Beautiful Mask - Episode 19

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"kelvin?" i whisper and he raise me up to a sitting position on the ground.

"Caroline are you okay? Thank goodness i followed you when i saw you

at the hospital. Why didn't you get off the road? Wasn't that simon's

car?" he bombard me with questions but i cant help but remember

beatrice's advice. 'stay away from kelvin.' how did he know i was at

the hospital before he followed me here? . His time of appearance is

too perfect to be a coincidence. I wouldn't have thought of the

absurdity of his appearance if Beatrice hadn't said all those things.

I am almost sure that Simon wasn't the sender of that text though. My

last message was a test to know if it is really Simon. Simon never

told me he loved me. No, he just said he has deep feelings for me.

Whoever has his phone wouldn't possibly know that. I may be wrong

about this though. If kelvin is really the evil master mind like

Beatrice said, shouldnt he be the driver of the car rather than my

saviour?. This is all so confusing. Two things i know for sure are, i

cant trust kelvin right now and i need to speak with Simon face to


"i am fine. Lets get out of here" i say and try to stand up

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. If kelvin

is really evil, i don't want to sit here in this dark and lonely place

with him. Kelvin grab my hand and drag me down. I am able to start

screaming for help when he smile at me.

"i already called an ambulance so you better stay here before you do

more harm to yourself" he says

"but i am fine. The car didn't hit me"

"but you fell and something might be broken" i am about to argue when

i hear the distant wailing of an ambulance. That was fast. Are

ambulance usually this fast in this secluded place or was all this

already planned?. Atleast now i am assured. The ambulance arrives and

we are both carried to the hospital. When we finally arrive at the

hospital, i notice that it isn't the same hospital where i found

Beatrice. We get taken to the emergency room where we are checked.

Thankfully, i only have a few cuts and bruises on my hand. I was given

some pain relieve and soon, i fall asleep with thoughts of meeting

Simon and telling him about the baby tomorrow as soon as i wake up. I

plan to wake up early before kelvin who is lying in the bed beside me,

so he wouldn't know when i leave.

I am woken up by a light tap on my shoulder. My eyes flicker open and

meet the steady gaze of kelvin. My brain wakes up and i remember how i

got here and my plans of meeting Simon. Well, i don't think i can do

that with kelvin wide awake and watching me.

"hi sleepy head" he says and gives me that cute smile that i used to

like. Now, it gives me the chills.

"hey. What time is it?" i ask.

"about 10:00am. You were sleeping so soundly so i didn't wake you.

Here the nurse brought this and i offered to give it to you when you

wake up." he offers me two tablets and a glass of water.

"thank you" i mutter then swallow the tablets.

"good girl" he says and smile again.

"we need to talk about last night. We both know Simon almost killed

you last night. Do you know why?" he asks after a moment of silence and

i shake my head in the negative.

"what i am about to tell you should remain between the both of us

okay?" he asks and i nod.

"i never knew my cousin has a heart as cold as ice until the day

Beatrice found out he was the one responsible for her family's death

years ago. I watch with my very own eyes as he pushed her off the

stairs.Right now, Beatrice is in a coma. We have to stop Simon before

he kills more people."

"i don't understand.How does all this concern me?"

"you are beatrice's twin! Ofcourse, he would want to kill you too."

"what?!.That's not possible. Beatrice cant be my twin. Look at me! Do

you see any resemblance."

"i already confirmed it. I have the DNA results. Here" he says and

bring out a file which he hands to me. I collect it and glance through

it. I see my name and beatrice's on the file and at the bottom it

says; 99.9% match.Miss Beatrice Williams and Caroline pius are blood

related. My eyes bulge at this.

"is this real?" i ask


"so am beatrice's sister?. Her twin?"

"yes and that's why i need your help"

"my help? How can i help?"

"i need you to replace Beatrice and marry Simon." he says

"what?! That's absurd. Even if what you say is true and i am really

her twin, we don't look alike in any way. Cant you see the massive

scar on my face. Are you going to magically make it disappear?"i ask

all at once.

"making your scar disappear isn't a problem Caroline. I already made

preparations abroad to have your scar removed.

Read " Stolen innocence " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. It would take up to

three weeks and you will be identical to your sister"

"really?" i ask dumbly. I shouldnt be considering this absurd proposal

but the thought of having my scar removed is just too appealing. But i

cant sign a deal with the devil aka kelvin just for that. No matter

how badly i have wanted it in the past.

"you should just report this to the police. I cant help you" i say

"Caroline. I understand that you are scared. You probably don't want

to live with a man as evil as Simon but cant you do this for your

sister?For your family?" he asks

"i don't even know this family you are talking of and Beatrice has

always hated me."

"it would just be for a month. We just need some documents from him

which only his wife can have access to so as to put him in prison for


"won't he just try to kill me again If he thinks i am Beatrice?"

"i have a tape of Beatrice being pushed down the stairs by him and i

already sent it to him with an unknown number. If he tries to kill

you again, i threatened to send the video to the police"

"why don't you just send it to the police now?"

"because his punishment wouldn't be as severe as he deserves because

Beatrice didn't die. Come on Beatrice, do this for the world. Because

a world without Simon will surely be a safe world" i am about to say

something when an intense stomach cramp assail me.

"ah!" I scream in agony and clutch my stomach.

"what's wrong" kelvin ask but i just stare numbly at my bloody thigh.

Oh no! My baby

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