Dance With Me - Episode 10

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Adams opened his eyes. It had been a while since he last slept like this, without a single worry.

He turned to his side to check the time and that was when he realized that it was already some minutes past ten. Wow! It had really been a while since he slept this long without any worry. Sending the girl away from his life was actually a good thing.

All of a sudden, the aroma of fried eggs wafted through his nostrils. Hold on, what was that?

He straightened up and then, he remembered he had someone in his house . Of course, Angelica....

He stood up and grabbed a shirt from the chair, without bothering to button him, he opened his shirt...nothing got him super excited like waking up to eat breakfast right from the bed and he missed that.


Angy  had found the kitchen easily and she was done with the indomie and eggs. She had found those on the cupboard. She started opening the cupboards one after the other, busy humming and singing to herself. She was happy and comfortable and the only nice thing she could come up with was to prepare breakfast, she knew how men always loved that.

“Wow, something smells so good.”

She smiled without turning around,

“You are up already.” She dished out the food into one of the plates she had found and then turned around to hand it over. That was when she realized that, his shirt was unbuttoned, she flushed in embarrassment but thankfully he didn’t notice that

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. He was too focused on the plate in her hand. He took it from her and walked to the chair nearby to take a seat.

The cutlery was on the dining in the kitchen, so he grabbed a fork and took a bite.

Angy waited for the reaction which she had expected...

“Wow! You are everything Angy! Where have you been all my life?”

She chuckled and grabbed a seat as well.

As they ate, she tried not to stare at his chest which was just facing her directly through the opened shirt. She could see that he must be working out often, the muscles on his chest revealed was broad and muscular and...

“You know it’s been a while I ate a home cooked meal?” He said, interrupting her impure thoughts.

“Oh, wow...well, consider this as a rent for as long as I get to stay here before I finally get back on my feet.”

“Really?” He asked, surprised.

“Yes, sure, I can’t be staying her for free without at least doing anything to show my gratitude.”

He chuckled, “well, then, you can stay here as long as you want.”

She paused, “you don’t mean that right?”

“I do.” He realized she looked uncomfortable. “What is it?”

“What about your girlfriend? Do you think she will be comfortable with some lady staying with her boo?”

HE chuckled, “well, you don’t need to worry about that.” He said.

“What? Why would you say that? Sure I cannot believe that someone like you doesn’t have a pretty and a jealous girl somewhere.”

He smiled, “I will take that as a compliment but we are no longer together so I don’t think that she will mind.”

“Wow! I’m sorry.”

“Oh please. It was for the best. I should have broken up with her months ago, I was a fool for far too long and now it’s so good to be a single man.”

She chuckled.

“What about you? I was surprised you didn’t have a macho boyfriend to stay with last night.”

She smiled, “No. We broke up too, month ago when he relocated to S.A. Distance is not my thing so we decided to split.”

“Wow! I’m so sorry.”
“Yea thanks.”

“So, how did you meet that asshole anyway?”

“Oh, you mean the guy who you saved me from?”

He nodded.

“Well, like I said, he’s not important I just ran into him when I went for a walk a day before and he asked me out. He brought me to the club and luckily for him, that was when I discovered that you were actually in need of another cocktail waitress.”

He smiled.

“Yea, if you hadn’t shown up that night, that idiot would have had his way with me.”

“No, he wouldn’t.” He replied, he was done with his food.

“Why would you say that?”

“You look like someone that is strong and that can easily escape from anything.”

She smiled, “well, I love to think that I can handle anything.”

“You see what I’m talking about.” He said and they both chuckled before taking their plates to the kitchen together.


Adams stood in front of the mirror in his room, he was shaving and had just finished taking his bathe.

The water in the bathroom was running as Angy was taking her bathe as well. Then it stopped, she must be probably through. Wow, that was fast, Rita always took hours, he used to wonder what she was actually washing off.

Read " Black Widow " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. Perhaps those nasty hands of Adrian...

The door opened and he saw her reflection in the mirror as she walked out of the bathroom. Water glistened on every part of her body, especially her legs. They seemed to be the most beautiful legs he had ever seen. She was in a brown towel and there was a shower cap on her head.

“I will be done in a jiffy boss.” She said before walking out of the room.

He smiled and continued with was he was doing. He couldn’t believe that he had checked her out that instant but he was just being realistic, she had a pair of beautiful legs.

Okay! Enough! He cautioned himself and walked to the hanger to pick a shirt.


Angelica shut her eyes and opened them-she needed to get that picture out of her head.  Clearly the man didn’t see anything wrong in being shirtless, especially in front of a lady and this had been bothering her. If he loved being shirtless all the time, of course, it was his house, she had no choice but to deal with it-except that she couldn’t and there was no way she could tell him without making him see how uncomfortable it was making her feel.

How would a girl not be contented with such a man with such a great body?

That was a stupid thought. There was more to a relationship than just a great body of course.

She checked the time, crap! She had already spent too much time dressing up. She groaned as she remembered that she would need to check the mirror  and quietly, she prayed that he would have grabbed a shirt or something.

She walked to the door and knocked.

“Yep.” He replied and she went in, he was dressed up already in a grey shirt and a blue jean, she muttered a, ‘thank-God’.

Now they were both in front of the mirror, she was packing her hair while he was doing something on the shirt.

He watched as she kept on trying to see which way to park her hair.

“Why don’t you let down your hair instead of packing it?” He asked without thinking.

That surprised her, “you think so?”

He shrugged, finally regretting why he said what he said. “Well, yea...I think it makes you look more beau..better.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“But you know you can still pack it if you want. So, knock yourself out.” He said finally, walking away from the house.

“Well, thank you, but I am done as well.”

He was surprised, she had let down her hair. “Oh! Great then, let’s go.”




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