Pierced Rose - Episode 78


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Reginah and Jayson had managed to join the national motorcycle race team and after four months of endless training they were  competing in the  motorcycle racing championship.

As usual she never heard of Brad again and interestingly she didn't feel that bad.. Her relationship with Jayson had begun being awkward but after setting some boundaries everything seemed to turn for the better...

Calvin had tried so hard to convince Reginah to try fighting for her love but it seemed she had no zeal...

People were busy getting ready for the final day in the championship..

Read " My only addiction " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. The competition was stiff and tough but Reginah and Jayson managed to get to the finals....

Kenya had two champs, Uganda none, Tanzania none, Nigeria 3, South Africa 3....
Reginah and Jayson seemed to be under pressure whereas their friends were happy that finally they got to graduate after seven months...

Although Brad didn't want to come back to Spain, he had no choice...

Everyone was busy cheering after the graduation ceremony when Brad approached them...

"Hey guys???" 
Everyone was perplexed to see him standing there smiling like he had won some lottery...

"Yeeeei!!! We finally made it..."
They ignored him...

"Guys, we should get going, the race begins in thirty minutes..." Mike retorted.

They begun to walk when Brad shouted, "How can you do this to me people???"

They all stopped at their steps and turned around..

"Shame on you . How dare you do that to Reginah and us???" Maggie begun, "I expected more from you.."


"No buts Brad, you hurts us alot..

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/pierced-rose

. You rarely spoke to us.." Mike stated...

"But I wanted Reginah and Jayson to be together..." Brad tried defending himself...

"Too bad you lost everyone of us..." Ben replied and they all walked away...

Brad was left there wondering, he wanted to be the hero but he ended up being the villain..

"Is this what you wanted???" His mother asked behind him...

"What do you mean???"

"For your information Reginah never dated Jayson. She always waited for you, cried for you in my arms, hoped you would come back but no..." 

"Mom, she loves Jayson.."

"You chose to follow what you saw and not what she felt...She is a good girl and I would tell you are a fool to let her go..." Kara without waiting for his response walked to the car...

Brad was left there thinking when sense knocked in. What had he done????

He begun slapping himself so bad regretting ever leaving her when Linda placed her hands on his shoulders.

"Instead of hurting yourself why don't you go to the race and get your girl back.."

"You think she will forgive me..."

"Only one way to find out..."

The race had begun and the fans where on the other side watching the first race to ever have a woman reach the finals...

Everyone was curious to see how the race would end....People had their fingers crossed everytime Reginah would make a mistake...

At first the race was scary and competitive but after a while it was only Reginah and Jayson against each other... The sides of the one soul...People didn't know who to bet on... Their moves seemed choreographed and they didn't seem like they wanted to  leave each other's side.. They were okay being riders but not competitors....

They both had each other's backs and didn't care if it was race.. It was only the two of them and if one of them won, he/she would have represented the other...

They were all focus on making the race fun that they didn't notice they had reached the finishing line almost the same time.
Reginah first and Jayson second...

"And Kenya won!!!"

Their team came out running towards cheering and screaming as they lifted them up.

Reginah felt amazing butt winning beside Jayson was the best feeling ever...It was like she had ever dreamt off.

Him and her competing in championship as it is said never lose hope..

All was going all so well until Brad called out Reginah...


Thou shocked, she was walked towards him.
"What are you doing here???"

"Congratulations on your win...I am happy for you..." Brad could feel his knees shaking..

"Thank you.." Reginah replied calmly.. He thought she would pounce on him but she seemed okay.

"Aren't you mad I left???"

"I don't know maybe it happened for the best..Maybe it was what needed to happen for me to realise it not always about love..." Reginah begun yelling not caring about the people watching as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Yes I craved you Brad but till when will I keep waiting. Till when will I keep waiting for you to fight for me and choose me...You left because you wanted me and Jayson to be happy but did you ask what I needed..." Reginah wiped her tears away and boldly said, "You don't deserve tears.."

She begun walking away when Brad held her hand and knelt down, "Will you marry me???"


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