She Should Have Died - Episode 12

She should have died

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Bosa's p.o.v

I groaned inwardly as I started gaining consciousness. My head must have been hit by something hard, because It hurt. I opened my eyes slowly and realized I was in a lighted room. Reggie was looking at me and I realized he wasn't breathing. I almost shouted as I shuddered in fear. I looked around and I saw mom,she was also slowly waking up."Miss me?"Regina strolled in . Believe me I've never hated anyone like I hated this woman."You good for nothing!! Regina you took him away from me.... I'll kill you.. you took my Reggie from me and for what to claim a hier you don't even have!"I thundered angrily. mom was silently pleading with me to shut up but as usual I ignored the hint.
"Hmmmn so Reggie went for the plan alright. He made you fall in love with him, told you I'm a physco who has your mom and took you to twenty one border. He claimed being my niece when he's actually my lover... Reggie you can get up now!" Regina ordered and I watched stunned as he got up and walked behind her grinning.
"was this all a plan?"I wondered as I stared at Reggie and Regina, I can't believe I trusted him. "Reggie you did this to me!!I trusted you" I shouted in pain,my voice choking and tears pouring out. "You Know what,Bosa there's nothing physically wrong with you.

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. just that you trust the wrong people..Do you even know who alerted my sweetheart here that we were coming?Of course it can't be me cause I was with you the whole time reciting stupid love Quotes I had to learn, okay you can come now"Reggie smiled. I held my chest, preventing an heart attack, looking at whatever figure will emerge from the figure when I saw Ricky! oh just kill me. "Ricky you are part of this?"I asked finding it hard to breathe. "I'm sorry but she pays high........" Ricky said. I was still recovering from that shock when Regina said,"So Bosa on the Bright side you can say Goodbye to your mom and Robinson jnr and join them soonest!"she said pointing a gun at mom. Suddenly the lights went out,I used one of the knifes in my back pocket to cut off the ropes tying me. don't tell me you seriously thought I had dropped all my waepons I hid this knife deep into my skin,it  already had serious bruises. "Who turned off the lights.... get me a Torchlight I can't see in the dark... don't let them escape!"Regina said as she fumbled about looking for where she dropped her phone. I silently looked for mom and cut down the ropes. When we were fully untied,the lights came back on. "Stay where you are or I'll shoot!"Regina warned me and Mom as she pointed a pistol. Mom also brought hers and they both walked about cornering each other watching the other, pointing guns at each other.
"I told you I could be dangerous!"mom said as she shot Regina on the head.

Read " Tuff stuff " by the same author ( Lo is )

. Regina fell but not without a fight,she shot mom's stomach. Just then,we heard the police siren whoever called them, which I'm suspecting is mom. she has been full of suprises this evening. The police were entering,I looked at mom, she was gasping for air but Reggie was escaping. Biting my lips hard I ran after him. "Reggie wait! you don't think I actually believed all you said I knew you were the one that called the police we can start over again"I smiled. He looked at me somewhat taken back."Thanks for understanding"he said as he ran to hug me. Did he think I was stupid. immediately he got to me,I kicked his groin that he fell on the ground rolling and yelping in pain. "That's for lying to me and almost ruining me and my family!"I retorted, just then the police reached us and handcuffed him."I hope you rot in jail!"I spat angrily as I ran to my mom who was loaded on the stretcher. she was abate, I hope nothing happens to Baby jnr


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