Happy Never After - Episode 15

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She couldn't

get enough sleep that night.

She had no idea where the magazine was and why Daniel must have taken it.

"Why don't we go back to the restaurant and eat breakfast there?"

 she had asked him the next morning.

"No, honey. I don't think we should go back there,"

 he said, shaving his beard.

"But I thought you loved it,"

 she continued.

"Why don't you want to go?"

 "I just don't feel like it,"

 he replied, raising his voice a little.

He has never done that before.

Finally he turned to face her.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you . I just..the last time we went there, someone said he knew me and since then, you have been acting strange."

 She swallowed and tried to get up from bed.

"I have been acting strange?"

"Yes, you have. You are looking at me as if I am a stranger."

 She sighed.

"Well, I don't know everything about you, Daniel! At first, you told me you were raised in Texas and that all your family was dead. But then, your friend had to come from Texas to best you at our wedding and since then, you two never talked

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/happy-never-after

. He never called to check on us, no one calls you apart from work. And all of a sudden, someone called you David." 

"So, are you now suspecting me now!"

 he shouted at her.

"You have no right to do that! I trusted you even when I shouldn't! Even during those times that you and Fabian were still sleeping together when you were supposed to be planning our wedding, I forgave you. I came to Nigeria, to be with you, to take care of you and now you are suspecting me!"

 Alicia was shocked. Where did that come from? She watched as he hit the wall angrily before walking out of the room. She shivered as the door slammed hard and in the next minute, he was driving out. What just happened?


"Oh!My gosh!"

 Alicia said, standing up quickly and wearing her clothes.

She turned to the other side to see that Fabian was still sleeping.

time was already some minutes past eight and Daniel was probably on his way back to Lagos.

She picked up her bra which was lying on the floor and began to fix herself up.

"This is not working for me,"

 Fabian mumbled, indicating he was awake.

She sighed.

They have been seeing again, secretly from even her sister and Faith.

She couldn't help herself and she was still battling with how she would tell Daniel about the whole thing.

 It has been going on for two weeks and Daniel was not around yet.

He travelled out of the country and was coming back that night.

She wore her shoes quickly before walking to where Fabian lay.

"Fabian, I'm sorry but this is all we can do for now. I promise I will find a way to break up with Daniel. I love you so much and I have realized that. I will break up with him but for now, let's just keep it like this. I need to let him down easily, please."

 He nodded and as they kissed, his phone rang. She waited for him to be done with the call, he had an emergency at the hospital. A man had an accident and he needed to get there as soon as possible.


 Alicia said.

"I will quickly return home, when I get home, I will tell Daniel the truth about us."

 Fabian nodded and wished her all the best. Later that night, Daniel didn't come home and she had already prepared her speech, her break-up speech.

Her heart was beating so fast, waiting for him to drive in at any moment.

Her phone rang and she picked it, it was Daniel.

"Hello, Danny?" 

"Hello, please is this miss Alicia?"

 asked a lady. She frowned.

"What happened?"

 "Mr. Daniel requested we call you, he had an accident and he is at Bryn and Ben's Hospital."

When she heard this, her heart sank. That was Fabian's hospital.


"Is he going to be okay?"

 she asked hours later as she stood beside Daniel who was still unconscious. Fabian stood beside her, staring down at him.

"I hope not."

 She gasped.

"Stop saying that, Fabian. He has to be fine,"

 she whispered.

"He will be fine,"

 Fabian groaned.

"I just couldn't imagine I will be the one to treat him."

"I was surprised when I got the call too."

Later they walked out of the room to Fabian's office.

"You were supposed to break up with him and all of a sudden he just had an accident?"

Fabian asked.

She shrugged.

"What are you saying? That he had an accident on purpose?"

 Alicia shook her head, that was preposterous.

"I can't break up with him, not now."

"That means we can't be together as soon as I hope." 

"We cannot be discussing this now, Fabian. I am worried about him. He has no one except me. He left everyone he knew to be with me and now you want me to abandon him right now?"

He sighed.

"I am not asking you to do that. This whole thing is just suspicious."

Later that night, she had gone back home to bring Daniel some clean towels.

One thing was certain, she couldn't break up with Daniel, not that moment.


"Hi, love." 

She smiled seeing Daniel was awake and looking a bit better, even though his left hand was in a sling. It was his fourth day at the hospital.

"I am so happy to see you awake,"

 she said, embracing him. Fabian came in just as they kissed.

"How are you doing today, Mr. Daniel?"

he asked in a grumpy voice.

Alicia tried as much as possible to keep things cool as the room was getting uncomfortable.

She was looking towards the floor all through.

"I think you can call me Daniel, Fabian. We have met and there is no need to be formal,"

Daniel said, holding Alicia's hand and kissing it.


replied Fabian.

"How is your arm and everything? Do you still feel any pain?"

"No, I don't,"

 Daniel replied.

"I am surprised you took a very good care of me considering our history."

 Fabian smiled.

"We do not have any history, besides, I love keeping things professional. So, I hope you wouldn't mind me asking this, do you have a twin?" 

This made Alicia look up.

"A twin? Nope. I was the only child of my parents. Why would you ask that?"

 Dan asked. Fabian looked at the note in his hand then shrugged.

"Nothing. Do you mind coming to my office when you are done, Alicia?" 

"Of course,"

she quickly replied.


Fabian said and left.

"I don't trust him," 

Daniel said to her.

"Why not?" 

"Well, you know the reason." 

"He's taking care of you," 

she replied.

"Exactly why I don't trust him," 

he looked up at her.

"He loves you, I can see that. He will do everything to keep you for himself." 

"Stop it, Daniel. There is nothing between Fabian and I anymore. Besides, I need you to get better." 

"I need to leave this place, Alicia. He is a doctor, it will be easy for him to get rid of him through the use of drugs or any of these machines around here." 

"Nothing will happen to you, I swear." 

"I don't know what I will do without you"

 he said, smiling at her.

Alicia managed a painful smile, kissed him quickly before leaving the room.


"When do you plan to break up with him?"

 Fabian asked immediately she entered.

"Stop that nonsense, Fabian. This is not the right time.

Read " Ichabod " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. He needs me!"

 "Nonsense! He is manipulating you! I talked to the polices, said the tire was punctured, that it looked like it was punctured on purpose"

 She snickered.

"Really? Is that what your jealousy is making you think?" 

Fabian looked surprised.

"What are you talking about? Look, I think he's lying. He has a twin! Who even lies about having a twin?" 

"What if he doesn't? What if the twin died or something. What is the matter with all these twin talk?"

"He is lying to have your pity! So that you can stay by him!" 

"Nonsense! Fabian, I have to go. You are sounding really crazy!" 

she said and was about to leave but he pulled her back.

"Someone that lies on something so minute, you have no idea what he is capable of. Just give me two days, I will prove it to you."

Two days later, she had just entered the hospital when she noticed that everyone was talking in hushed voices.

She couldn't understand.

Some of the people she saw on the way were pointing at her.

She held on to the bag in her hand closely before walking to Daniel's ward.

When she got there, she met it locked. She walked back to the reception.

"Excuse me," 

she said to the lady.

"Ward 14B is locked." 

"Oh, Miss Alicia. You missed everything that happened," 

said the lady. She frowned.

"What happened? Where is Daniel? What of Doctor Fabian?" 

"Mr.Daniel is in 16B now, being attended to by Doctor Megan. Doctor Fabian was arrested." 

She gasped.

"Arrested, why?" 

"He administered a wrong dosage of drugs for one of his patients and the boy died. He's been arrested for murder." 

The bag in Alicia's hand dropped.

This didn't make any sense.

Quickly, she rushed to 16B. Daniel was with a lady doctor.

"Baby, thank God you are here," 

he said as he saw her.

"I was right, Fabian really wanted to kill me"

thank God I outsmarted him


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  • Views (11413)
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  • Callmie Adeomo picture
    Callmie Adeomo
    First to comment keep it rolling
  • Tobi Loba picture
  • Josephine Wanzila picture
    Josephine Wanzila
    Woow! The suspense here is thick!
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Daniel is a bad man
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    Daniel is behind all these n I’m sure Fabian faked his death ooo Fabian can’t be dead But Alicia how do u marry someone you know nothing about No investigations nothing and she’s seeing all the signs n she won’t flee
  • Ladi Samuel picture
    Ladi Samuel
    Maybe Daniel is a ghost
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Strange things are happening oh
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Alicia better run for your dear life . Fabian was the best for you not that fake Daniel guy, if that's even his name tsw. Well done Tobi, beautiful story.
  • Ujuaku Nwobi picture
    Ujuaku Nwobi
    Daniel set the whole thing up. Fabian didn’t administer the wrong dosage. I also feel that Daniel is a twin- he is David. I think he might have killed The original Daniel & taken over his persona. He is now eliminating all evidences that try to proof that he is not the original Daniel. He is the original guy that was blanked out in the year book. Tobi nice work. Please please the suspense is too much.
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    @Ujuaku Nwobi, your summary is perfect. I agree with you.
  • Queenflourish picture
    Daniel is so heartless
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    Daniel has a wicked plan...i really feel for Alicia oo cos she doesnt know what she has gotten herself into.Nice story dear,keep it coming...
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Oopsss....dt Daniel is evil personified
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    lol, its love now@Hannie
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Hahah@Ladi, we shall see
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    LMao@Benedicta, stranger things sef
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    Aww, thanks Delly
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
    @Ujuaku Nwobi, you are a genius. You just cracked the puzzle....my next chapter is for you
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    @Ujuaku Nwobi, your summary is perfect. I agree with you.
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    @Ujuaku Nwobi, your summary is perfect. I agree with you.
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    You're welcome Tobi dear
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    You're welcome Tobi dear
  • Peesam picture
    The title of this story shld be "Alicia the stupid and senseless girl"
  • Tobi Loba picture
    Tobi Loba
  • Fabian Ibeh picture
    Fabian Ibeh
    Alicia the stupid girl?? Lol@peesam you are funny. Isn't that a common mistake among ladies nowadays? Seeing what's good yet they dive into the bad? Well that title isn't bad.
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    This guy is so cunning...hats off to him!
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    I loathe this Daniel
  • chidiebere praise picture
    chidiebere praise
    Oh no..... This is a set up
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