An Arranged Marriage - Episode 25

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I'm going to hell.

I'm going to burn in the eternal flames, there will be no redemption for my soul.

I'm going to hell.

I slide in behind Linda into the back seat of the limo she  had arrived in, Cash behind me.

I rest my head on the seat as the car begins to move.

"Did you get my car home?" I ask into the dimness of the interior.

"Yes" Cash says.

It's a good thing then, that my security company was able to herd the papz away, I hate to think about the story they are going to cook up with that stunt, seeing as I actually leaked the photos to them whatever they cook up will be beneficial to me. 

I just.. I shake my head. 

My mind drifts.

I'm going to hell.

I remember the lie I just laid down at the feet of Anadia Razaq, I almost snort at how creative I got, a will? A clause? I had to get married? That was all a lie, a big fat lie, I have more hold on my company than Zuckerberg does on Facebook. 

Well, it's better than her finding out I intend to marry her to steal the box that she's supposed to get on her 26th birthday.

She must hold that thing precious because it's the only living memory of her mother, but I need it and I have to get it.

To get my family together and to get the peace that my brother deserves I have to get that box back.

"Don't ruin the seat of my car Kane" Linda says, pointing to my finger digging into the car seat . I turn to her, needing to blow off some steam.

"What was that stunt you pulled?"

"What stunt?" She asks boredom the only current in her voice.

"The one where you showed up at the Razaq's" I say.

"What? Did you think you guys are the only one curious to see how the family of the murderers of my brother is doing?" She asks sarcastically.

"Linda..."Cash starts. 

"Oh, please, don't Linda me, you guys upped and left, left me alone with our fuckery of a father, and now you are back with some hairbrained idea of revenge and you think I'm not going to get my own in too? The spoilt socialite you know is gone brothers" She says, looking out the window.

"Lindy" I say softly, deflating, I missed my sister, I hate the fact that we are always at odds.

Her eyes come to me.

"Do you think you can do it? This revenge thing?" I ask, my twenty three years old sister was once a softie, she changed when Cabe died, we all did.

"Does the sun shine in the morning? If Y'all can do it then I can" She says and I see angry tears in her eyes

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. The pain of our loss still shining through.

"Come here and give me a hug" I say softly.

"After the two of you apologize for abandoning me for a long fucking time" she says.

"It was for your own good" Cash growls from the darkness of his seat.

My sister furiously wipes her eyes.

"You know nothing about what is good for me"She retorts.

" Well, I know you should stop f*cking half of the city, how about that? I love you too much to see you die from herpes " Cash says and I don't say a word, I should let them get it out of their system, either they do it now or it blows up later.

As I wait for the die down of their fight my mind drifts to gold eyes, trusting gold eyes that I can't seem to get out of my mind.

Will I find redemption after I am done with her? Will that light go out of her eyes when she finds out what I intend to steal from her?

I scrub a hand down my face as I wait for Cash and Linda to end their fight.

I didn't have to wait long, I feel a soft body press into mine and I curl my hands around my sister, kissing her head.

"I missed you" She whispers into my ear and I kiss her head again. 

She knows I missed her too, leaving her behind with our father, travelling the world, searching for peace in the guilt, I know I had abandoned her but at the time stability was the best thing I could offer. 

I was derailing, I already had one brother with me, there was no need to add a sister to it. 

The car pulls up into the mansion and I glance at Linda to see her sleeping. 

Cash is there, lifting her into his arms and her arms go around his neck. 

"I'm taking her to her room, don't move, we have to talk" He says and I nod, I enter the seating room and go directly to the bar, i need a drink, or two. 

"We are not going to put that on her conscience" Cash approaching voice says and I nod, knowing what he means. 

There is no way we are going to allow Linda go for the Razaq's, she can leave the revenge to us, my sister is too good for that kind of shit. 

"So, what's the deal then? Are we any closer to getting the box?" He asks, accepting the glass I pass to him. 

"I asked her to marry me" I say, good to get that out of the way. 

"The fuck you did" He says, calm as ever. 

Sometimes I wonder if my brother ever gets angry, he keeps a tight leash on his emotions and I find that I do not like when he eventually blows up. 

I'm going to address that later. 

"I'm serious" 

"Why would you ask her to marry you?" 

"To get closer to the box, to be safe and sure it's gonna come into my hands" 

"What? Your grand plan of seducing it out of her hands not working for you" He asks, drumming his fingers on the bar counter. 

My eyes go to that finger he's drumming and I know my guess is right, my brother is so close to blowing up. 

"We have to do what we have to do to get that box Cash, I'm sure you understand that, do I have to explain that?" 

"Are you being real? Or are you just driven by the way you feel for this girl? I see the way you look at her, are you even sure you can pull this off? Are..." 

"Don't point fingers at me Cash, I'm not stupid, you think I don't see how you get angry when that other girl is around you? What? You think you are the only one with an observation skilkset?" 

He stops. 

I tilt my head. 

"Don't do that shit brother" He says. 

"What shit?" 

"That head shit, the 'I can see you and I know everything about you head tilt'" He says, swiging his drink. 

I smirk. 

"So I'm correct" I Say. 

"Fuck you" He says  but I can see his lip twitch. 

"What are we gonna do? Uh?"He asks.

"I'm gonna get the box back" I say and he nods, I stand but turn to him before exiting the room. 

"You should do something about that" I nod to his fingers still drumming on the counter. 

"Do something about what?" 

"All that pent up energy you've got stored inside you, do your thing, just remember we are not going to hurt the Razaq sisters more then it's worth" I say before exiting the room. 

I think about how hypocritical that made me sound. 

I know deep down that Anadia Razaq is going to get hurt by me. 

I try to push those thoughts back as i hit the shower. 



Thank you so much for reading. 

Please leave comments. 

Have a wonderful evening. 

. .

Read " Love ~ Hate Relationship " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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