise?"

"I promise"

I nod.


Turning to Marie who was crouched on the floor, tied up and gagged too.

"You too Marie. Don't look. I'll get you out of here. I promise"

she nods slowly.

"I love you princess. Never forget that"

I begin to push the cloth up her mouth.

"This sounds like a goodbye Cameron"

I smile sadly, giving her lips a soft Peck. Maybe it's a goodbye. Maybe it's not. But one thing I know for sure, whether I come out or not, I'm going to fight with all I've got, till the very last strength in me is spent.

"Aren't you going to tell me you love me too?" 

I ask softly, cradling her beautiful face, memorizing every inch and contour,embedding it in my brain.

"You know I do. I love you and I'll be waiting"

"You won't have to wait for long princess"

I cover her mouth completely and with one last kiss on her forehead, I drag myself up and stroll calmly back into the center of the compound. I'm freaking out. I am. Three against one. But I don't let them see it. The worst thing you can do on a battlefield is to let your enemy see that you're scared. It's the first ticket to losing. I wasn't expecting what happened next. The moment I reached the center, a sharp pain tore against my back accompanied by a loud noise, a groan escapes my lips and I stumble forward with the force. I shut my eyes, drinking in the pain. I was just slashed with a f*cking whip by one of the men. I look up at Park.

"The fight hasn't began yet and your men are already attacking me from behind?"

I seethe.

"What can i say. There are no rules pretty boy. Everything is fair in love and war. Whoever throws the first punch, automatically begins the fight"

I shut my eyes, the pain from the whip making my insudes churn. I can't win like this. I have no weapon. All I have is my fist and intelligence. I need to use them ay all cost. The hair at the back of neck prick's immediately and I knew. I just knew one of the three men was about to attack me from behind. I remain still, eyeing the other two in front of me. They weren't making move to come at me. Meaning they were waiting for the one behind to hit me and then they can all begin to hit me at once. No. Not happening. I feel slight movement behind me and I turn sharply, wasting no time in swinging my fist at him. It connects with his jaw and he stumbles back slightly with a groan. I don't wait for him to recover. It would be stupid of me to. I swing my fist again, punching him in the jaw and at the same time jumping and swinging my legs, hitting him in the head the hard. He falls, unconscious. No matter how huge a person was, a good hit in the head was always enough to knock him unconscious.. One down, two more. As he falls, I proceed to pick up his whip when another pain slices through my back. Worse. It was much worse than before. I crouch slightly, turning to come face to face with the man who had the metal rings and spikes. Before I can react, his metal rings comes in contact with my jaw. One, two three times, simultaneously. Blood splutters from my mouth. Black spots blind my vision and i blink to clear it. Again. Another pain sears through my abdomen and I clutch it instinctively, groaning loudly, warm liquid seeping between my fingers and dripping onto the floor. I blink, looking down. They stabbed me. They f*cking stabbed me. The pain cripples me and I feel my legs begin to give away. No Cameron. You promised Skylar. You promised your mother. Don't let them down. There's a reason you won almost every fight in the arena. There's a reason you were always undefeated. There was a motivation behind every fight. That motivation was anger. Anger towards Natalie and your brother for betraying you.. A tiny voice in my head chides. However it doesn't stop. It continues. You always won because you always imagined your opponents in the ring as your brother. Ange and pain drove you to join that fighting arena in the first place.. Bring it back. Look around you. There are thousands of reasons to be angry. Thousands. Find it. Bring it back. Find your motivation. Fulfill your promise. Fight. I blink. More blood seeps between my fingers. I'm very aware of how much blood I'm losing. My eyes connects with Park who was looking smug. Rebecca was behind him. These two. These two f*cking people whom I hate more than I ever did Natalie. They're scum to the earth. I promised Park I will kill him. And I can do that only if I survive. Anger I've never felt before boils within me I stagger backwards, the soles of my feet hitting something behind. Chains. It was the chains they had used to chain me up in the cell. The guards had dragged me with it around my legs. It was on the floor. Chains. Enough to serve more than a thousand weapons. I eye both men who were preparing to come at me. The one with the pocket knife, throws another knife in my direction. I duck, ignoring the Pain in my abdomen and using the opportunity to grab the chains. I release my hand from the knife wound and wrap the chains around my hand like a bandage. They don't see it. It's pretty dark. Use it to your advantage Cameron. Heavy footsteps approach me snd I swing my arm, punching one of them in the jaw with the chains. Blood splutters out of his mouth. I punch him. Again. Again and again. Simultaneously. I can't seem to stop. I won't. I don't want to. Adrenaline pumps it's way into my veins. The pain in my body long forgotten. I continue to hit him, seeing nothing but red. His blood splashes onto my face. I keep hitting, hitting and hitting until he slumps to the floor with a bloodied and a disfigured face. Dead, unconscious I don't know and don't care. I turn to the last person who stabbed me. It just was just him and I now. Now it was a fair game. I stand still studying his body language, waiting for him to make a move. He doesn't. I don't either, we stare at each other, waiting. After having a staredown for More than a minute, I decided this was getting boring. So I crouched slightly, pretending to be dizzy. Sure I was dizzy as hell from all the blood seeping out of my wound but I was going to use that to my advantage. Seeing as I was beginning to appear weak, he lunges at me with another knife. Bad move. I wait. Just when he was a centimeter away from me, I straighten up suddenly and grab his arm, dragging him towards me harshly. He loses his footing and stumbles. I waste no time. Grabbing his neck, I twist it to an angle until I hear a loud crack. I release him and he slips, falling. Dead. I straighten up, breathing hard. I don't bother to face Park when I speak up.

"You told me I could make a wish if I win isn't it? Well, my wish is that you tell all your guards and everyone else here to stand still. Tell them not move an inch no matter what"

I hear his laughter behind me.

"Is that what you could wish for? I thought you'd wish for the life of your wife or mother to be spared.".

I don't react.

"I'm waiting" I say instead and he scoffs.

"Okay fine. All of you stand down. Do not move an inch no matter what. Now it's done. So tell me why you made such a stupid wish. So you can escape freely? I will always find you pretty boy, you should know that by now".

I turn to face him.

"No Park. I made that wish because...." 

I trail off, loosening the chains around my hand so it becomes long and swing it hard.

Read " Unattainable Perfection " by the same author ( eliza )

. The chain hits Park's head and curls around his neck. With my grip still on the other end of the chain, I pull it harshly, dragging Park forward with the chain around his neck.

"I made that wish because.."

I continue, tightening the chains around his neck.

"...I'm going to f*cking kill you, right here and now. And I don't want any distractions"

"You see.." 

I drag him, kneeing him in the groin. He groans. I kneel down before him and pick the pocket knife that had fallen. I study it.

"You like to chop people's fingers off ain't it.. Well how about this"

I jab the knife into his foot, hard. He yells like the Prick that he is. I tighten my hold on the chain.

"Don't scream yet Park. There's more to come. I swear to all things holy Park, by the time I'm done with you, you'll wish you'd never been born"

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  • Mhissy Bones picture
    Mhissy Bones
    He deserves that and more
  • Godiya Wisdom Jerry picture
    Godiya Wisdom Jerry
    wwow! this is so brave of Cam.. park is dead
  • eliza picture
    he sure does @ Mhissy
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    He deserves nothing but torture and death with agony smart Camy boy
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Yieeee...dancing azonto...haha, you've seen nothing yet Park. You just made my day Eliza.
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Yieeee...dancing azonto...haha, you've seen nothing yet Park. You just made my day Eliza.
  • Eunice Ache picture
  • Sheila Smallz picture
    Sheila Smallz
    Wowwwwwwwww. Cameroon you're such a darling
  • Ukamaka Blessing picture
    Ukamaka Blessing
    I almost had a heart attack, Thank God Cameron was able to defeat the 3 men, thanks Eliza
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    Wow wow wow he deserves more than just getting his fingers cut Cameroon needs to chop his body parts piece by piece
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    Wow wow wow he deserves more than just getting his fingers cut Cameroon needs to chop his body parts piece by piece
  • eliza picture
    lol Bennie. thanks hun
  • eliza picture
    and thanks for reading @ Blessing
  • eliza picture
    lol Hannie
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mehn I just love it when a plan comes I need someone to beat up that excuse of women called Rebecca...i think Sky is a perfect candidate....thumbs up Lizzie!
  • Maryam Ali picture
    Maryam Ali
    I like this twist in the story,i like this side of Cameron,he torture park till he wishes he were dead
  • Lydiah picture
    wow this is so wonderful Eliza, much love let Park suffer more
  • eliza picture
    lol Pamela. I'm a candidate too
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Yoh Cam, don't forget to pluck his eyes, kick his ass nd cut off his balls... Thumbs up Eliza, i really love dis
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    I am so excited rn. Stupid stupid park bleeping Greene
  • eliza picture
    thanks Confy hun
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mehn I just love it when a plan comes I need someone to beat up that excuse of women called Rebecca...i think Sky is a perfect candidate....thumbs up Lizzie!
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