She Should Have Died - Episode 13

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*Purely dedicated to Ima Ettah your comment was what I needed.*
 Bosa's p.o.v
I waited outside the hospital anxiously, mom was in a comma and Dad was walking up and down. I guess he was feeling bad about  the Regina issue but I wondered Where he even met her in the first place. My question was answered when Dad started cursing one of his business meetings and I guess that was when he saw her first . "she said she was interested in giving me the project and I should come to her house to get the details. I got there and she offered me Juice. How was I supposed to know drinks could be spiked by women too? when I woke up she claimed something happened between us cause I was beside her bed....oh I pray Maria forgives me"Dad blurted out in fear. The doctor operated mom but before he did,he said there's a 80 percent chance mom and the baby will die! I was just looking at the ICU till the operation was done. The doctor announced an  emergency c_section had to be done but mom and the baby were safe. The baby girl he said was in the incubator, so it turns out that scans could be wrong, this is more of Maria jnr if you ask me. I ran to mom hugging her, immediately the doctor said she was awake."I love you Mom! I love you so much and I wish you will live!"I cried, dad was stuttering but mom raised her hand and he hugged her. "I'm so so sorry!"Dad apologized as tears rolled down his cheeks.
I carried baby Blessing in my hands as I cooed in her ears

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Dad and Mom were having thier alone time and I didn't want to interfere. "So baby ..

Read " Firesparks " by the same author ( Lo is )

. that's the story do you know what I learned so far along the journey....
1. Always appreciate what you have cause you might never know the value till you loose it.
2 .Do not trust anyone cause even your best friend could kill your mom.
3. Good always win in the end no matter how blurry it seems.
4. Trust is the most important factor in a relationship
5. Even scans can be wrong when determining the sex of a child
6. Always carry weapons on you (I'm serious)

7. Turns out drinks could be spiked by desperate women too.
8. Having a cute baby sister who miraculously  survived gunshots,born prematurely and is still alive is a Blessing that's why you're my blessing.
Suddenly, just as I was getting all excited in this advise thingy she spluttered some spittle on my dress "Oh Blessing!!!Ene could you watch after Blessing while I wash  this stain off?"I asked as I dropped the baby on her laps. Yes Ene and Musa were called back. "sure"Ene said as she carried the Baby on her laps and I hurried upstairs,I have never been more content.


so alas... with the drums beating, birds chirping,  girls hymning BOSA took back her words of wishing "SHE SHOULD HAVE DIED!"


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