An Arranged Marriage - Episode 21

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I sit still on the couch as Anaya explains to me the hell that is going on.

I'm trying not to think about the fact that I got ambushed by a horde of bloodthirsty paparazzi, all in a good day's job right? I mean normal people want to get questioned by papz right?

My eyes drift to the flower vase on the table in the center of the room and I wonder why he didn't tell me he was travelling.

Then again why should he?

It's not as if we are in a relationship or anything? I mean all through last night there was a fine line between us, he didn't try to initiate physical contact except the normal hand holding and the hair stroking.

Maybe he had being literal when he said he had brought me out only to see the meteor shower.

Was it out of sympathy for the poor girl? A way to appease his conscience when I told him the land meant something to me?

Maybe indeed I was the only one there, maybe I was the only in my feelings, he's a rich man, a very powerful man, what did he need to tell me anything about? My fingers clench in my dress and I bite my lip before turning to Anaya.

"You were saying?" I ask.

"You weren't listening?" She asks.

"Humor me, begin again" I say and she hisses a vile word after throwing me a look but she begins again. 

"Photos of you and Kane got leaked, it means the media is going to be all over that like fly to shit, they are gonna dig deep if they don't get anything to appease them soon, here look at this photos, it's clear that the person who took this was professional and he was on you guys for a long time" She says, shoving her laptop into my lap. 

There is a photo of me, watching the stars and him watching me, my hand resting on his arm and his holding the railing. 

Another of us eating, the exact moment when he shifted to wipe wine from my lip. 

It's the last one that make my heart crash. 

This one is of us, when the rain was falling and he had his head in my neck, nothing in that photo is left to the imagination, his hands is digging deep into my hair and my hands are on his back. 

Anybody looking in from the outside will see two lovers dancing in the rain, but I know there is no truth to these photos, the media is spinning this into something it totally isn't.. 

"The person must have been close" I say, my voice brittle. 

"They didn't have to be close, they just happen to own good equipment" Cash says from the window his back to me. 

Something niggles in the back of my mind. 

"Wasn't your land supposed to be private? Should they have been able to get in?" I ask. 

He stiffens, turns to me and I see murder in his eyes. 

"Trust me,i will sue them for trespassing till they don't know where they start and the case ends" He says and I know he will too, because there's a certain promise in his eyes. 

He turns back to the window and I turn to Anaya as she speaks. 

"You have to lay low for a while, when Kane comes I'm sure he will know what to do" She says and I nod, I almost tell her that she needn't worry, I'm a normal human being, I've always lain low all my life.

I turn to the twins, they are sitting together on the couch, watching some sort of YouTube video.

"I'm sorry about this, its  looking as if we aren't going to get a moment of peace this week" I say and they lift their head. 

"Are you kidding? My sister is on celebrity gossip page, I'm pumped" Aroofa says and I smile, she looks too excited for how I feel right now. 

"I have to say Nady, looking at that photo of you and him dancing in the rain, with your hair down and his hand on your hair and ass? That's some real stuff right there, you look like a celeb" Aroos says and I throw a pillow at her, she laughs.

My eyes go to Cash when he curses and the noise of the reporters increases outside, I see that his body is as stiff as a board.

"F*cking shit.. F*ck me.

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. F*cking f*ck me" He growls and my ear almost melt off at the  string of curse words that follow the first litany. 

"Is there a prob...?" Before I finish a knock sounds at the door, he prowls to it whipping it open and pulling someone inside. 

"Easy boy, Easy" Says the feminine voice and I hear Aroofa gasp.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?" 

"I came to see my brother's new woman"

"This is not the house of your brother's woman" Cash growls. 

This must be Linda King then, this petite woman with blonde hair, blood red lips and high heels must be Kane's sister, she's a vision, a dream, and she's looking at me. 

"The photos didn't do you any justice, you are beyond f*cking fine" She says and I understand that cursing must be part of their family's genetic makeup.

"Uh, thank you?" I ask, really I don't know what to say. 

"Well, I'm Linda and this brute behind me is my brother, you must know the other one since its seems the both of you are caught in a scandal" She says, extending a perfectly manicured hand to me, I shake. 

"Are these your sister? will you introduce me? I like getting formalities out of way" She says and I leave the girls to introduce their selves, my eyes are on Cash, he doesn't look pleased. 

"What the f*ck were you thinking?" Cash breaths at Linda when she finally takes her seat between Aroofa and Aroos, her heels at the base of the couch, her legs crossed on the sofa, the laptop on her leg, I blink, Anaya looks dumbfounded. 

"I think I already told you what I was thinking" she says, her eyes on the video. 

"You coming here was a wrong move, a wrong f*cking move, the media is In frenzy, no need to come here and add gasoline to the f*cking flames" 

"Stop swearing at me Cash, the media will be in a frenzy with or without my help, my appearance does not make a difference"

"Oh really? You've refused to make said appearance since i and Kane arrived from the states and you think now is a good time?"

"There's no time as good as the present, seeing as I got no prior notice of your arrival I didn't think my appearing to you will be appreciated" She says, her eyes lifting from the laptop to pierce through him. 

"F*ck me" He breaths again, scrubbing his hands down his face.

My eyes are swinging between them as I watch them engage in a stared down.. 

Linda wins because Cash turns to investigate the sudden increase of noise outside. 

"F*ck me, Jesus" Cash whispers, frustration plain in his voice. 

"Did everybody sell their sense today?" He asks, marching to the door. 

"Your man is here" Linda says, her eyes coming to me and I open my mouth to tell her that he's not my man but I freeze when he comes into my line of vision. 

His eyes are on me and he prowls to me. 

"Are you alright?" He asks on a quiet growl but I just watch him, I can't seem to get my mouth to work. 



Thank you so much for reading and all the lovely comments 

Please leave comments today 

Have a wonderful evening. 

I'm sorry for the liberal use of the F word. 

. .

Read " Love ~ Hate Relationship " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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