Second Chance - Episode 10

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The car finally came to a halt just as I had thought the journey would never end. I guess it was because I was going for the first time. All through the journey, my heart was beating and I kept imagining how my mother would look like. I have never had the slightest clue that I would meet any of my parents in this life. The excitement I felt about traveling in a such an old fashioned car was nothing compared to how I felt when the carriage later was like my heart was going to fall out of its socket.

 In front of the porch, spreading clothes on the rope meant for drying cloths was a tall but slim woman in a blue flowing gown . Her short grey hair danced in the breeze She seemed very fragile as she bent to pick the cloths in a bowl by her side one after the other. Her back was turned towards us so I couldn’t see her face.

"Is that her?" I asked even though I knew ..

"Yea..that is your mother" Anna replied, brows furrowed.

I gasped and climbed down the car as I moved closer.  Just as I was few feets away from her, I caught the scent..her was like a memory just got reawakened..I watched her wrinkled hands pulling and stretching the cloths   fast in an exact routine. those hands...they seemed familiar...very familiar.

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. and I could feel the overwhelming mother-child love exploded inside me when I said..


She froze and turned around slowly...when her gazed locked with mine. Her old but soft wrinkled lips curled up into a sad smile..

"Kathia's been so long"

I couldn't bear the sad look on her face any longer so I rushed into her arms..I didn't have a clue of what I was doing but I was sobbing and happy at the same time.

"I miss you so much Mother. I never knew I could get to see you. I'm so sorry for everything.":

She must have kissed me like a million times because my face was wet coupled with my tears.

"You are here now Kathia. I forgive you..I'm sorry too..I will explain everything to you...What I and your father did was cruel but we had to…for the sake of our people"

I had no clue of what she was saying but I knew I would find answers here.

"Come my darling..let’s go inside and let me explain everything to you"


"You were still in my womb when we left our land, Kujuku land. There was a big hurricane which destroyed our land and killed most of our people. We had a leader then but he died as a result. Your father stepped up to rescue most of the people that are still alive now. We trekked for days and starved till we got here. There was a war going on and their leader said we could stay if we could join and win the war for them but we lost most of our able men during the hurricane . Your father was among the few that were left. Just as they were dragging if we could stay or not I went into we stayed with the choice that my daughter marries his son that was just three years old then. We had no choice than to accept and so we lived here since then. We didn't tell you because we thought it didn't matter but we were wrong. When your father died last year, he made me promise to do the necessary things when the time was right and that was to marry you off when the time was right which I did but I should have told you and I'm sorry"

I exhaled deeply as mother recounted all that happened. Everything was making sense now.

"You have the right to hate me Kathia but I did it for our people and there are so many wars going these days, the shelter here has been profound and the people has been very nice to us for the past twenty  one years. " I’m my age at last.

"I forgive you Mother and I’m sorry for all the way I have been behaving to you. I was different then and I want to make amends now"

She peered at me and then glanced at Anna.

"Does she mean that?"

Anna Shrugged. "Well..she's been saying that since this morning"

Then Mother glanced back at me. "Nothing would make me happier my child if this marriage works...because if it doesn't, your husband will his father who may send us away at anytime and we don’t have anywhere else to go."

"Is he like the sheriff or something?" I asked and both ladies exchanged glances.

"Sherif? He is the King" Mother announced sternly..looking at me as if my brain has probably been flashed or something like that.

"Wow!" I replied. I am married to the prince! Awesome!

"But..he doesn't seem to like me Mother" I said with a wrinkled nose.

"Both of you don't like each other. You practically hated each other since childhood but you have to make it work..the king is throwing a feast anytime soon and you both will be there and he would want to make sure his son is enjoying his marriage..Please dear, do everything not to ruin it. Else, you will destroy everything your father has worked for and we will be sent away."

So I'm done for! I am married to a husband that hates my gut and whom I'm told I hate too.  A psycho King for in-law whose son I have to please so he won't go crying to daddy else daddy sends us packing...Geez! I really wanna wake-up now..modern day is so much less wonder the former Kathia made a mess of things. How in God's name would I work out these mess before my next birthday?


I got a better understanding of things now. Now I know that I was forced into an arranged marriage to protect our people. My father used to be the commander of our people and we came from the Kujuku land or kingdom which  was destroyed by natural disaster. Kentland was the nearest city and before their king could approve of our stay, I had to be betrothed to his son whose name I got to know was Miguel  as a kind of offering for their kindness. Father died some years later. Kathia was angry and was mean as a result of the forced marriage..she wanted to marry for love and she felt betrayed and had been very mean and wicked to everyone around her. I got to know that the last time she...which was supposedly myself came home, I swore not to come home while promising not to forgive my mother and my dead father.

I sighed mostly on my way home. I was having so many thoughts in my head. How would I get to know my husband whom I learned  we hated each other so much? How soon could I make it back on time before my birthday?

Whatever I needed to do must be done so fast and I barely knew where to start from.

By the time we got back to the mansion it was almost late in the night. I thanked Anna for everything for today. She took me around the house and re-introduced all the maids to me, they all seemed so scared of me but I was too tired to make them trust me..they were more than ten . I was also shown the stables ,there were  so many fine horses for riding. I knew I at least needed to learn how to ride one before I would leave the house least I would have some new skills.

I was tired for the long journey so I had to postpone the next tour till the following morning but not before I learned of where Miguel slept. Anna pointed to his room, it was at the southern wing of the house while mine was at the eastern part. He wasn't in the house , I was told he left  and hadn't come back since he left after breakfast. I felt a little bit disappointed for no reason but I quickly snapped out of it. I took my bathe and sat in front of the mirror. I was trying to familiarize myself with all Kathia's things. We were so different when it comes to taking care of the skin. She had so many accessories, so many beautiful gowns and lots of beautiful shoes and wigs. Just as I was going through her make-up box, I heard a light knock sounded on the door.

"Anna is that you?" I asked, while massaging my neck.

"No My princess. It's Ngozi."

I frowned, I tried to recollect which of the maids was Ngozi but there were so many I forgot which.."Do come in.."

She came in and then I remembered her face she was the one whom I noticed was the most scared of them all. She also seemed to be very young, youngest of all the maids, I liked her immediately but I was too tired to say that.

"Ngozi..dear..I hope there is no problem?" I asked as sweetly as possible but she stared at me white faced and handed the parcel she was holding to me with a courtesy.

I frowned and collected the parcel curiously.

"Is this for me?" I asked and she nodded, while looking down.

Who could have sent me a parcel...I wondered and I opened it. In it was a wrapped bunch of beautiful flowers with a little pink box inside. I opened it and I gasped. In it was the most beautiful neck piece I have ever seen. It had a pendant of a off a faint blue glow.

"Did my husband send this to me?" I asked expectantly.

"Did my husband send this to me?" I asked again.

She turned scarlet and shook her head.

"May I go My princess?" She asked almost quietly and I looked at her. She was too terrified of me so I felt sorry for her. Put the gifts on the table and put a arm on her shoulder.

"How old are you Ngozi?"

"19" She replied with a questioning look.

"What do you do in the house?"

"I..I water the flowers and trim them, I also help at the kitchen." She was looking down during the whole time.

"Would you like to do something more fun?" I asked, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

She couldn't give a reply on time so I quickly added. "Like..picking the fine cloths I would wear for the day and applying  make-up for me..picking my shoes and going on a ride with me..oh..also telling me about who ever sends a parcel."

I studied her as so many thought filled her mind...I realised she didn't know if to trust me or believe me.

"Do you have a family here Ngozi?"

She nodded.

"Okay. How about when you pick cloths for me and ask if you like and you say yes and I give it to you to give your sister or your mother or even you can wear  it. Would you like it? You should know I have beautiful cloths"

Immediately I saw the excitement I was hoping for. "Oh yes My princess. You have the best set of expensive jewelries and modern cloths..I would be happy to do that"

"Good!" I laughed. "How about we start now, first by telling me who sent the parcel?"

"The same man that delivers this parcel every night" She replied.

"Every night?"

She nodded.

"There's a signature at the bottom" She pointed out and I turned the empty parcel around and I found. "lots of love. T"

"Thank you my dear..we will continue tomorrow. Please get me Anna...I mean Bree"

"Yes my princesss She replied, curtsied and left.

Some minutes later, Anna came in.

"Anna(Bree), sorry I had to wake you, I know you must be very tired from the journey"

She smiled . "No problem My princess, really sweet of you to show concern"

"I got a parcel. I don't know who it came from"

She stared at the parcel with primed lips and then looked at me. "There is a rumor that you have been going out with a man for a while before your marriage and that you two are still seeing"

"So you mean I cheat on my husband?" I asked, wide-eyed.

She immediately went on her knees, throwing her arms up. "I am not accusing you of anything my princess. I was only answering your questions please!”

I calmed down and nodded to her to stand up. “Tell me more.”

She was reluctant so I bent over her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Breechinga, please tell me what you know.”

“Well…my princess..I..I don’t know except that it would make sense if you hated every one because you weren't allowed to marry whom you love."

Whom I love? What the hell was this girl talking about?

"How long has this been happening?"

"You mean the parcel?"

I nodded.

"Every night since your wedding." She replied.

"Have I ever sneaked out to meet someone before?"

"Multiple times My queen.” She replied, still kneeling and looking scared.

"Do you know this man?"

SHe shook her head.

"What about his name?"

"I believe it's Tony"

I remembered the signature. "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I was in your room, laying your bed one of the  nights you got a letter from him and you mentioned his name"

"Letter?" I asked again and she nodded. "Please where do I keep those letters?"

She pointed to one of the drawers and I pulled it out, in it were different parcels and opened letters.

I took one and read out.

                                         To my dearest one, the fairest of all fairest.

The one that gives me joy. Even if the world will not allow us to be together, we will always be . SOon I will free you from that dungeon fate has placed you so we could be together forever. Please make sure you carry out your plans on the D-day. I would be sending flowers so you would know I am close by. On the night I send the tulips, please come out and see me at the usual place. I can not wait to kiss you my dearest>


"Oh my God! I have a concubine!" I cried. If Bree knows, I'm sure so many people knows.

"What do I do Bree? What if my husband knows? What if his father knows ? This is doom!"

Bree shrugged and just then a xar stopped in front of the house.

"Who is that?" I asked and she went to the window and pulled the curtain.

It was Miguel, even in the dark, he was still as dashing as ever. He climbed down from the carriage and was speaking to someone still inside. I stood up and moved closer to the window as I watched with Bree.

Read " Dance With Me " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. A lady climbed down with him and they were locked in a warm embrace. Then he kissed her on the neck, and then on the  cheek...I had no idea why my heart was beating so fast..later they kissed on the mouth and the lady went back into the car as he bade her farewell. Just as he turned towards the house, we pulled down the window .

"Are you okay my queen?" Bree asked and then I realized, a tear was on my cheek already. My hands flung to my face and I wiped it off angrily.

"I guess I'm  not the only one cheating in this mariage  Bree! This is so fucked up! And why the hell am I crying! I don't even know this man!"

"Maybe you love him...."

"Impossible!" I snapped back. Love is far far from that disrespectful cheating husband!

"I hate him for making me feel bad for cheating only to see him doing the same"

"But this has always been the normal thing my queen. May I ask why you are so disturbed about this?"

“I just realized I needed to make this marriage work so we can all be safe.” Then I stopped and I smiled as a thought crossed my mind. "I guess my husband hasn't really seen me. I need him to notice me Bree. I am going to woo my husband Bree, are you with me"

Bree grinned and replied. "I would be honored My queen."



Operatin woo-t-he- husband on the go! So I'm curious, how many comments to write Miguel's POV? Would you like to take a sneak peak into the mind of this strange husband? If you want me to write his view, please comment. The highest number of comments that support the writing  wins....

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