My only addiction - Episode 27

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Ethan's POV
That Arya girl wasn't supposed to get into my head...I just don't want to feel anything inside...

It hurts so much that I can barely breath...I felt like I was in an abandoned island and no one could reach me...

I need my brother more than ever now, he is the only one who knows how to make me feel better...

I took a cab to the Marcias company and when I reached Troy's office, his PA stopped me...

"I am sorry sir Ethan but sir Troy gave strict orders not to be disturbed..."

"Do you know who I am????" I raged and she nodded wordlessly...

"So shut the hell up and go back to what you were doing...."

Like an obedient girl, she got back to her seat and looked down at her fingers embarassingly...People should always remember their place...

"Bro....." I slammed the door open only to be slapped with the shock of my life...

There sat the waste of human flesh that I wished never to see again for the rest of my life...
Troy jaw dropped as he stood from his seat and approached this numb functionless human being..

That...I can't even mention her name, it gives me a sick feeling, turned around smiling like she had gotten the assurity that henceforth the world will always be a better place..Manipulative b*tch...

"I....." I couldn't even bring myself to talk...

"Ethan before you snap, it's not what you think..." Troy stammered, reaching his hand out for my shoulder but I stepped back...

"Hey Ethan, long time no see...." She beamed and walked to where Troy was standing...

"Why did you come back???" I narrowed my eyes into slits...
"I came back home where I belong..."

I could feel my hands forming fists...
"You are not missed or even needed..." I curled my nose like I was disgusted...

"Ethan????" Troy called me out in a warning tone...

"We made a promise never to talk to her again...She almost came between us brother..." I yelled at Troy who still seemed composed...

"Although you slept with her, I still forgave you...Why can't I forgive her too???"

"She seduced me...This manipulative waste of human flesh seduced me...Why don't you believe me???" I could feel my eyes brim with tears...

"It's okay, that's is in the past now...."
"You broke out bro code...It's always us before these b*tches...But then I forgot that loyalty is not guaranteed..Today no one is choosing me..."

"Stop being dramatic,"Troy chuckled,"You are always my little brother and no one can ever com between us.."

"But she did five years ago...Don't you remember the silent treatment you gave me for seven months???" I walked so close to him and held him by his arms,"I don't want us to go back there,it will break me..."

"I am so......"
"Shut up your piece of sh*t before I separate your head from your body...." I yelled out in rage that she flinched..
"No brother,"I interrupted Troy,"She needs to be put in her place..."

"You will always be that b*tch that made me hate women..That heartless piece of sh*t that came between me and my brother...That stupid desperate girl who thought would win me...."

Before I could finish bruising her self-respect, I felt a hot hard slap on my face...My breath froze in my lungs and my body turned into stone...

For the first time ever in my life my brother raised his hand at me...
"You slapped me???" I stumbled back, rubbing my itching cheek...

"Where are your manners??? You don't disrespect women like that...."
"She deserves it...."

He held me by my leather jacket and pulled me close to him, "One word from you and I will break your face..."
"You see this b*tch is making us fight again...."
"I am warning you..." He lifted his fist at me...

"I thought after a rough day, I would seek peace from my brother but I have been shattered more..." I whispered to him...
"You win Sophie...You came between two brothers once again...."

I felt a tear on my cheek but didn't care...After a few seconds, a sense of regret reappeared into Troy's eyes...

I don't know how he can fall in love with such a disgusting woman...
It's is even a pity and shame to call her a woman, she is not close to be one...

"What's happening here????" Jordan cussed out behind me...
We all turned around and I could eyes glimmered with anger as he looked at me....

"Ethan Marcias, this is not your football pitch..We mean serious business here...."

As usual everything is my fault....

"Don't worry Jordan Marcias, I am leaving..."

"Good idea....I hope this is the last time you are causing commotion in my company..."

"I won't bother your good son Troy Marcias ever again...Apologies your highness...." I clasped my hands together, bowed down to him and walked out of the office..

"Is there any money been given out here???" I shouted at the crowd that had gathered outside Troy's office and they quickly dispersed....

Five years ago...
"Ethan, you are so drunk....You can't drive..." Sophie stated...
"I can drive trust me..."
"You can barely stand....."

I try to stand to prove her wrong but my legs are wobbly...I could barely even crawl let alone stand and so I gave in to her request...

I know it was irresponsible for me to drink too much but who cares?? I had had an argument with Jordan as always about my decision not to join Troy in the university and instead pursued my dream of been a footballer and hell yeah it drained the energy out of me...This man knew of ways to break me...

I don't know how she did it but I was finally on my bed..Thanks heavens...

"Thank you for helping me get him to bed...." I heard her talking to someone..
"No problem madam..."

"Ethan, are you okay????" She asked and I nodded wordlessly praying to the heavens that she would just leave and let me feel the softness of my pillow and the magnitude silence that soothed my soul ..

"You look so handsome when you sleep..." She raked her fingers through my hair and it felt awkward....
"Stop it Sophie!!!" I warned...
"I want to feel you inside me tonight Ethan..." She said s*ductively and heavens knows I almost sobered up....

"Are you mad???? Troy is courting you...."
"But I want you...He is boring and nerdy..."
"Don't talk about my brother like that!!!!"
"But it's the truth...."

"Just leave woman, I can take it from here...I am grateful you brought me home..."

I was ready to turn and shut my eyes when she peeled off her dress and tossed it aside..

Few minutes later, my pair of jeans and boxers were pooling on the floor..All I remember is I tried pushing her to leave me alone but had no strength...

"Please don't do this...My brother loves you..." I tried pleading but it fell on deaf ears...

She unhooked her bra, removed her laced panty and tossed them aside..Just by seeing her perfect n*ked body, the Minnie me got hard...When I expected it to have my back in terms of our loyalty to Troy, it doesn't hesitant to shoot up.

She sits on top of me and tries to kiss me but I tuck in my lips, shaking my head vigorously....
"Let see if you will still act hard to get after what I do..."

I negotiated with God that if she disappears, I will never drink again but she was still there few seconds later which means my negotiations skills are pathetic....

I gasped when she pushed the hard Minnie me deep inside her...Damn, she was so wet and tight that I almost forgot my promise to my brother when we were thirteen years old...

She began riding me as an expert and what felt like fear of betraying my brother turned into pleasure...Finally I gave in my people....

"What the f*ck???" I heard a familiar voice snap at us...
I struggled to open my eyes, my head feeling as bad when I realised my arms were wrapped around something....

Maybe my pillow, no it was fleshy...Did I bring a one night stand home??? I can't remember...I shrugged and closed my eyes.

"Ethan what the f*ck???? Why are you in bed with Sophie???"
"Sophie is home..." I groaned...
"No fool, she is n*ked on your bed...."

I still wasn't comprehending what was happening until I felt something cold splashed on my face..

"What the f*ck????" I lifted my head up and realised Alice my girlfriend standing there with arms crossed on her chest and Sophie's head was on my chest ..

"F*ck!!!I screwed up....
"How dare you betray me and Troy????" Alice cried out but all I could say was,"I f*cked up.."

"Damn you Sophie, wake up!!!!"I pushed her head off my chest and staggered from the bed..
"I f*cked up baby, please let's not tell Troy..." I was pleading not caring if I was n*ked and the Minnie me was hard..

"My p....." Troy dropped whatever he was holding the moment he entered my room..
"W.." He could barely even speak...
"Troy welcome to the party where your brother is sleeping with the girl you are courting...." Alice thundered, ready to pounce on Sophie but I held her back...

"It's not what you think...." I stammered as tears dripped from my brother's eyes...The shattered look on his face  broke my heart into pieces...I failed him, I betrayed him..The guy he believed more than anything broke his soul...

"Brother is not what you think...." Tears fell from my eyes too...
"Sophie tell him you s*duced him..Tell him I didn't want to do it..." I fell on my knees trying to beg the devil herself but she remained silent, wearing a triumph smile...

"Sophie????" I called her shockingly still not believing she would do this. She seemed unapologetic...
"I will go shower as you guys solve this madness..." She stated rudely and walked her naked body to the bathroom...

There I was devastated, shocked, guilty, full of rage staring at the confused soul who was sobbing silently....

"You don't deserve anything good in life..Troy is supposed to be in the exam room by noon but instead of studying he is here to check up on his brother who was so wasted last night because he cares..But what did he come to???" Alice's words pierced through my skin like a sharp sword...

"Brother, she s*duced me...I was drunk and helpless..You know I wouldn't hurt you..."

Before I could even move a step further towards him, my balls were on fire....
I groaned in pain as I knelt down...
"That's what you deserve jerk..."

Alice walked past me, held Troy's hand and dragged him out of there...
All I said was,"I am sorry brother, she s*duced me..."

Sophie walked out of the bathroom and stared at me like it was a good thing to see me groaning in pain...

"Why did you do it????"

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. That's what you get for the days you rejected me and humiliated me when we were young...You will know how it feels to finally lose someone dear to you..."

I gritted my teeth staring at her,vowing to myself to never forgive her...
"I will never forget this..." I wiped my tears with the back of my hands...
"It's fun seeing you on the receiving end...I didn't want to hurt Alice or Troy but my revenge wouldn't be interesting...."

For a second, I didn't recognise that girl infront of me....

She picked her clothes from the floor and walked out of the room smiling...

My cheeks were wet with tears of agony and anger as memories played in  slow motion in my head...

She flew to London and I was left paying the price of something I was only partially to blame...My only mistake is that I was drunk.

Alice broke up with me and her dad terminated the contract he had with Jordan. He stated that he can't work with the father of a bastard who broke his princess' heart...They had even began talking about a marriage proposal between us but only rivalry between families was achieved...

I am sure till date Jordan has never forgiven me...That contract was a big deal to the company as mom told me.

"Troy, he is your brother...." I remember Jax(Uncle Jaxon) trying to convince him  one time...
"He is not my brother but cousin...If he was my brother then he wouldn't have hurt me like he did..."
"But he said the girl s*duced him...."
"He is just lying," Troy yelled at him,"Sophie would never do that to me..I am sure he s"duced her..."

"Please don't let a girl come between you two...It should always be brothers before bitches...Don't be like Jordan and I, don't let history repeat itself..." Jax pleaded with us...

"I guess its normal in the Marcias family...." He rolled his eyes at me and walked away...
"It seems you messed big time kiddo,he won't forgive you easily." Jax added salt to the wounds...

For seven months, I was empty and lonely....My brother wouldn't  even look at me, Jordan wouldn't stay in the  same room with me..Even though mum was disappointed, she was there to give me a shoulder to lean on when I  needed one...
Pash and Jax (Pashmina and Jaxon) always tried to make me smile and a less sadder but it was different without my brother...

Finally when we are cool and so close like before she came back...Minutes with her around, we were already arguing and even my brother slapped me...Something he has never done before no matter how mad he is...

He was trapped in the devil's web and couldn't free himself...
I downed the whisky in the glass I was holding, rubbing my cheek that was no longer itchy...
I can't believe he slapped me because of her...

I need you more than ever...Please come to me...

I texted Arya hoping she would reply...

Pretty doll....
Don't string me along in your drama....

A/N My poor Ethan, he thought he would win his Arya back only to be crashed by the mistake of his past...

. .

Read " Binded by friendship " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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