Two Faced Lover - Episode 9

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I push the door to the penthouse open and storm past the living room towards my bedroom.

Stopping near my bed, I pull the first drawer open taking out a fresh packet of cigarette together with a lighter.

Ripping the packet open, I pull out one and light it pushing it into mouth immediately, taking a long drag, allowing the smoke burn my throat for a while before lettimg it leave through my nostrils.

I take another long drag, again and again until my nerves begin to go back to normal.

The door suddenly burst open and I make no move to acknowledge the intruder.. I'm beyond pissed at the moment I could snap someone's neck.

"What the f*ck was that Cameron!"

Julian screams, banging the door behind him loudly as he makes his way towards me . I don't turn.

"I'm talking you dammit! What the f*ck was that stunt you pulled out there, strangling an innocent lady? Cameron I'm talking to you!"

I take another long drag, rolling the cigarette between my fingers.

"Not now Julian. I need to be alone"

"This is not the time to be alone. And..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. F*ck are you even listening? Give me that!".

I growl when he snatches the cigarette from me, dumping it onto the floor and crushes it under his feet.. Without another word, I turn to grab another cigarette when he grabs the entire packet and throws it out the window.

"What the f*ck Julian? I bought those with money dammit!"

"And you're definitely going to use the same f*cking money to treat lung cancer if you keep smoking this stupid sh*t!"

He snaps.. I take a deep breath to calm my raging self. Only Julian can talk shit like that to me and still walk away free.

"What's your problem?"

"My problem? You are asking me what's my problem?!"

He yells incredulously like he can't believe I'm asking such a question.

"Why did you almost kill that lady Cameron?"

Oh so we're back to that again.

"Because she was so damn annoying and talks too much. She was getting on my nerves"

I say turning away.

"You could have walked away"

"What's the fun in that?"

"Oh cut the crap! I know you very well to know there's more to it than the eyes sees. Why did you strangle that lady?"

"You seem to care an awful lot about that girl"

I smirk earning a deeper frown from him.

"Don't change the subject Cameron".

I sigh in agitation rubbing my temple.

Julian just won't let this go until I tell him.

"Natalie said similar words to me when I demanded why she chose to stand me up at the alter like that"

I frown at the memory.

"What? But you and Natalie never spoke after...."

He trails off, realisation dawning on him.

"You called her?".

I nod

"Yes. A day after the wedding was called off. I bought a new sim card and called her. I needed answers"




The sweet voice I had grown so accustomed to says when she answers the call.

I hold my breath.

"Hello? Who's this? Speak up else I'll hang up and report this number"

"D..don't hang up"

I manage to say. Silence.

I could hear her sharp intake of breath as soon as I spoke.

Of course she'd recognize my voice anywhere.

"Nat? Are you there?"

I had to ask to be sure after a while of silence.

"What do you what Cameron?"

Is she f*cking kidding me? She really has the guts to ask me what I want?

"Answers Natalie. I need answers. I want to know why you did what you did yesterday, leaving me at the alter. I've tried so hard yet I can't seem to wrap my head around anything. I just can't. True, I saw the pictures and all but sometimes looks can be deceiving. What you see isn't always the truth. There are two sides to every story and I've heard everybody's side. I'm yet to hear your side of the story because that's how much I trust you. Please tell me Natalie, did you really never love me? Or you were forced to do this? Tell me Natalie, I'll understand. If you were forced then I'll do everything in my power to..."

"That's your problem Cameron"

she cuts me off rudely

"This. This is the exact same reason I chose you brother"

"What... What kind of a woman are you?"

I ask in daze as her words hit me like a moving train, struggling to find the right words.. "You should be asking yourself that Cameron. What kind of a man are you? Do you know the kind of man you are? Because you're everything I do not want in a man. You're too soft, much too dull for my liking. So dull that you cant even give me rough s*x. You're not ambitious. You're not spontaneous. You're stagnant, like a choked gutter. Neither do you move backwards nor forward. You're always in the same position which is why your father handed over the company to your brother because he's strong willed....."

I hung up immediately smashing the phone against the nearest wall, unable to hear more of the words that felt like a thousand shards of glass penetrating through me. What kind of a man am I?. I'm everything she doesn't want in a man?. Those words, will always linger in my head. Never will I forget her betrayal. Never.



"It was after that phone call that I packed everything and left the country. I'd gotten the answers I didn't need to hear"

I clear my throat roughly, noticing Julian staring at me like, he feels bad for me. I don't need anyone feeling pity for me.

"Now now Julian don't stare at me like you feel sorry for me. I'm over it. Now that my story telling time is over, I need to go find something to eat and proceed with training. I have a few hours left for my next fight" I turn away and exit, making my way towards the kitchen.


8:00PM. I kill the engine as I park near the rest of the cars in the designated parking lot. I pull the key from the ignition and alight, Julian does the same.

"You know I'll never be in support of you being involved with this illegal business"

he says as we walk together.

"And what's stopping you from chewing my head off today?"

I ask. Julian always made his priority to chew my head off anytime I was getting ready for a fight for the past two years, simply because he thinks it's too illegal. Well if it's illegal, I'm not exactly a saint either. Besides, these fights bring in more money than the small company I'm currently running. This is just a side business to bring in more money. Everybody loves money right? But Surprisingly, he's not yelling at me.

"Well that's because I figured it's much better to have you channel your anger and strangle your opponent during a fight rather than have you go about strangling strangers at market places"

he replies making me groan as we reach the entrance of the high profile club, hand them our IDs before we're allowed entrance. I snort..

"You'll never let me hear the end of this will you?"

He laughs.

"It's fun having something to hold over your head"

"It was just once Julian. I don't go around strangling people in market places like you said. Besides that girl talks too much. Too annoying"

I snort again, remembering that lousy talker from the market.

She didn't even apologise for bumping into me. Pfft!

"Hey Mr chocolate eyes, I'm no girl! I'm a woman!"

Julian shrieks in an incredibly disturbing girly voice as he mimics the girl from earlier, wagging his finger in my face just like she had done.

We both burst out laughing at that.

I've never come across a lady who gets disturbed because she's addressed as a girl.

"Next time don't address a woman as a girl. Know the difference dude"

I roll my eyes as we get to the last door at the corner, pushing it open, the guards welcome us in without asking for our IDs.

With the way this club was such a high profiled place, meant for only the wealthy, I doubt anyone would ever guess there's another inner room behind the club where all these fights are held.. I make my way towards the changing room.

Judging by the time, I have about twenty five minutes to change, warm up a little bit before the fight begins.

I move towards the dresser, ready to change my clothes when a knock sounds on the door.


The MC/ instructor strolls in.

"The match doesn't begin until 8:30"

I say to him.

"I know.

Read " Unattainable Perfection " by the same author ( eliza )

. I'm not here to call you for the match. Rather for a different reason"

I turn to face him.

"Oh? What is it then?"

"The boss, I mean the owner of this fighting arena. The one who started with this business. Is asking for your audience"

I raise a brow.

"Yeah? Why? I mean he's never showed up to watch a single match. His job is to sit somewhere else, keeping track of the best fighters while loading his bank account with the money coming from here so why is here today? Asking to see me too?"

"I don't know. We'll find out when you go see him"

he shrugs.

"Okay then"

"And becareful, I've heard he's as merciless and dangerous as it could get. Do not mess with him please, I know how much of a douche you can be when you want"

He warns making me scoff.

"Really? What's this Boss of yours name by the way?"

"Umm.. I think it's.. Park. Yea. His name is Park Greene"

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