My Mistake - Episode 19

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Finally regaining her strength after throwing up for the third time. Aysha stood up and still went back to the kitchen where she was preparing dinner. She knew the aroma of the food was the reason behind the nausea, but she still want to prepare dinner, feed Fadeel and then break the good news to him. This will be the first time she stays and have dinner with him ever since Amirah came.

She smiled as she stired her almost done egusi soup and rubbed her tummy. What will be the gender of the baby? She wondered . What will they name the baby? Will the baby look like her or like Fadeel.

"Whatever it is i have in here will surely be a blessing to both our lives. I'll always love and cherish you."

Turning off the gas cooker, she then stepped out of the kitchen and went back to her room. Stipping off her clothes, she stepped into the bathroom and had a long hot shower, soothing her aching bones in the process. Making sure she had wiped off every drop of water on her, she applied her lotion, applied a little makeup which had been a while since she did so__she then picked up a knee length gown she knew Fadeel loved and put on. She'll do everything within her power to make Fadeel listen to her today.

Knowing how tired she was, she laid down on the bed to wait for Fadeel___and sleep being her new found friend took her away. By the time she woke up, it was already dark

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. She prayed Maghrib and Isha before moving out.

"Awwnn, aren't you the sweetest Darling? I love you so much." She heard Amirah said as soon as she stepped into the living room.

Fadeel was holding Amirah by her waist, clad in a blue jean and black shirt__looking as handsome as he always did. While Amirah wore a pink boubou gown and a black veil. It looks like they are going out.

"Welcome home Fadeel" Aysha said quickly not mindng that they were about to leave without noticing her.

Fadeel only raised his hand in response and kissed Amirah's cheeks. "You look amazing sweetheart. Shall we go?"

"Yes Darling. After you."

"No, after you."

"Where are you going? I made dinner."

Fadeel hissed and turned away tugging Amirah's hand in the prosess who only smiled and tapped him soothingly before looking at Aysha.

"We are eating out today. You can eat what you cooked all alone Aunty Aysha."

WTF! Aysha thought. "But you've always eat at home" Aysha whined " and i also have something to tell you." She said gesturing towards Fadeel."

"That can wait. As you can see, i have a hungry wife to feed. Oh, and don't wait for us___we're going to the movies after dinner. Take care." And he took Amirah's hand in his and left a heart broken Aysha standing in the middle of the living room.

Even though she was told not to wait, Aysha still waited. But being in a new system__her body couldn't control it and she slept off on one of the couches___with the thought of her unborn baby in her mind.


She woke up with severe body pains the next morning. Even thou she took a long bath to soothe them, they still ache. Maybe it was due to  how she slept in one position all through the night and the chores she did after waking up. She had to throw away yesterday's dinner cause no one ate it before preparing the morning breakfast and tidying up the house, by the time she was done, it was already 11:00am and Fadeel and Amirah are yet to come out. Mabye because it was weekend and Fadeel won't be going to work. The loud bang on her door made her almost fell down from the stool she was sitting.

"Who's there?" She asked clearly irritated.

"Ubanki ne (it's your father)." She heard Fadeel's angry voice replying.

What could have happened this early morning she thought as she unlocked the door and stepped away.

"Where were you yesterday?" He barked at her.

"What do you mean. I was at home throughout the day."

"Meaning you left after we went out right?" He barked again.

"What? No! Fadeel what is wrong with you? I've never went out without your permission. You know that."

"Of course i do you b--ch!" He snapped removing his belt "you either tell me where you went yesterday night or i beat the hell out of you now. The gateman won't just lie and say someone came and picked you up after we left!"

Aysha was confused and her body was shaking. She started backing away from him as she spoke "By Allah i went no where Fadeel.

Read " Today's World " by the same author ( Murjanatu Alkali )

. I slept in the living room and later went back to my room during subh (morning prayer). You must have seen me when you came back.

Fadeel was deep in thought. He hadn't bothered to look around when they came back nor did he look for her. It was only this morning that the gateman told him she left yesterday after they left and came back before they did. And he believed him, because come to think of it___why will he lie to him?

"Where were you yesterday?" He barked again.

"Fadeel believe me___i went no where. I was at home___please, you have to believe me.....i di....."

The sharp pain that descended on her shoulder cut her off. And as she looked up, she knew that nothing will stop him from beating the hell out of her to calm his burning heart.

There and then, as she looked into the eyes of the man beating her mercilessly and calling her names, her heart broke and she knew that if she ever makes it out of here alive___she'll never look at him thesame way she had always did. She lay down, without attempting to run or cover up as he beats her from every angle. She cried and cried but he still didn't stop, he won't stop until he's sure she can't move.

And by the time he finished, she was already laying in a pool of blood___unconscious.

"Yaya Fadeel!" He heard a voice shreak behind him "what the hell did you just did?"

He shook his head and walked passed his sister who stood shocked by the door tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Your bloody wife will be the one to pay!" She yelled angrily as she left the room to Amirah's room who was busy planning her next move with her friend. A bag of blood beside her.

Aysha was unconscious, her breathing getting thin with each passing second as blood kept flowing. Dead or alive__no one can tell.

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  • Favour Abhatue picture
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Tnx for thqt,next pls oooh cos this suspense is huge
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    OMG, Fadeel is heartless man not bother after still seen blood come out for her blood... I pray she don't lose d pregnancy... Thank you Murjanatu.. Next episode
  • carmen picture
    Nice one MJ. I pray she doesn't lose d pregnancy
  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Poor Aisha, I hope she doesn't lose the pregnancy.. Well done M. J
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    OMG! This pain is too much for just one person! How I wish d pregnancy is still intact
  • Ukay picture
    Pls pls pls I beg u with everything gud to send d next episode bp is getg high...oh my aysha
  • Ruth Karanja picture
    Ruth Karanja
    This man is evil Oops! I hate u fadeel, Amirah & that bribed gate man
  • Ojonoka Hannah picture
    Ojonoka Hannah
    Hmmm I pity Aisha
  • Nyamusi Noreen picture
    Nyamusi Noreen
    Nice too much suspence
  • Amma picture
    Amirah is definitely gonna fake a miscarriage with that'll be Fadeel's loss if Aysha miscarriages since Amirah is clearly not getting pregnant anytime soon
  • Mandy-princess picture
    Bad friends . I hope Fadeel's sister exposes Amirah
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